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Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - live tonight on Daystar 830pm est

Watch LIVE - 2010 MAIN EVENT CONFERENCE at Abba's House
Thursday and Friday nights only at 8:30 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)on DAYSTAR!!!

This conference is a 5 day event that started on Tuesday, October 19th and lasts through Saturday, October 23rd.

The Thursday and Friday night services will be aired LIVE from Hixson, TN on DAYSTAR.

if you do not have Daystar on cable you can watch via internet at daystar.com

Email: rapture5770@gmail.com

Re: Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - live tonight on Daystar 830pm est

oh, man! Wish I could see/hear it!

Can someone post back with clif-notes?

Re: Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - to Joyfulheart


what is the reason you can not view on internet
is it because maybe you have dial-up?

never tried this because i have DSL - but on daystar website i found this info - maybe you can setup WIN MEDIA PLAY to view - the screen would be tiny about the size of a postage stamp but least you could hear it.

Q: How do I configure Windows Media Player to improve streaming?
... speed for your Internet connection. Select Modem (56 kbps) or a lower speed if you have a 56k dial-up modem connection. Select DSL/Cable (256 kbps) or a higher speed if you have a high-speed connection ...

Email: rapture5770@gmail.com

Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - live tonight on Daystar 830pm est


Re: Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - live tonight on Daystar 830pm est

Oh man what a powerful message...right up to the point when Perry said 'and whats coming up in the next seven years' ...and then no more connection...

Re: Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - live tonight on Daystar 830pm est

Perry ended on a bit of a cliff hanger and will continue tomorrow night talking about current developments in the middle east among other things. I hope everyone is able to tune in as he is putting some very thought provoking things on the table that are going to effect us all. The image of the "shining figure" in Iraq was particularly spooky and thought provoking if you have read "The Twelfth Imam".


Email: robert@merillat.org

Re: Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - live tonight on Daystar 830pm est





Re: Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - live tonight on Daystar 830pm est

WOW what a message, it's all going down folks. That was a freaky picture at the end.
Is there a part 2 tomorrow?

Re: Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - live tonight on Daystar 830pm est


I saw 45 minutes of it and am going to stay up and watch it AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

I'm in Denver and I think it's at 11pm here!

DON'T miss it if you can help it!

They said you can go to Daystar to see it also......

Re: Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - live tonight on Daystar 830pm est

Just finished watching Perry Stone on Day Star. Very good, talked about how the present government wants to control the food supply, e.g., making it mandatory that famers buy only seed that will not produce inner seed which people could use to replant crops, making backyard gardens illegal, going to tax the farmers on how much dust their tractors produce when they are in the fields (CAP AND TRADE) and one farmer told Perry Stone that if the government does that then it will bankrupt the farmers and the farmers will just stop producing crops, can you say famine and hyperinflation????? Also talked about how several people in the medical field have commented to him (Perry) that the reason so much of the health care laws have been put on hold (everything to be in place by 2017 HMMMMM?) with a chip with all your medical and personal information is that the government wants the older generation to die off because they know that the older people who know the Bible and what is coming will refuse to have any chip put in them as well as the Amish and Orthodox Jews. Also talked about some nurses who have been ordered to "speed up the death of some older patients" through medication or whatever as they cost too much and how a younger generation who is computer and high tech savey and don't know the Bible and what is coming will be much more compliant to having a chip put in them. He showed one chip that was maybe the size of a grain of rice, which is suppose to be made in China, that would be implanted in the forhead or between the thumb and forfinger or between the second and third finger in the web space, of course, right hand. Also this chip over time will break down and the contents they fear will leak into the tissue and cause an open ulcer type sore. My personal belief is that the AC will have the chip in the head, my rationale for that is first of all satan always tries to imatate Yeshua and Yeshua will mark the 144,000 Jewish witness with a mark in their forhead, and Cain was marked in the forhead, second, I have read that when Israel would have the bombings in Israel during the 2nd Infatada, the rescue works would count the heads to get an accurate count of the dead as everyone only has one head. Talked about the coming a/c and how he believes it will be a muslim based on the beheading factor that the Bible tells us the AC will do if you do not take the mark, chip or whatever. They are going to reshow Perry's hour and a half preaching at midnight CST plan to rewatch it as he covers so much material so quickly. Tomorrow night Perry will be talking about what the Rabbi's in Israel are saying and mentioned about 4 things in regards to redemption, same time 7:30PM CST. God's Blessing to one and all.

Email: kagnew4@sbcglobal.net

Re: Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - live tonight on Daystar 830pm est

any link video site to share?

Website: gatewaytoheaven.ning.com/video/the-mahdi-why-iran-is-seeking

Re: Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - live tonight on Daystar 830pm est

just type in "www.daystar.com" and from there to the live feed.

Email: kagnew4@sbcglobal.net

Re: Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - live tonight on Daystar 830pm est

Kagnew thanks for updating us . . very much appreciated.

Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - reairing right now 12noon est

my wife just called and said last night's program is re-airing right now on cable for those that missed it

started at noon EST

Email: rapture5770@gmail.com

Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - feed for dialup

its also on web at daystar.com

when u chick on live stream a promo comes up just click continue to live stream.

Noticed they have an 18k feed for dial-up you can click on for those that do not have DSL


i could not get it to work but maybe it will work for you -

Email: rapture5770@gmail.com

Re: Perry Stone - 2010 Main Event Conference - feed for dialup

Well I'm on Daystar and waiting on part 2! Anyone else watching tonight? I'm ready to do some bible study! How about you?

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