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Word to share

I awwoke this morning at 4 to the word Coptic I felt I was lead to pray for the Coptic Christians in Egypt. Don't know what is going on but feel it's important to get others to join with me in deep prayers for them. They really need help right now.

Thank you and God Bless!


Re: Word to share

Joining you in prayer. What is a "Coptic Christian?"

Email: ryadon@ymail.com

Re: Word to share

The modern use of the term "Coptic" describes Egyptian Christians, as well as the last stage of the ancient Egyptian language script.

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Email: jonathan@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: Word to share

Praying with you B.P. Yes they badly need our prayers, such persecution and danger there for our brothers and sisters. Protect them Father in Jesus name, may they abide under the shadow of your wings.

Re: Word to share

Thank you yeah I kind of was wondering why I woke up at 4 but I have heard of people getting woke up in the middle of the night to pray before. Then this word came to my sprit and I hit my knees in prayer for them, but I had this nagging feeling at work all morning (to let others know to pray) but I only had my cell phone so I asked Jonathan via email to share for me. Thanks so much Jonathan!I read today that a bunch had to flee their homes Monday because the brotherhood was going from house to house terrorizing them because they are blaming the Christians for Morsi being removed from his office. They were afraid to return home and some are now homeless and fearful. They have been there in Egypt for many many years through the visits of Mark there. Their love of Jesus causes them a lot of heartache. We Americans have no idea what some people have to suffer through for their faith. I'm sure all Christians around the world need our prayers as well. Thank you for joining with me I hope that other Christians would pray for us American Christians too if we came under attack we are all part of the body of Christ in the end.

Re: Word to share

with u in spirit bama peach.
i have been praying for them recently too.
i am so proud of them standing up to that tyrannt.
and not allowing the evil forces to decide their fate.

i pray for them to stand up for the truth.
and a great outpouring and renewed strength for the soldiers of christ.
and all who will come to know Him.
egypt does come to accept jesus in the end.
lets hope its sooner rather than later for their sakes.

why did Obama tell them to keep mursi when he is such a tyrnat?
and why is he pretending now that they are not supporting him.
its not over yet.

Re: Word to share

Bama Peach, thanks for posting this. Praying for the Coptic Christians and all the innocent who do not want to be a part of this turmoil, I understand the Islamist are going to go after them full force.
heres an interesting article if anyones interested.
Is Egypt heading for holy war?

Re: Word to share

Thanks for helping me pray I heard another Christian was beheaded today in the news :(

Re: Word to share

I know. It is so sad for them in Egypt. I've been praying for them and all this beheading going on is just straight from hell.

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