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Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

on the way to the Cross, Jesus said: . . "Weep not for Me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children . . ."

Even through His agony, and as unrecognizable as a human being suffering all the beatings, . . look @ the utter selflessness of our dying Lord ~~ all this knowing He had yet to experience the separation from His Father He had not known throughout eternity ~~

His Words (and they were few) to jeering crowds (and to His followers) were never about Himself, but warnings for the people HE was dying for ~

His passion included for the first time to the crowd to 'weep' for the lost, His passionate cry came ~~~from the Lord Who had wiped away many tears with His Healing on earth, was now bearing the sins of the world~

and on the Cross, one of His sayings included: "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do" . .

and so God did forgive those who repented, those near the Cross that day and up to this very day ~~ oh, the immensity of God's forgiveness shall ever be much of God's glorious display ~~ we are fastened and fashioned and declared holy before our God ~~ to worship our God in the freedom of His cherished Gift of salvation ever before Him . . our turn's coming, to gaze on our God and the Risen Lord in His Light of Splendor and Power and Saving Grace ~~

Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

Donna, I can't believe this! I believe this is another confirmation
from the Lord on a thread I just posted. I am almost in tears
with thanksgiving. How Wonderful our Lord is to reveal to us
His Love to an unrepentant World. Thank you So much for
this Post, and Thank you Lord!

Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

Thank you for this lovely post and pic glorifying our Lord who showed so much compassion for the lost souls.
May we never forget all of his benefits and the sacrifices he made on the Cross for each and every one of us.
The gift of Salvation was such a precious gift he gave to us all so that we would be redeemed forever..

Thank you sis, for sharing the verse that touched your heart and your spirit this morning.. You are a blessing here on RITAN.


Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

Oh, that is beautiful Donna, Mornigstar and AngelWings7.
I have had people say things to me like, "But He was God" as in the sense it would have been easier. I have always replied, "HE was the God-man. He came to earth in the flesh to save us from our sins. He didn't have to do that but did the will of the Father."
I never used to understand the love of God when I was much younger. I always envisioned Him as being a wrathful, mean God (probably from my upbringing) as in He couldn't wait to punish me or was just waiting for me to fail on some level and that the axe would fall immediately. I have always feared Him, yet never realized His love for us all. It took me years to learn that He is a loving God.
Can you imagine to fully comprehend that kind of love? We all will soon.

Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

Dearest Shiloh,
You said:

I never used to understand the love of God when I was much younger. I always envisioned Him as being a wrathful, mean God (probably from my upbringing) as in He couldn't wait to punish me or was just waiting for me to fail on some level and that the axe would fall immediately. I have always feared Him, yet never realized His love for us all. It took me years to learn that He is a loving God.
Can you imagine to fully comprehend that kind of love? We all will soon.

I ditto your sentiments.. Thank God that we were set free from this (RCC) mentality.. We are free know and we see the true LOVE that God has for us, not the lies that we were taught that made us feel afraid and we were unable to have a close and personal relationship with God and truly understand what he did on the Cross for our redemption.

God is good and his love is pure and true and the sacrifices he made to set us free forever..
Thank you Jesus, I will always be eternally grateful for all that you did for me and the Body of Christ.

Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

This is beautiful Donna a clear portrait of God's love for us in such clarity. So anointed, thank you Sis.

Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

Angel wings you are such a treasure so loving and kind. That song you posted is perfect to go along with Donna's post and the pictures just wonderful!

Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

You ladies always touch my heart ~~ thank you for embracing with me how our Lord's Sacrifice moved Heaven and earth making it happen we KNOW is pleasing to the Father~~

I have had people say things to me like, "But He was God" as in the sense it would have been easier. I have always replied, "HE was the God-man. He came to earth in the flesh to save us from our sins.

isn't it amazing what men perceive at times, ~ Our God is so unimaginably Supremely Pure and Holy He can't even look on sin ~~ yet He 'took' this evil upon Himself, upon His Pure Person as Man/God utterly emptying Himself from His Throned Glory ~~ Jesus so Pure felt the horror of the entire world's sin we'll never realize, ~~ HE absorbed God's wrath, He took it all for mankind's redemption ~~

Oh, Jesus, You uttered not once a sinful word, nor experienced ever a sinful thought, always selfless and wept over mankind's wickedness . . . Though the strongest evil was bent to tempt You on earth, no sin ever entered Your heart and spirit throughout your life, God's love and Holy inspiration permeated You as you lived here, God with us . . ~~ oh, we believe by Faith, Jesus, You are the eternal Majestic God ~~ ~~~ in Heaven we shall finally see/gaze/ upon You, and be in awe of You, oh Glorious God we've so very much longed for, at last at last caught up where You are ~~

Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

Dearest Rita May,
My sister in Christ, you are so sweet and kind thank you for your thoughtful words.
It is not me, it is God working through me. He lives in me and thank goodness for this, because I fall short every time.
I would be lost in the wilderness without my Lord Jesus Christ...

So glad you enjoyed the worship song that the Lord led me to post on Donna's lovely and adoring thread in honor of what the Lord has done for us all at the Cross in Calvary.

Hugs your way...

P.S. Rita, did you see the special pic I posted for you in "Its Time" Donna's post?

Jesus loves you and so do I...

Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

Angel wings7 dear sis yes I saw the beautiful picture you sent me. I know it was from the Lord because it had a butterfly on it. That is my symbol from a dream the Lord gave me a long time ago. I saved the picture it is very special to me. Thank you! Love you!

Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

Amen, my dear sisters.

Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

Thank you Dear Sis , for this post . This thread also is very tender , full of love . Thank you Church That Watches .
Heading for Home soon , we do not have long here .
Our Savior is coming for us.
hugs to all of you today , bonbell

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

isn't it so, dear ones ~~~ as believers, we are all growing here, with greater 'fascination' desiring greater passion for Jesus, huh~

. . Jesus is beautiful ~~ I'm thinking of king David, the great warrior for Israel displaying much of the time his top priority going after God's Heart ~~ David wanted to see God's beauty ~

Psalm 27:4 . . "One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. . "

~ David wanted to know God's 'feelings' His emotions, His Heart, His beauty !!

God promises HE will stir His saved with awe unto Him ~~ and so He has. "In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious" . .Isaiah 4:2 .

. we're nearly HOME, where we shall be fully engrossed in Jesus, causing our spirits to be overwhelmingly exhilarated! So like God to show off His Holiness satisfying mankind's longings and yearnings for Jesus!

Our hearts were made to enjoy God ~~ we were made to gaze on His Beauty ~~ I'm thinking of the seraphim who continuously cry out: Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty ~~ imagine our awe at the wonder of our God ~~ HE is wonder-ful!! ~~our God is amazingly beautiful!

worshipping our God is forever~~ we shall be in awe and fascinated with only Him increasingly ~~ never ending!! Breathtaking inheritance has been given the children of God!

oh, to see His splendor, magnificence, and glory . . all else is dull compared to His beauty ~~ can't wait!

Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

Glory , Glory ! Hallelujah !
Christ is Coming !
His Reward is with Him !
Jesus King of Kings !
Lord of Lords !
Wonderful God !
Holy and Righteous !
Eternal Father !
Bless you Dear Saints !!!
and see you soon , bb

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

Re: Luke 23:28 ~~ thinking on this verse this morning~

Glory , Glory ! Hallelujah !
Christ is Coming !
His Reward is with Him !
Jesus King of Kings !
Lord of Lords !
Wonderful God !
Holy and Righteous !
Eternal Father ! - Bonbell

I LOVE these words - all of them. I could meditate on them 24/7.

They move my soul, make my spirit soar, bring tears to my eyes!

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