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Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

This makes me so mad! I'm ready for fire and lightning to come down from Heaven. I posted the article on facebook, and one of the libertarian guys I have on my friends list told me that you can't really judge, it's complicated. I told him it wasn't complicated, its wrong, except I was shouting.

After having walked in on a family 'friend' molesting my daughter...and then sending the guy to prison, I can attest that it definitely is harmful. I'm convinced it opens many people to demonic influence, and imprints on them the type of person they're attracted to for life. Especially when this happens to little boys, many times it seems like they want to grow up and do the same to other little boys.

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

Sparkles, I could not email you because my mail client is not set up for a link like that. :(

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

Sparkles>> "What idiot is actually helping sex offenders to get "rights"?"

Probably the same type of deviant that does the same thing. This nauseates me to no end.

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

Perhaps Today
Sparkles, I could not email you because my mail client is not set up for a link like that. :(

Mine said the same thing when I tried to email Morningstar!

Email: ryadon@ymail.com

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

It sickens me too - and God more!

God help our children!!!

If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

No! No! and No! Totally disgusting!!

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

Leenie & Sparkles..And now you are Washed by His Blood, and
nothing or no one can separate you from Him, not even horrific
events in our past. God Bless you Both. Love you Much!

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

Amen, Morningstar! I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't asked Jesus into my heart as my Savior as a teenager.

Love you, too, sis!

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

My father was a preacher. A very loving father and has been described as the closest thing to Jesus on this earth. I'm not sure I would go so far as to say that, after all he was human but he was a wonderful man!

To those of you who have expressed having a troubled past, I cannot relate with you but feel so deeply for you. I am so glad you have taken Jesus in to do what healing can be done here on earth. I'm saving each of you a special hug for our reunion - which is coming up VERY soon by the way

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

I agree, TMH. Even experts who deal with these people say they cannot be rehabilitated and the perpetrators themselves admit that in most cases. Would you or I allow our child or a another innocent victim to be around a child molestor and to to be alone or even want them to have to see that person? I think not. My job is to protect the innocents. If someone thinks I'm erring on that end, then so be it. Sometimes, I think people believe that forgiveness is sweeping it all under the rug and "let's just go back to normal." When we are told to forgive, that isn't what is meant. It means leave it in the Hands of God and He will carry out justice. It doesn't mean making someone a victim all over again.

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

Absolutely disgusting.

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

The minds of these people are sick, disgusting and insane! God help them!!!

God please come quickly there is not much more of this I can take...

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

I agree, Servant!
AW7, I am so sorry and I know this is a serious thread... but I laughed so hard at that emoticon you posted. Isn't that exactly what you feel like?... Banging your head into the computer?

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

Yes, it is definitely a serious issue and topic on this thread. That is why I reacted like I did.. I guess you can say I am angry and it's inconceivable and unfathomable these evil acts that are happening before us.

In my mind, as I was reading this thread, I said out loud to God, Oh no God, this cannot be happening right?

These people are insane with no moral compass and no God! They Just have down right, plain evil mindsets that do not have Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Like what's next? I just want to go home so badly, for this is not my home. I do not belong here anymore. May God's will be done on earth like it is in Heaven. Amen!

Jesus please come quickly...

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

Ugh. This makes me want to throw up. Humanity is going down the drain.

I believe God will include children in the rapture. However, do you guys think the people left behind will be able to procreate? I can't bear the thought of children being born during the tribulation and being molested by these sickos.

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

the liberal ACLU recenly sued the O administration , where are they for children ?
No rights for child abusers !
Perverts , molesters !
SODOM , we have passed it up , for sure

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

Re: Farewell USA! - Hello SODOM !!

This world is SICK & DEPRAVED!!!!!

Come Jesus Come!!!!

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