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Re: Underground

Nah, don't think of this as the underground. Just a more civilized place to come and shoot the breeze or talk about RVs.

If you live in an RV, you are a fulltimer. Now whether that makes you an RVer is another story! Lots of folks fulltime and work at the same time Willie. I think a bigger rig would make you feel better, but I understand about the tools etc.

BTW, it appears that someone is deleting posts on the RVABB. Someone was not happy with me there today and it went away. It was an anonymous post. I think it is a good idea to 86 the anonymous ones. If you don't have the cajones to sign your name, you don't deserve time on the forum. It doesn't bother me to have folks be unhappy with me, but it does bother me when they do an anonymous post. If you feel strongly enough to comment on a person, you should be man/woman enough to let folks know who you are.


Re: Underground

Willie, I haven't given up completely on RVAmerica BBS, but until the new software is up, I'm, at best, a lurker rather than a participant.

We just agreed to purchase an RV lot in central Florida, east of Lakeland. It has a shed (air conditioned with bathroom) that will make a great workshop. We'll probably move our residence to FL even while keeping the house in MD for family reasons. For some reason we are, unlike John and Libby, not going to try complete full-timing. Some want it, some don't, and we're in the don't category even though I look with a degree of envy at fulltimers like the Veachs. I, too, need tools and a workbench and some place to shape some wood and metal and cut my fingers.

BTW, we'll be in San Antonio about mid-April. Save some good weather for us.

dutch souder

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Thanks for the invitation. Is this the underground? Here's what's puzzling, why didn't Don(RVABB) simply delete the bad nasty posts, and also the phony names and addresses? Seems to me that without broad participation in the BB, his whole program will die. But then, I'm not the expert. I'm still trying to figure if I'm fulltiming. I am living in a motorhome,...... but still working. I gotta tell you, the novelty of it has worn thin. I need my garage, and tools, and boat. I've figured out that fulltiming is for retired people. Except that there's some of us that still have to have a foundation house, with a garage. I guess Dutch and Melba are good examples. We plan to make San Antone our base, it's more central. Right now I'm in El Paso, going to Lowes 'cause Betty Sue wants to show me some kitchen layouts for our proposed new home in San Antone. AND/BUT, I don't mean to imply that she's going to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, she also wants me to look at some other stuff....for her office.

Hello to everyone.
