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Re: Biehn not at the 2004 oscars

Maybe he had something better to do...shovel snow, wash windows, change a light bulb

Re: Re: Biehn not at the 2004 oscars

what can be more better than going to the oscars? than walking that long red carpet? than being interviewed by joan and melissa rivers? than by being seen on E! tv? than by seeing by millions around the world on ABC? than sitting in the front row next to jack nicholson? than being there to showcase your career infront of many A-list stars, producers, writers, directors, and agents? than by presenting an award on the show? What could possibly be better than all of this? what could have biehn possibly had to do last night that was better than to be there at the oscars? because whatever you tell me, your excuse will be just as lame as his man!