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Ok....I've done the PAYPAL thing, started in June...and still have not seen a

single dime in my paypal's the beginning of September now! I've looked

far and wide on how to make some cash on the internet and finally found one that

looks good and have read so many testimonials about how reliable they are!

The company is called Studio Traffic and basically, they pay you to surf websites

at 1% everyday
of what you put into it!! You can sign up for free at:

Now to start out StudioTraffic will give you a free $10 account level to start

with. Then, all you need to do is log into your account, click on the Surf STV

button, and watch. A new window will open for you, and show you advertiser’s web

sites, on a 20-second timer (it's automatic too!). Once you have viewed your

allocated number of sites, you will be credited with 1% of your account level. With

a free account, that’s $0.10 a day!

It’s that easy.

You can also choose to upgrade your account to earn even more! So what you earn for

the month, you can compound into the next...your account will grow as well as your

daily earnings! Remember that there is NO OBLIGATION TO PAY ANYTHING,EVER. Use Surf

STV as long as you wish, for free. You can earn between $0.10 up to $150 a day,

depending on your account level, for about an hour of surfing. I have signed under

a sponsor who is currently at the $5000 level and is pocketing $2,000 per month

along with her referrals(At first I thought she was exaggerating...but, was

actually telling the truth)!! It's amazing...a lot of good talk about this program!

It does PAY!!!

I'm just trying to help out those who whould like to earn a legitimate and steady

income without the SCAM! Believe me, I've been down that road...especially with the

PAYPAL program!!

If any questions, just go to the site above and into the
forum area. There are plenty of members willing to supply you with answers as well

as their success stories!