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Re: another look at the timeline

Taureauchien, your logical feelings would appear to be very possible. I would have to concur with your opinion. Thank you for posting. I take it you are from Europe, possibly France or Belgium with such a strong and adorable French name. Welcome and don't be a stranger.

Watching with you

Email: tparbar@gmail.com

Re: another look at the timeline

Thanks all for the welcoming

Actually Tom i'm from Florida (Tampa)
I have a bulldog and wanted an unique name.
....sooo I came up with this.
Not really even sure it's a proper translation, I just liked how I put it together
(doggy doesnt mind either)

I thought about making this its own thread,(not about the name....I mean the timeline topic) because I was curious about peoples thoughts on this...and so I dont hijack the thread.
interested in what you all think about this.
So I'm gonna start her up

Re: another look at the timeline

I knew it!!!!! I am a corgichien mere in Sarasota so, we have lots to talk about.

Re: another look at the timeline

Here is something I've wondered about for a while.

Why does the trib need to start on any certain day?
Especially a feast day?

Just my opinion....not based on any fact


great point and you are correct to wonder why!
The number counts were meant for the tribulation saints and Jewish believers only to give them hope.

For the pre-trib saints we were given progressive revelation based on the book of Daniel as well as recent events in history.
Daniel directs us to the 63rd Shavuah and the "midst of the week" concept. The accuracy lends itself to the 7th month and possibly to the "midst of the month" at best without projecting into the future for specific day dates.
It's "the midst of the week" people should focus on: Tishri 5771 thru Tishri 5777. the 7th month (midst of the month) is as close as you can get to ANY dating of Daniel's final Shavuah...

all you really need is the envelope anyway then you work backwards to determine the wiggle room remaining.


Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

Re: another look at the timeline

bumping for music man...I do not have time to read all of this right now but will bookmark it for reading later...thank you for all your information and hard work...

Re: another look at the timeline

Guys, this is really starting to bubble up now in my spirit... and it is right upon us!!!

If you compare the gospels of Matthew ,Mark, Luke, and John, you will see that the first three actually give the account of the transfiguration. You will notice though that John only mentions that the disciples go up to the mountain with Jesus but doesn't actually give the account of what happened. But John gave the time it happened in the previous chapter. This is where the disciples went up to the feast of Tabernacles and Jesus went up later in disguise.

Compare the following transfiguration verses:

Mat 17:2 And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.

Mar 9:2 And after six days Jesus taketh [with him] Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them.

Luk 9:29 And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment [was] white [and] glistering.

The gospel of John doesn't have this account. It only says:

Jhn 7:2 Now the Jews' feast of tabernacles was at hand.

Jhn 7:10 ¶ But when his brethren were gone up, then went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret.

Jhn 8:1 ¶ Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.

You can read the account of the feast of tabernacles in John 7 for yourself and then notice Jesus goes up to the Mount of Olives right after the feast. In fact He is transfigured on the last day of the feast, also known as "Last Great Day"

The Rapture/Tabernacles/You, a priest?

Shemini Atzeret means "The Assembly of the Eight Day" and takes place on Tishri 22-23, sunset September 29, 2010 - nightfall September 30, 2010

3 days until Shemini Atzeret

'On the eighth day the Lord will appear to you'; Now that really caught my attention.

Eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles, which is really a day of it's own importance, would be Sept. 30th!

It also caught my attention that this week is 10 years from the start of the 2nd Intifada ('you will have tribulation 10 days' is the phrase that comes to mind)

Sept. 29, 2010 - Confirming of the covenant - Rapture of the Church - Day of Sudden destruction (war of gog/magog begins for 40 days) - 1260 day count to the abomination of desolation begins
Nov. 8, 2010 - War of gog/magog ends - cleansing of the land begins for 210 days
June 6, 2011 - Temple is completed - cleansing of the land is completed - Beginning of the 2300 days
June 8-9, 2011 - First sacrifice in the new temple on Pentecost
March 12, 2014 - antichrist enters the temple and causes all sacrificing to cease - Sets up abomination of desolation - 1290 day count to antichrist's destruction on Rosh Hashanah begins
Aug. 23, 2017 - Elul 1 - first day of the 30 days of mourning - Sign of the Son of man appers in the heavens - End of the seven years or 2520 days of the tribulation - Return of the bride and the Bridegroom
Sept. 22, 2017 - Rosh Hashanah - Destruction of the antichrist and false prophet in the lake of fire - Beginning of the 10 days of Awe - temple cleansed after 2300 days
Sept. 30, 2017 - Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) - all Israel is saved
Oct. 5, 2017 - Feast of Tabernacles - God dwells with us

God fulfills the last 3 feasts in sequence. I might add a note here for those that think the feasts should have been completed during the 70th week of Daniel or the 2520 days. The first 69 weeks ended on the day the Passover week began, Palm Sunday. None of those feasts took place during the 69 weeks, so it is completely plausible that the other feasts would not be fulfilled during the 70th week.
I hope this encourages you to continue waiting on your Blessed Hope.
Until we meet in His arms.

Musicman timeline fits well with this too

on April 22, 2009:

...I heard, "5, 6, 7, JESUS!" as Noah's Ark closed with a bang!

...Okay, this is crazy!

...I was in the kitchen cleaning up from lunch when I suddenly got
...a splitting headache! So I quickly got the rest of the food in the
...fridge while cringing in pain, and then layed down with a pillow
...over my head (my "do not disturb" sign)

...Well, anyway, about five minutes after laying down, I heard
..."5, 6, 7, JESUS!" in my head. This kept repeating over and
...over..."5, 6, 7, JESUS!" And with each "JESUS", I saw the
...door of Noah's Ark being shut with a loud "BANG". So I heard
..."JESUS" and "BANG" at the same time.

...Any ideas about the "5, 6, 7"? I really don't know. I've still got a
...pretty bad headache, but I just HAD to come post this and see
...what y'all think. I'll check back in a bit!

According to the above vision,

It most likely reads as

5 - 5th day of Sukkot, Tabernacles
6 - 6th day of Sukkot, Tabernacles
7 - 7th day of Sukkot, Tabernacles ...


Website: www.scribd.com/full/37731382?access_key=key-1q5966u32ow317kxbu90

Re: another look at the timeline


Thanks for highlighting it to us!

I'm still hopeful for a 2010 rapture!!

Re: another look at the timeline


with all these clues it can't be far off now!
many thanks to Musicman for his timeline... his runs about a month earlier than Dan's!

Wow, it gets harder and harder to imagine WHY we are not getting the day right when we miss? If the Lord is keeping the day hidden it's only because He wants to surprise us!
And how would He surprise us? By us thinking we have the correct day set and then He comes BEFORE then!

That'd be my GUESS


Website: www.scribd.com/full/37731382?access_key=key-1q5966u32ow317kxbu90

Re: another look at the timeline


with all these clues it can't be far off now!
many thanks to Musicman for his timeline... his runs about a month earlier than Dan's!

Wow, it gets harder and harder to imagine WHY we are not getting the day right when we miss? If the Lord is keeping the day hidden it's only because He wants to surprise us!
And how would He surprise us? By us thinking we have the correct day set and then He comes BEFORE then!

That'd be my GUESS


mmm, agree!

for instance, just like there were numerous times in the past when i had properly planned my day or week in advance, somehow or rather, i would find myself having to make a few changes on the way. and these little surprises just came out of nowhere, catching me off guard. so it did not always follow through exactly what i had planned ahead.

yeah, who knows jesus may come for us earlier than expected!

Re: another look at the timeline

Musicman what a wonderful concept! Reverse Engineering!

I Love It!!! Then when I saw all your scriptures and date calculations I said to myself--More Homework!!!

I love the RITA Higher Learning class!! You just get an A+ for this fine work on the chalkboard!!!

Now give me a few days to go over it and I will let you know what I think!

I have a good feeling about your timeline!!! It just may give me some more missing clues!!!

Thanks Musicman for joining the band and knowing how to master the instrument of prophecy well!!

Re: another look at the timeline

Wonderful and exciting musicman.

Rapture not happening on RH was a real downer. I kept thinking it has to be RH because of the TRUMP mentioned in 1Cor 15 and 1Thes4.

But maybe Paul meant the Last Trump on the Last great Feast day.

The day that Our Savior stood up at the festival and offered himself as Food and Drink to the people.

Come to think of it in the Gospels themselves is RH ever cited or mentioned???

All others are, even the feast of Dedication or Hanuka.

YSIC Carolyn

Email: cfb625@yahoo.com

Re: another look at the timeline

Sept. 29, 2010 - Confirming of the covenant - Rapture of the Church - Day of Sudden destruction (war of gog/magog begins for 40 days) - 1260 day count to the abomination of desolation begins
Nov. 8, 2010 - War of gog/magog ends - cleansing of the land begins for 210 days
June 6, 2011 - Temple is completed - cleansing of the land is completed - Beginning of the 2300 days
June 8-9, 2011 - First sacrifice in the new temple on Pentecost
March 12, 2014 - antichrist enters the temple and causes all sacrificing to cease - Sets up abomination of desolation - 1290 day count to antichrist's destruction on Rosh Hashanah begins
Aug. 23, 2017 - Elul 1 - first day of the 30 days of mourning - Sign of the Son of man appers in the heavens - End of the seven years or 2520 days of the tribulation - Return of the bride and the Bridegroom
Sept. 22, 2017 - Rosh Hashanah - Destruction of the antichrist and false prophet in the lake of fire - Beginning of the 10 days of Awe - temple cleansed after 2300 days
Sept. 30, 2017 - Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) - all Israel is saved
Oct. 5, 2017 - Feast of Tabernacles - God dwells with us

God fulfills the last 3 feasts in sequence. I might add a note here for those that think the feasts should have been completed during the 70th week of Daniel or the 2520 days. The first 69 weeks ended on the day the Passover week began, Palm Sunday. None of those feasts took place during the 69 weeks, so it is completely plausible that the other feasts would not be fulfilled during the 70th week.
I hope this encourages you to continue waiting on your Blessed Hope.
Until we meet in His arms.

Musicman I noticed that this could effect the timing by about a month... have a look

the Jewish calendar is ONE MONTH LATE from March 2016 through March 2017!

The good news is that we are in the correct month this year, 2010 and no adjustment is needed.

Let me know how this affects the outcome

Website: www.scribd.com/full/37731382?access_key=key-1q5966u32ow317kxbu90

Re: another look at the timeline

i am now waiting for the new moon and full moon in october to see if anything gonna happen

Re: another look at the timeline


And how would He surprise us? By us thinking we have the correct day set and then He comes BEFORE then!

That'd be my GUESS

I like that!!!

Re: another look at the timeline

Sept. 29, 2010 - Confirming of the covenant - Rapture of the Church - Day of Sudden destruction (war of gog/magog begins for 40 days) - 1260 day count to the abomination of desolation begins
Nov. 8, 2010 - War of gog/magog ends - cleansing of the land begins for 210 days

I'm not sure how the Gog and Magog War will last for 40 days. Sure it will take some time to gather the armies, but God is going to wipe them out in one fell swoop before they can attack Israel. I think it makes more sense that there will be two wars back to back.

Email: amy@trackingbibleprophecy.org

Website: www.trackingbibleprophecy.org

Re: another look at the timeline

Here is my order of events, based on the assumption that things will progress rapidly after the rapture:

• A global push for peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians will continue until the rapture, because God has made Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all people (Zechariah 12:2-3).

• The rapture will be a “sudden destruction” upon the inhabitants of the earth, with the instant disappearance of millions of souls. Possible physical ramification of that miracle could include such things as earthquakes or cosmic disturbances. The “sudden destruction” will come at a time when the world is saying “peace and safety” (1 Thessalonians 5:3). World leaders have been amazingly quoting this prophetic passage in their push for peace talks. That being said, I think it is possible, if not likely, that the rapture will occur during a time of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

• After the “sudden destruction” and removal of the Holy Spirit via the rapture of the Church, evil will become unrestrained (2 Thessalonians 2:7). Israel’s number one ally, the U.S., and any lesser allies, will likely be crippled in the aftermath of the “sudden destruction” of the rapture. Israel’s Muslim neighbors could take this as being a sign from their god, Allah, and seize the opportunity to attack Israel.

• The war that ensues would fulfill the “Great Middle East War” found in Psalm 83 - Isaiah 17 - Jeremiah 47-49 - Ezekiel 35-36 - Joel 1:13-20 - Amos 1-2 – Obadiah - Zephaniah 2 - Zechariah 9-11. Interestingly, Psalm 83:3 suggests that Israel’s neighbors are taking action against God himself. That is, they will make a “crafty counsel” against His people and His “hidden ones”, as it reads in the King James and Young’s Literal Translations. The “hidden ones”, I’m believe are likely the raptured Church, who are hidden during the Tribulation, as we see in Psalm 27:5, Isaiah 26:20-21, and Zephaniah 2:3. In other words, it appears that the attack from Israel’s immediate neighbors will come after and in light of the rapture. There are some prophetic patterns that also suggest that the rapture occurs near the beginning of this war posted in this thread: http://pub48.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=4086901292&frmid=13&msgid=1020421&cmd=show

• The countries that will attack Israel in the “Great Middle East War” are: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, with the “tents of Edom”, aka the Palestinians, leading the pack (Psalm 83). Isaiah 17 suggests that there is a huge loss of life on the Israeli side. Since there is no obvious structural damage depicted in this war, I would suspect that chemical weapons would be the weapon of choice used by Israel’s enemies in the attack.

• I imagine that Israel will not hold back in retaliation to a major chemical attack. Rumor has it, that if Israel feels like they are doomed to another Holocaust, they are prepared to unleash what has been called the “Samson Option”. In other words, they will use full force to take out their enemies if they feel threatened to the point of annihilation. The passages describing this war, in the Old Testament prophets, suggest this is the scenario that occurs.

• Israel’s neighbors would be effectively neutralized, if not mostly obliterated. The collateral damage will reach Sudan, western Iraq (Ethiopia/Cush and Nineveh - Zephaniah 2) and western Iran (Elam - Jeremiah 49). Both Sudan and Iran are listed as part of the Gog horde in Ezekiel 38. Iran has already promised retaliation if Israel strikes, so it would not surprise me if the Ezekiel War follows on the heels of the Great Middle East War. What is interesting about western Iran is that the recently activated Bushehr nuclear power plant resides there. It was predicted by many respected individuals, that Israel would preemptively strike this nuclear site before it went live. But Israel did not strike as thought. Perhaps, the site is a target, should Israel release the “Sampson Option”, and that is why western Iran will be destroyed in the Great Middle East War.

• “Isralestine” author, Bill Salus, believes that Egypt is involved in the Great Middle East War. Salus says that the Amalekites and Hagarites in Psalm 83 represent Egypt. I could not find solid evidence for this. On ancient Bible maps, Amalek was located on the current Israel-Egypt border. From the sources I could find, the Hagarites were thought to have settled in Jordan and Arabia. Also, there is no specific mention of Egypt being involved in the Great Middle East War, or the land to the Nile (i.e. the Sinai Peninsula) being reclaimed at that time. From all indications it appears the long standing peace treaty will stand through the Great Middle East War. On top of that, it appears that Egypt plays a major role as the “king of the south” in Daniel 11, warring against the antichrist (the “king of the north”) at the midpoint of the Tribulation.

• Israel’s borders greatly expand after the Great Middle East War (Jeremiah 49:1-2, Obadiah 1:19-21 and Zephaniah 2:9). With the U.S. recently leaving Iraq, I would imagine things could get chaotic there unless a real leader steps us. If the rapture occurs soon, with the Great Middle East war occurring in the wake, I imagine the political borders of the Middle East will change overnight. Scripture is specific that Israel’s borders will engulf most of the land of the players in Psalm 83, except for Saudi Arabia. Western Iraq, western Iran, and Sudan receive collateral damage, but do not become part of Israel. Also, since Egypt isn’t clearly said to be in this war, until I can prove it to myself otherwise, I’m leaving Sinai as a question mark in the land expansion.

• With the U.S. pulling out of Iraq, I suspect that country is going to become unstable. It would not surprise me if the leadership collapses, especially if there is nuclear war in the Middle East. A strong leader will have to step in quick, because we know that Iraq will become a great and prosperous nation during the Tribulation (Revelation 18). As you will find in my “Nationality of the Antichrist” study, I would suspect that whoever rises as a leader over Iraq, will come out of the Middle East; probably from a neighboring country to Israel and not necessarily from Iraq. He could be someone currently prominent or behind the scenes. I'm not going make a guess of who it might be. This rising leader would make peace with Israel in the fall out of the Great Middle East War. In other words, I believe this new leader of Iraq will become the antichrist who confirms the covenant of peace with Israel.

• I’m beginning to think that the confirmed covenant is not the peace agreement the world has been trying to push for. It makes more sense, in light of the Great Middle East War, that the covenant that is confirmed is actually the covenant that God made with Abraham, concerning the land (Genesis 15:18-20). I would imagine that after unleashing nuclear war on her neighbors, Israel is going to be in a very vulnerable position against the rest of the world. The peace covenant would be considered a “covenant with death”(Isaiah 28:14-22), because Israel will make an agreement with the antichrist, rather than trust that God will keep them safe and secure. In other words, I suspect that the antichrist and many other nations will agree to let Israel keep the land they conquered, in exchange for disarmament for peace, after the nuclear war in the Middle East. The borders would be similar to what Israel had under David’s reign in the Old Testament (Jeremiah 49:1-2, Obadiah 1:19-21 and Zephaniah 2:9). That being said, if the borders extend as far as David’s reign, is would cover the Sinai Peninsula and support Bill Salus’ conclusions.

• The antichrist is known as the King of Assyria (Isaiah 10, 14, 19, 31 & Micah 5) and the King of the North (Daniel 11:40-45). The antichrist’s global capitol will be Babylon (Revelation 18). I could see that for the interim period before the start of his global conquest (Daniel 11), the antichrist would rule over what could be called “New Assyria”, with its capital being “New Babylon”. Here is a suggested map of what the Middle East might look like after the Great Middle East War and peace agreement:

• The prerequisites for the “Gog and Magog War” will be in place at this point in time, assuming the above scenario pans out. They are:

1. The Jews will return from exile to the mountains of Israel (Ezekiel 38:8 & 12)
2. They will be living securely in Israel (Ezekiel 38:8 & 11)
3. They will have returned from the sword (Ezekiel 38:8)
4. The Jews and the land of Israel will have great wealth (Ezekiel 38:8 & 12-13)
5. The land east of the Dead Sea will be included in Israel's borders (Ezekiel 39:11-12)

• I’d like to make a quick note about the great wealth that Israel will have. No doubt the increase in the size of their real estate alone will dramatically increase their wealth. Joel Rosenberg predicts that the one thing that could really make Israel’s wealth dramatically increase would be if they found oil. There have been rumors over the past few years that Israel had found a large amount of oil. But it was just this past week (August 2010), that Israel is said to have discovered enough oil that they could become an exporter of it.

• Israel is predicted to be living at peace with her neighbors (“New Assyria”, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt), with a likely blessing on the deal from most of the Western nations. The scriptures say they will be “dwelling safely”. The word in the original Hebrew for dwelling safely can have a meaning of feeling safe, but not necessarily being safe. Just a thought here, but if disarmament of Israel is in the peace deal, then Israel may feel safe having a covenant made with her neighbors, but in reality the antichrist and the many are paving the way for the next war. In other words, the antichrist and "the many" will be saying to Israel: “Sure take the land and build your Temple”, while they are thinking “you will not be able to defend yourself against the rest of the Muslim nations that are chomping at the bit to wipe you off the map, especially since you laid your weapons down”.

• Ezekiel 38-39 says that Russia and the remaining Islamic nations in the region form a confederacy against Israel. Apparently, they are not going to be among the “many” (Daniel 9:27) that confirm the covenant brokered by the antichrist. Russia will hesitantly be drawn into the war, probably because of their alliances they have been making with Iran, Sudan and Libya over the last several years. However, if Israel has plenty of spoils for the taking (i.e. oil), it won’t take too much coaxing for Russia to lead the way.

• During the Gog and Magog War, God will be revealing Himself again to the Jews. Ezekiel 40-48, shows that God will restore their Old Covenant relationship. This means that they will demand to build a Temple; the one outlined for them in Ezekiel. This also shows that they will still not believe their Messiah has come yet, which won’t happen until the second half of the Tribulation week. We have no idea at what point the Temple will be built, except that it must be standing by the middle of the Tribulation, in order for the antichrist to defile it. Because the covenant is broken by the Temple being defiled, it is likely that the permission to build it will be in the covenant itself. There is a notion based on John 5:43, that the Jews will initially accept the antichrist as their Messiah, before understanding the Truth. Because many Jews believe that the Messiah will build the Temple in the Kingdom age, based on Zechariah 6:13, it is quite possible the antichrist will help to construct the Temple in the first part of the Tribulation, if Israel is given permission in the covenant to build it. Perhaps, the covenant confirmed by the antichrist with Israel will include a disarmament agreement in exchange for permission to rebuild the Jewish Temple.

• In addition, there are some Jews who believe that after the war in Ezekiel 38-39 is fulfilled, they will be able to build their Temple. This is because Ezekiel is widely viewed as being chronological and Ezekiel 40 and beyond is about a future Jewish Temple. If this is true, and the Ezekiel War is the same war described in the Seal Judgments of Revelation 6, then the third Temple will not be built until sometime into the first half of the Tribulation.

• The Tribulation will have started, and the Seal Judgments will have been released during the Gog and Magog War. There may be a time of “relative peace”, at least for Israel, until the antichrist is given full dominion at the middle of the Tribulation. However, there is no doubt that the consequences of the Seal Judgments will continue on and become worse, following the pattern of birth pangs increasing in frequency and intensity.

• Jesus tell us the last three and a half years will be “Great Tribulation” (Matthew 24:21). For this reason and others, I believe the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments will be executed during the last half of the Tribulation. I discussed this here: http://pub48.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=4086901292&frmid=13&msgid=1020345&cmd=show

• In the middle of the Tribulation, the antichrist will be given dominion over all but the protected Jewish remnant, who will have escaped to Jordan. The antichrist will spend the last three and a half years on a global conquest and destroy all who don’t bow the knee to him.

• All the nations will gather for war at the end of the Tribulation. What starts as a campaign presumably against the antichrist, is turned by demonic forces in an alliance with the antichrist against Christ (Revelation 16:12-16).

• Christ returns, destroys all His enemies, and sets up His Millennial Kingdom.

Ok, here’s the run down on the order of events as I see them (note the #1-4 could occur within a matter of a day or two with #5 right on the heels of the confirming of the covenant):

1. Rapture of the Church
2. The Great Middle East War
3. Confirmation of God’s land covenant made with Abraham
4. Tribulation begins
5. Gog and Magog War and fulfillment of the Seal Judgments
6. “Relative peace” until the antichrist is given dominion
7. The antichrist sets out to conquer the world
8. The Trumpet and Bowl Judgments cover the last half of the Tribulation
9. Jesus Returns after the last Bowl Judgment

Email: amy@trackingbibleprophecy.org

Website: www.trackingbibleprophecy.org

Re: another look at the timeline

Let me slap some dates to my timeline to show how quick it could all come together:

Sept 29/30 Rapture = Sudden Destruction
Sept 30 - Crafty counsel of muslims - Attack on Israel within a day or so (Psalm 83 War)
Oct 9/10 - Peace Agreement signed - confirmation of Abrahamic covenant
30 days for Gog and Magog armies to gather for war
Nov 8 - God destroys Gog and armies
+1260 days to Firstfruits 2014
+1260 days to Atonement 2017
+30 days to Chesvan 10/11 - natural end to 7 year calendar w/leap months?
+45 days to Chanukah

Email: amy@trackingbibleprophecy.org

Website: www.trackingbibleprophecy.org

Re: another look at the timeline


So glad you finally jumped in and started posting

Email: Armageddon.thru.to.you@gmail.com

BUMP my question for Musicman

Sept. 29, 2010 - Confirming of the covenant - Rapture of the Church - Day of Sudden destruction (war of gog/magog begins for 40 days) - 1260 day count to the abomination of desolation begins
Nov. 8, 2010 - War of gog/magog ends - cleansing of the land begins for 210 days
June 6, 2011 - Temple is completed - cleansing of the land is completed - Beginning of the 2300 days
June 8-9, 2011 - First sacrifice in the new temple on Pentecost
March 12, 2014 - antichrist enters the temple and causes all sacrificing to cease - Sets up abomination of desolation - 1290 day count to antichrist's destruction on Rosh Hashanah begins
Aug. 23, 2017 - Elul 1 - first day of the 30 days of mourning - Sign of the Son of man appers in the heavens - End of the seven years or 2520 days of the tribulation - Return of the bride and the Bridegroom
Sept. 22, 2017 - Rosh Hashanah - Destruction of the antichrist and false prophet in the lake of fire - Beginning of the 10 days of Awe - temple cleansed after 2300 days
Sept. 30, 2017 - Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) - all Israel is saved
Oct. 5, 2017 - Feast of Tabernacles - God dwells with us

God fulfills the last 3 feasts in sequence. I might add a note here for those that think the feasts should have been completed during the 70th week of Daniel or the 2520 days. The first 69 weeks ended on the day the Passover week began, Palm Sunday. None of those feasts took place during the 69 weeks, so it is completely plausible that the other feasts would not be fulfilled during the 70th week.
I hope this encourages you to continue waiting on your Blessed Hope.
Until we meet in His arms.

Musicman I noticed that this could effect the timing by about a month... have a look

the Jewish calendar is ONE MONTH LATE from March 2016 through March 2017!

The good news is that we are in the correct month this year, 2010 and no adjustment is needed.

Let me know how you think this affects the outcome. Typically one would just add in the extra month at the beginning of the Week but your scenario won't allow for this?


Website: www.scribd.com/full/37731382?access_key=key-1q5966u32ow317kxbu90

Re: another look at the timeline

today is the 29th

Email: srichards@cox.net

Re: another look at the timeline

It's almost Sept.30 in Israel. I'm not sure when sunset is, but any minute now. I believe this would be the time of the rapture IF it were on the last day of Tabernacles.... but who knows!

Email: 1thes4.16@gmail.com

Website: www.conditionalsalvation.com

Re: another look at the timeline

today is the 29th

The date 9/29 is figured from the dark of the new moon. This could be a two day window because some figure the beginning of the month to be based on the first sighting of the crescent of the moon.

I am not giving up until Oct. 2nd. If this date comes and goes, then I will join the ranks of great researchers here on RITA, such as FM Riley, CJ, nd many others who have set dates just to have them pass by without incident.

The bottom line is this: We are extremely close to the rapture, so close in fact that its ridiculous to try to nail it down anymore. Remember, there is no crown for guessing the right date for the rapture. The crown is given for watching. My research proves that I'm watching.

Re: another look at the timeline

Nice work Amy. Thanks for pointing me to it.

What happened to Musicman?


The date 9/29 is figured from the dark of the new moon. This could be a two day window because some figure the beginning of the month to be based on the first sighting of the crescent of the moon.

I am not giving up until Oct. 2nd. If this date comes and goes, then I will join the ranks of great researchers here on RITA, such as FM Riley, CJ, nd many others who have set dates just to have them pass by without incident.

The bottom line is this: We are extremely close to the rapture, so close in fact that its ridiculous to try to nail it down anymore. Remember, there is no crown for guessing the right date for the rapture. The crown is given for watching. My research proves that I'm watching.

does anybody know what happened to musicman?

haven't seen him post in awhile?

Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

Re: What happened to Musicman?

I guess I need to get out more

Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

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