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Comet 17P/Holmes explodes "3" yrs. ago today - 10/23/07!!! (Chris' explosion & 26 sign!!!)


In my mail:

Chris wrote:

..."On March 18, 2007, I had a vision of a large ball with the number 26
...on it coming down from heaven and it SUDDENLY burst into thousands
...of smaller balls with the number 26 on them."

From: Sunday, March 18, 2007 - Chris receives the above sign of an
.........explosion and the number "26"; the new moon and sun at the
.........lower band (the horizontal, "earthly" band) of Pisces, the fishes
PLUS "8" ("new birth; re-birth; new beginning") TRIPS OF THE MOON
To: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - Comet Holmes EXPLODES; moon
........back to the exact same point - the earthly band of Pisces
It is 219 days

From: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - Comet Holmes explodes
To: Tuesday, October 26, 2010
It is 1099 days
Or 3 years, 3 days
1000 = Divine completeness and Fathers glory
99 = Greek gematria of "AMEN"

"head Of Satan" Comet Explodes October 23rd, 2007


From Spaceweather.com:

EXPLODING COMET: When the core of Comet 17P/Holmes erupted on Oct. 23rd, at first the comet looked like a dimensionless point of light in the night sky. But now "the comet's disk is visible to the naked eye," reports Doug Zubenel of Lincoln County, Kansas. The expansion of the debris cloud is shown in this doublet of images taken Oct. 25th and 26th by amateur astronomer Wah! of Hong Kong using an 8-inch LX200 telescope:

What is happening to Comet Holmes? It remains a mystery--one that you can behold with your naked eyes. Step outside after sunset, face north, and look for the growing and fuzzy "star" in the thigh of Perseus: sky map. Comet Holmes is similar in brightness to the stars of the Big Dipper, very easy to see!

From below: The sign of the Anti-christ (see below) published in May 1997:

John Leary messages, and Patricia Talbot think a comet will be a sign of the coming of Antichrist. John Leary message excerpt: Thursday, March 27, 1997 Holy Thursday) Jesus said:

"My son, this comet that you have seen tonight with your own eyes, is the sign of the Anti-Christ's coming. I have told you before to look to the skies for the signs of things to come. I have also told you that I, and not the Anti-Christ, would produce this sign of his coming. As you see the darkness come after, you will know his reign will be brief, but darkness will have its day much like the men I allowed to crucify Me for your sake."

It's amazing that the expansion of debris cloud photo (above) is from the
dates many of us are watching - October 25th and 26th - but the picture
was taken "3" ("RESURRECTION") YEARS AGO!!!! As we know, in
prophecy, a "day" can equal a "year".

...Hosea 6:
...1 COME, and let us return unto the Lord: for he hath torn,
...and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
...2 After two days will he revive us: IN THE THIRD DAY HE




Do you remember that the moon was near Jupiter on the 19th?

The moon was also in the EXACT location that it was when:

A. Chris was told about the number "26" and an explosion (3/18/07)
B. Comet Holmes exploded (10/23/07).

Comet Holmes explosion was EXACTLY "40" trips (sidereal moons) from
10/19/10. The number "40" means "trials; probation; testings". That could
mean, that this "visit" to the same area of Pisces, the fishes, on the 19th,
was an inclusive or non-inclusive "7" day warning!!!!

Look to the heavens: One "band of fishes" about to be loosened!!!???

...Matthew 13
...47 "Once again, the kingdom of heaven is LIKE A NET that was
...let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. 48 When it
...was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat
...down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad
...away. 49 This is how it will be at the END OF THE AGE. The
...angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous
...50 and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be
...weeping and gnashing of teeth.

From: E. W. Bullinger's, The Gospel in the Stars
Pisces (the Fishes) and The Band


..."The Sign is pictured as two large fishes bound together by a Band, the ends of which are fastened separately to their tails. One fish is represented with its head pointing upwards towards the North Polar Star, the other is shown at right angles, swimming along the line of the ecliptic, or path of the sun."

..."The fish, shooting upwards to the Polar Star, exquisitely pictures this "heavenly calling"; while the other fish, keeping on the horizontal line, answers to those who were content with an earthly portion."

A better picture of Pisces is in the link below:



"head Of Satan" Comet Explodes October 23rd, 2007


EXPLODING COMET: When the core of Comet 17P/Holmes erupted on Oct. 23rd, at first the comet looked like a dimensionless point of light in the night sky. But now "the comet's disk is visible to the naked eye," reports Doug Zubenel of Lincoln County, Kansas. The expansion of the debris cloud is shown in this doublet of images taken Oct. 25th and 26th by amateur astronomer Wah! of Hong Kong using an 8-inch LX200 telescope:

Posted Image

What is happening to Comet Holmes? It remains a mystery--one that you can behold with your naked eyes. Step outside after sunset, face north, and look for the growing and fuzzy "star" in the thigh of Perseus: sky map. Comet Holmes is similar in brightness to the stars of the Big Dipper, very easy to see!


Where did this comet come from?

From LiveLeak.com

‘Head Of Satan Star’ Mystery Comet Illuminates a Millionfold Space Thrill - Post Media Reply
An object of note is a comet that apparently exploded Wednesday, brightening suddenly by nearly a millionfold. The comet, called 17P/Holmes, can now be seen with the naked eye, according to reports. The comet should be visible high in the northeast sky soon after sunset and may appear more yellow than most stars.

More interesting to our discussion today is that both Comet Hyakutake and Comet Hale-Bopp came from the ancient constellation Perseus, and, in fact, intersected during their crossing of the heavens the Star Algol, and which is known to the Arabian peoples as the ‘Demon Star’, and to the Hebrew peoples, Rosh Satan, and which means The Head of Satan.

It is important to note that the exact intersecting point of Comets Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp was between the eyes of the Medusa head that Perseus was holding in his left hand, and which thereafter he wielded as a weapon until giving it to Athena who placed it upon her shield.

Today ,The Head of Satan Star is sending another, and according to the ancient prophecies the final, sign to our Earth from the constellation Perseus with the sudden, and mysterious, brightening of Comet 17P/Holmes by a factor of over 1 million times.


Why is this important?

From The sign of the Anti-christ:

This was published in May 1997:

Apparently Bob Wadsworth, who has done intensive work plotting, and studying comets Hale-Bopp and Hyakutake discovered something interesting. A coincidence! While plotting the paths of Hyakutake during the month of April 96, against the projected path of comet Hale-Bopp during the month of April 97 an almost perfect [cross] is formed where they intersect at almost an 90 degree angle. Furthermore, both comets crossed this point on the EXACT same day of the year (April 11th). In other words, on April 11th 1996, comet Hyakutake occupied the same spot in the sky that comet Hale-Bopp did on April 11th 1997.

Now, where is this point in the sky? This point is in the constellation of Perseus, who holds the severed head of the Gorgon, Medusa. This intersection point just happens to be the middle of the head of Medusa at the eye. This eye is the star ALGOL. Therefore, in Greek mythology these two comets intersect on the same day, in different years, forming an almost perfect cross in the eye of Medusa!

Traditionally, according to the Starlore Handbook, ALGOL is the MOST MALEVOLENT star of the heavens. More interesting is what the Hebrews called this star. In Hebrew it is known as the HEAD OF SATAN!

John Leary messages, and Patricia Talbot think a comet will be a sign of the coming of Antichrist. John Leary message excerpt: Thursday, March 27, 1997 Holy Thursday) Jesus said:

"My son, this comet that you have seen tonight with your own eyes, is the sign of the Anti-Christ's coming. I have told you before to look to the skies for the signs of things to come. I have also told you that I, and not the Anti-Christ, would produce this sign of his coming. As you see the darkness come after, you will know his reign will be brief, but darkness will have its day much like the men I allowed to crucify Me for your sake."
The following is a quote from "The Witness of the Stars" by E. W. Bullinger, pp. 116-117, concerning the star Algol:
"It is a most remarkable phenomenon that so many of these enemies should be characterized by variable stars! But this head of Medusa, like the neck of Cetus, has one. AlGol is continually changing. In about 69 hours it changes from the 4th magnitude to the 2nd. During four hours of this period it gradually diminishes in brightness, which it recovers in the succeeding four hours; and in the remaining part of time, invariably preserves its greatest lustre. After the expiration of this time its brightness begins to decrease again. Fit emblem of our great enemy, who, "like a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour" (I Peter 5: ; then changing into a subtle serpent (Genesis 3:1); then changing again into an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14). "Transforming himself" continually, to devour, deceive, and destroy." (end of article)
I love coincidences, unfortunately our own conclusions of what the coincidences mean is mere subjective speculation. But, if that is all we have, then speculation will suffice until the evidence gets harder. Yet, we do have Hebrew lore that the birth of Jesus was heralded by a rare conjunction of planets in the sign of Pieces, and that a comet appeared three years before His birth. (The star of Bethlehem does not meet the criteria of a comet, supernova, or a planetary conjunction, so unless it was a real angel, then it remains a true mystery.)
In searching for something meaningful about the Antichrist which has to do with April 11 (1996 & 1997), except for it occurring near the Passover season, little relevance is determined.

But one more coincidence appears to be in store. Again April 11 is involved. No, not April 11 of 1996, or of 1997; it occurs in 1998. Yes, next year the Passover occurs on April 11.

The interesting aspect about all this is that we can now virtually prove that the [great] tribulation [a 3.5 year (42-month) period] will begin in the Passover season. (This information will be released in a new lecture coming in June.)


A little history about the star Agol:

"The Demon Star"
Human history has not been kind to this star. Homer wrote of Algol in the Iliad: "...the Gorgon's head, a ghastly sight, deformed and dreadful, and a sight of woe". Some common names for Algol are The Demon, the Demon Star, the Blinking Demon, the Ghoul, and the Spectre's Head. Sounds rather more like members of a hard rock goth band than a beautiful astronomical object. The earliest known maligning of this star is from the Arabian name Ri'B al Ohill, the Demon's Head. We also have Al Ghul meaning Mischief-maker. In Hebrew it is called Rosh ha Sitan, Satan's Head, and also Lilith, Adam's legendary demonic first wife (predecessor to Eve) according to Babylonian myth. 17th century maps referred to it as Caput Larvae, a translation of "The Spectre's Head". The Chinese referred to it as Tseih She, the Piled-up Corpses. Even astrologers refer to it as the worst star in the heavens to be involved with. More recently, the name Algol has been given to a violent video game. What does a star have to do to get respect?


Not to sound alarmist or anything, but it is VERY interesting that this comet has come from the same area of the sky as Algol, ad is following in the same general path as Hale-Bop. It is visible to the unaided eye, and has made a grand entrance by exploding (becoming a million times brighter - perhaps an allusion to how satan likes to fancy himself as the 'angel of light'?). I am suggesting that this is a sign that JESUS wants us to look for. Not astrology, but astronomy. The fact that GOD uses signs in the heavens to alert us to things is very clear. JESUS was heralded not just by angels, but by a star that the wise men followed. Constellations are discussed several times in Job. Look it up. Perhaps this is a sign that the LORD wants some of us to pay attention to.

I invite serious thought to explore this event. It will go mostly unnoticed by the world.

Blessings of peace from GOD THE FATHER, and from HIS SON JESUS CHRIST

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