Fox News Saying That Temple Mount UFO Might Be A Hollywood Event!! Got 2 Witnesses Recalled???
Just as I was really getting into this two witnesses being let out of a spiritual taxi cab on the temple mount from the two flashes of light seen from a slowed down Ufo video from Jerusalem; it now appears that the proverbial fly in the ointment is showing up!!
The Fox News commentator Kelly has made an announcement today that the temple mount uof videos "might" be a hollywood stunt to promote an upcoming movie-which she did not announce or reveal the name of!!!
Not to say officially that this was the final explanation to these four different videos taken in and around Jerusalem's temple mount; but this is still unclear in my estimation!!!
If it turns out to be a hollywood stunt it will more likely upset a wide vast group of world citizens who would like to think that they were not that easily duped into believing that they could be punked like that by a hollywood advertizing campaign!!
Even I myself wouldn't think much of those who tried to pull off this scam if such turns out to be the case!!
It will more likely pit an angry crowd against not going to see this possible hollywood movie if when it does get released!!!
I guess the verdict is still out on whether this truly was or wasn't a hoolywood stunt or not!!!!
I would sure hate to have to see the two witnesses just beginning to get used to the spicy food in Jerusalem and to get an email ringtone on their cellphones saying that they have to get up and leave the scene and go back to the temple mount and hop back into the space capsule and wait for another more opportune time to start their earthly ministry!!
Just kidding of course!!!
Maybe someone out there in RITAland can set this record straight! We need some more investigators to do some undercover work on this event!!!
If this event turns out to be a hoax then you are going to have a very difficult time getting anyone to listen and believe when the real two witnesses do actually start performing their signs and wonders!!
Re: Fox News Saying That Temple Mount UFO Might Be A Hollywood Event!! Got 2 Witnesses Recalled???
Lisa thanks for posting this video about the hugh jordanian generators on the temple mount; now I can see another angle of this phenomena!!
I wasn't sure what people were talking about in relation to these generators until you posted this video!! Very Interesting!!
Lisa there have been people on the temple mount these last six months digging around the spot where once stood the sacraficial altar near the original temple!
There are even photos taken by a worker up there who exposed what is going on around the dome of the rock!!
I wonder if any of them saw this object hovering above the temple mount on January the 28th?
Lisa the hollywood stunt is not official!! It is only a story circulating to possibly discredit these real angelic orbs!!
The movie I think they are talking about is the Battle:Los Angeles and they do show some slides on the trailor for the movie of ufos sighted in other parts of the world!!! I think Sony puts this movie out!
But they have not come forward to take credit for these temple mount ufos!!!
I do believe those in the videos are sincere people and they are just video-taping what they see on there viewfinder!!!
This is almost playing out like a spiritual soap opera of the third kind!!! Hee! Hee!!
Stay tuned everybody--you ain't seen nothing yet!!
Re: Fox News Saying That Temple Mount UFO Might Be A Hollywood Event!! Got 2 Witnesses Recalled???
Not wanting to harp on this, but two of the videos anyway show that the "orb" IS NOT descending directly over the Muslim Dome of the Rock, and in one of them, the close up one, it appears to be directly over the Dome. But is it? In the foreground of the close-up video it shows what is the dark-coloured dome of the Al Aqsa Mosque. The ball of light in this video COULD (and most likely is, in my opinion), just beyond the Dome of the Rock - placing it pretty close to where Jewish scholars believe the location of the original Holy of Holies in the original Temple was. This is now the location of a small 'cupola' called the Dome of the Spirits or the Dome of the Tablets. Also in the close-up video, the "orb" does not appear to ascend straignt up, but at an angle to the 'left' of the screen when the other videos (where it is not directly over the Dome) show it shooting straight up.
Could this UFO manifestation be pointing out where the NEW temple should be built so that antichrist will have a place to declare himself to be God?
IMO this is not a visitation of message from our Holy God, but more likely a demonic visitation highlighting the importance of the Temple Mount area in coming end-time events.
I would love to see someone do some precise 'locating' of exactly where this UFO came down over the mount.
Note that the Dome of the Spirits, #28 in the diagram, is almost directly in line with the Dome of the Rock and the dome on the top of the Al Aqsa Mosque.