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What's Going On?

What is going on with the western states? We have all had our eyes on the gulf and the disaster with the oil. Today I was looking at the earthquake map on USGS and here is a solid line of little quakes from Wyoming, Montana curving toward California. There are small quakes occurring in those areas but it is usually just an occasional one here or there. Now there are so many they have made a solid line of them. Should be keep our eyes on this too?

Re: What's Going On?

Wow - don't recall seeing so many curving up through Utah and Idaho snd into Montana before! There have been swarms aroung the Yellowstone area in the past.

Email: cidp@aol.com

Re: What's Going On?

That does look unusual, maybe He's shaking us like a baker does and going to flop us out of the pan,

we really are having alot of ecological/environmental things going on.

Email: newskinagain167@yahoo.com

Re: What's Going On?

Hi Sue,

Here's a picture of various possible earth changes, on a map. These are maps from various different pyschics and other folks, so take them with a grain of salt. But all of them say that they have had visions or premonitions of serious Earth Changes that may happen in the future.

First I'll post a picture of the Map, then the link where you can get more info.

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Also, this link. It has several different maps that show changes in the Earth. Each one from different persons, with some of them agreeing on some areas.


Anyway, I'm posting these because some of the areas shown are similar to earthquake distribution in the West that you're picture shows.

Re: What's Going On?

AbideInHim, these are some scary maps! This one shows half of Texas missing - including the Dallas-Ft Worth area where I am, also Joyful Susan, and I think PraiseHim. I would love to read their theories or visions - whatever gave them these map breakdowns. Here is the one that I was referring to:

Re: What's Going On?

Hi Sue,

Yes, I'd like to know also about some of these folks and how they got their visions.

The only one of the folks that I'm even vaugely familiar with is Gorden Michael Scallion. His picture is the one that I posted. You can google him for more info. He'd predicted these changes to happen before the year 2000. So, he's been proven wrong, at least on the date. He preports to be a
pyschic and a furturist, whatever that means...? I hope he's totally wrong, and not just off by a few years.

What interested me about him, was his vision of Louisiana being totally under water. (that's where I live)

With all the talk of Methane explosions in the Gulf being possible, it got me to looking around today for more info. on him and his predictions. Also, over at TOL, there was a thread going where there was talk about about folks being dispersed and having to travel for safety above the 40th. lattitude, and talked about a Valley of death in a V shape in the united states that would be destroyed. I remembered in the back of my mind about maps by Scallion that I had seen in the past, and when to see if I could find a V shaped valley.

Also, he says that the reason that Louisiana will be under water is from a large earthquake that will cause Lake Michigan to empty out, and flow down the Mississippi River... widening the river by fifty miles and flooding everything in it path on it's way to emptying in the Gulf.

That last link that I gave has some info. on the various sources on their home page. Go to the top of the page in the link, and then click to go to their home page. I know that there's a link from there that talks about their sources, but I haven't checked it out yet. You may find some info. there about these various folks?

Re: What's Going On?

The Mississippi River flows right through the center of Baton Rouge so I guess it will disappear for sure if that happens. From some articles I've read, it seems BP has drilled into a volcano which may begin to erupt and cause an earthquake in the Gulf which could then cause a tsunami. All kinds of doomsday scenarios are surfacing now. How can we possibly be here much longer?

Re: What's Going On?

Here's a website with some more maps of coming destruction in USA according to dreams and visions (of course I don't know the people or the veracity of these, however, the common denominator of the total destruction of Florida and California is striking.)


Nita Johnson's Vision
Nita saw in a vision the solid areas of the map had disappeared. The cross-hatched areas had suffered much devastation.

Combination of Many People's Dreams/Visions of Asteroid Strike in Atlantic
Red areas inundated with water.

Sister Hattie's Vision
Inland sea formed by New Madrid earthquake in center of country. California ,Florida and New York destroyed. Texas partly submerged.

Dumitru Duduman Nuclear Destruction Map

Unknown Prophet
"I saw the east coast decimated with bombs , some nuclear.Charred bodies, burnt rubble. Southern part of Florida under water. I saw the Mississippi River rising so high, it consumed staes ling it's borders.I saw earthquakes around the U.S. with California breaking off and only part becoming an island.a tsunmai hit the west coast coming in as far as Montana and Utah, wiping out Washington and Oregon.


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