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Reboot has 5x the Maplestory M mesos fall speed

I suggest we bring back the older method of level range only characters, which are allowed to get the rewards instead of "whoever hits the elite boss, has at least 1 Maplestory M Mesos" method. I understand people depend on those Elite Bosses to make Maplestory M mesos out of them but they should not need to ks the participant or induce the participant to lag by disturbing their gameplay. If the community can't learn to respect others, then I believe they might need to adhere to a new set of principles in order to get what they need.

This dilemma was becoming a massive problem in my server and it's keeping me and a few of my buddies from creating any more characters on account of this lack of respect individuals are giving. I know "this is the internet, we cannot control people on the internet" but whats the purpose of playing the sport if people scare the players away from the match.

Maplestory M Experimental addition

This addition isn't something that will kill me if I didnt see that it inserted into the match with the remainder of my thought, but I think that it would balance out recognizable buffs. This notion probably wont be hot for many, but hear me out:

Familiar buffs will be changed based on tier. Higher tier familiars have an increase enthusiast while lower tiers will have weaker buffs. By way of instance, fall rate buffs will be raised by 20 percent per tier. This usually means that the treasured Big Spiders buff to drop rate will be cut in half (down to 40%), because Guide For Maplestory mobile mesos is uncommon. However, a recognizable like Castellan will be increased to 100 percent as it is Omega (stocks the enthusiast effects of Legendary).