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Maplestory 2 Mesos Experimental Accession

This generally signals that the game is expected for release shortly, although it's been available in some specific countries since the start of the week.

MapleStory is a free-to-play 2D platforming game where players kill monsters to collect weapons and items. Although its prevalence has died down in recent years, Nexon continued to release updates to the game over 10 years after its release. Maplestory 2 Mesos represents a continuation of the series, and will probably gain hundreds of thousands of gamers on nostalgia alone.

The visuals are almost identical to the first release (MapleStory 2 still has not seen a global launch ), and gameplay has been adapted to touch display devices, with an automobile button to speed up things like in other cellular MMOs.

It is possible to pre-register now by clicking the button below. As more individuals around the planet pre-register, the rewards grow, so go tell your friends! If you've already downloaded the game, let us hear your initial impressions from the comments.

MapleStory 2, which publisher Nexon America showed off Saturday in Los Angeles at the enthusiast event MapleStory Fest, ditches the pixelated 2D visuals of the original game to get a blocky 3D world, à la Minecraft or Trove. Its class process isn't as diverse as that of the original game however, but Nexon said in a news release that MapleStory 2 will be very customizable, from your outfits to even having to construct your own home.

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