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For in game currencyI Maple story M Mesos

For in game currencyI Maple story M Mesos think the very best nexon could do is simply make a big clear upgrade to the TOS something shallow but that brings the simple fact that real world transactions are prohibited it wont stop it may slow it down for literally no effort or hint I visit a lot of folks doing it on the steam forums and I tell them its against

the TOS and they react withwho careseveryone does it orI didnt know making it clear it is a ban offence that is worthy will clean at least some of it up Thats my thought it might not be successful but it wouldnt hurtThe issue is that Nexon itself does not care about doing it This was seen by us by giving second and third opportunities

to big time hackers from the sport They essentially quit caring for awhile today and placing any type of new rules in the TOS isnt going fix anything Since the games players understand that Nexon doesnt care that they do not care Nexon should be firm about breaking the TOS rather than giving out second chances to every hacker out

there Theres not any gaming company Maplestory M Mesos for sale that gives another chance unless it was a banning to hackers or those who violate the TOSI believe its a bit too late now though even if Nexon awakened there game and did that They showed they dont care so having them measure up today will require a very long time to fix any problems at this

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