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Runebladers are the Maple story M Mesos

Runebladers are the Maple story M Mesos lone wolf edgy solo MapleStory 2 players. They're for you, if you fit into that category. Strong but squishy.Wizard are sort of offensive kind of course, they've a good deal of tricks up their sleeves, fun to play since you can interchange your skills and adapt inside. Unleashing all chaining skills could lead to

doing damage, they're equally good in Bossing as much as they're good in mobbing. They and you have great coverage which range from fire to ice and all ends tied 20, respectively. Wizards are meant to be mobbers having AoE debuffs and strikes such as freezing and burning but they're quite squishy.Shield does not exist in Maplestory

2 so if you are not careful, you're plum. They have the lowest Max HP from the MapleStory 2 match making you exteremly drawn (not in a sexual manner ) to bosses.From an offensive perspective priest would be the weakest, they will not get everywhere, (possibly, but hardly), without anybody helping in bosses and much more.

Priest's abillities have low root damage and Maplestory M Mesos for sale as you have a stable damaging spell, don't expect being as great as a Berserker or Assassin but what's good about Priests is they have a fantastic pair of support skills such as Spirit regeneration, motion speed fans, boosting defense, recovery, tons of healing, you're a literal walking potion,

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