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So far ive been enjoying The Elder Scrolls Blades Gold so much

So far ive been enjoying The Elder Scrolls Blades Gold so much, but again, having to wait for chests an absurd quantity of time to open and jewels being absolutely scarce are something that makes me worry a little. Skyrim is easily one of my favourite games ever and back when The Elder Scrolls Blades was announced, even though I dont like cellular games and I dont think im that to them, just the pure notion of a pick up and play version of The Elder Scrolls Blades on my phone just made me excited a lot. They fix the couple of defects The Elder Scrolls Blades has since this is an wonderful mobile game and it's one of those few out there that breaks the"economical and very low effort" rule in cellular games. The Elder Scrolls Blades as well as Smt Dx2 have been like something I never new I wanted or needed and im enjoying the crap out of.

This is so far from The Elder Scrolls Blades Boosting game. It is Infinity Blade with walking, plagued with silver chests that you'll never open gold one you'll need to no space for and timber ones you'll just pay 1 gem for because why the hell not. You'll meet Sheogorath disguised as a human who hasn't met you but understand what about you. (lets you alter Glaser and gender at will) you will get to about level 16-18 before hitting a wall of quests you can really do yet unless you have gotten lucky with equipment from chests. Town building is weird as each building progressively cost more to construct. Just build stone by the way don't use wood. The increase to town exp can help. Do abyss regular you will get better at combat and just earn stuff gradually.