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I refuse to play with The Elder Scrolls Blades Gold

I refuse to play with The Elder Scrolls Blades Gold because I got burned by these mobile games that you could only play for so long before you couldn't play any longer until a certain amount of time has passed if you don't would like to pay real money simply to keep on playing. Yeah, I am not interested in any cellular game just because of the time-gated games, I do not care who makes it. Screw people developers who wish to make games that are mobile their only business model and that. Yeah, I have a telephone and no your game can't be on it.If these businesses need us gamers to take the mobile gambling seriously, why can not they simply make great games.I recall The Elder Scrolls Blades called Oceanhorn which was originally made for cellular devices and I enjoyed playing with it. You paid the first cost (~10$ iirc) and you obtained a complete game with no further monetization what so ever.If these AAA businesses want us to honor mobile gaming they need to perform at least that what Oceanhorn did.

Pictures are bad. Touchscreen controls work for strategy and puzzlers. RIP Bethesda, I will never forget all the fantastic experiences but they are full company now.What's soo discouraging is that this is only quickening. I have gone back and tried some older mobile games which were not mad monetized when I stopped playing them. They all have additional layers of monetization schemes. And that I see this happening in PC games and I just hate it, I have been buying up older PC games to try them out cause the newest ones are only soo greedy.

I already playing for couple of days, ESB Gold is simple to get and in no time my stock total of chest most of these is silver which require 3 hours to start its bothersome to wait that why my inventory is complete. For chest doing 5 days to quest I got one, gold chest provides me gear that is blue. I was playing a few mobile games and that I spent far too much money on these, but when fallout 76 came out and I watched how microtransactions were not just ruining mobile gaming, but gambling as a whole I swore off them.