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What you consider to be cheap wow classic gold

Where you doesn't have anything to do with players as dungeons and say its unfun is not the best way to get a casual to get gold or boes. The only thing mentioned was hardcore raiders selling the content once they had completed the entire raid and boes being a grind festival that in your words paints the wow classic gold picture of casuals not being able to achieve these items in relevant time periods. Small weight is held by these statements both to real casual players. The fact you state its UNFUN for you is not the argument the debate is that the availability of this content to casuals which there's plenty of it throughout WoW Classic.

The raids account for less than 10% of the entire content from WoW Classic and pvp BG less the major draw of the classic sport has and always will be leveling that you downplay and state its boring. If WoW Classic is dull in all facets why play, speak about, watch videos on, or talk classic generally. What you consider to be cheap wow classic gold enjoyable or unfun is subjective and there's plenty of people who consider each of the things you designed to be"fun" instead of unfun. From asmongold himself, I provided you with a personal anecdote of one and this. You think fiddling Im sorry if you comprehend that individuals might have fun doing whatever.

And I quote"The only real way casuals are probably gont encounter anything but MC is if guilds are well geared and can kill down them a bunch of people, at which point they will drain the gold reserves of casuals empty for a few boss kills, trading them any of those useless stuff for an excess cost (I expect them to get a wonderful small JPEG ready with their costs to each individual item they are eager to sell if it drops:P)"I mean partner learn to read, this is a rather small chunk of my huge post, but it is very much there.