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Every class has wow classic gold

Every class has wow classic gold a heel. Every course has a cc. Every class has a cleanse. Every class has utilities which are ultimately the same. Just as in each class each spec has Antonio, has its own son, has its this or that. While I see the point you were making about WoW Classic World of Warcraft, I think people might prefer being stuck into specific roles and constraints then to look at their class at everybody else's class in understand that there's nothing particular about them.I do not find a issue with class balancing in WoW Classic concerning class representation. Mostly because of this"difficutly" of this raids in vanilla WoW - they'll be simple as hell. There simply won't be a need to pile courses to overcome encounter dps wise. It is not gont occur. Why? It didn't happen back then either.

Blizzard is the same company it was back then. They will ONLY alter WoW Classic for the worst. Each of the devs that understood how make enhance WoW Classic are all gone. Did you even think this thru for a second? Let's say they buff the danger generation or something for port pallys in order that they can tank better Where is this vent pally tier set coming from then lawbringer(tier1) and decision (tier2) possess zero block or dodge, parry modifiers onto them? Oh let us just copy paste the warrior's collection? Nope pallys also had mana problems in long struggles as in almost any raid boss. And their goes the class dream and individuality exactly like it did in retail. We wanted WoW Classic were getting WoW Classic warts and all.

You take part of the pie from the good courses. That's a punishment. Vanilla wow has been an eco system. This eco process is what most of those urges for WoW Classic desired. By making even 1 class change you may demolish the whole ecology of this. No thanks. If u create feral and guardian good - what is the purpose of playing a warrior, even when there is a class that may dps - tank and cure at a whim of a spec change. You have not changed warrior however by buffing the total category of druid you've just demolished the warrior. Eco system. It's not about private glory - vanilla is about the great team work meta where every class constitutes the weakness of the other.

As soon as I started playing in vanilla I buy classic wow gold didnt even know what a raid was. I didnt even know what a case was. It was a whole world that functioned gradually as you played through and that I never had a target using WoW Classic I just loved playing. I remember with a friend over and the only real thing we did for an entire night was just

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