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Plenty about how the Buy Runescape gold

I think"bleed you dry" is a bit severe, OSRS gold has had pretty severe death costs for several years and it's an insanely effective gold sink. Wish to learn zulruh? Don't take ******* BIS in case you are anticipating several deaths until you are minorly consistent and you're going to make your money back quite quickly.

No achievements needed, and up until recently degrading or a gold cost for utilizing said tier things wasnt that common. That, considering how RuneScape has changed so drastically since those days, is kinda appropriate. The back when those passing mechanisms existed was kbd and eventually barrows.

Yeah of course, I play with an ironmeme So take what I say from that standpoint. Since I willingly removed myself I don't think it fair I'm likely to get punished because of the economy. I don't have time to perform to pay out for every time. I AM going as I understand to die much especially if I can only play on weekends and such. I concur therefore that I do not expect to have our views matter as much, after all, we chose to limit ourselves.

But I believe Jagex have heard plenty about how the Buy Runescape gold suggested mechanics are fairly unfair for people trying to learn, so I dont expect the boss death fees will remain the way they introduced it in the blog post.