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New OSRS RuneScape participant Searching for advice

This only benefits irons. Main account can just buy the unf. Same as osrs only irons utilize it RuneScape should not be OSRS gold updated with irons in your mind (half adequate iron acc here too, this is not needed. Only speeds up an already speedy game). Realistically speaking, who's actually predicated on mainscape for gp? It is a tedious procedure. The work round is tight potion maker, but that depends on celestial charges. The actual play is to make Zahur cost a bit more per decant therefore the opportunity cost never is reasonable over partial potion manufacturer if mains desired to utilize this to earn gp over time. This then inflates the purchase price of said items so it rebounds and makes the profit margins more rewarding doing it manually.

It then becomes a win-win-win-win as today there is a market flow of gp via people doing it generally for larger margins, afk gains via partial potion makers via divine charges (which is ), a hard money spout + a staple price point (Zahur), and herb costs go up as a larger quantity can be removed from RuneScape instantaneous making general pvm more rewarding. Yes it might benefit irons more so, but this update is not exactly a game breaking change? It might be updated as a reward/benefit for completing the hard/eltie diaries for the desert. As it stands today that the npc is 100% worthless and theres no incentive to go use her. Even a small QOL update like this would make her helpful and considering she already cleans herbs to get a price, why not let her to make unfinished potions for a price also?

I've never really played Runescape before, and I'm looking for suggestions on what I should be doing as a brand new RuneScape player. I began playing possibly a few months ago or so on mobile, (though I play desktop and saw someone mention RuneLite so that I perform there sometimes too) as well as this point I have mostly only been coaching attack, strength, defense, some fishing, some cooking, etc., (now I am farming Hill Giants at just over 30 attack/strength/defense) I have only done one quest to acquire access to Runecrafting. While I am absolutely fine just doing my thing and cultivation up my abilities, there is apparently only a HUGE quantity of content in RuneScape and a lot of things I should probably start looking into doing at a certain point with quests and whatnot to add access to better traveling.

Or do dungeons, or hint maps, or stuff along that line that I feel as I've seen but really don't have any clue how to interact with outside looking up some items on the wiki. Is there some sort of"So you're a fresh OSRS RuneScape participant, here is what you want to perform toward/do" article someplace? Do people here normally have advice about what to do? Etc.. Since I'm on my telephone doing simple grinding a decent amount, I am likely going to buy RS gold have trouble responding in almost any given length to message, so I apologize in advance. OSRS is bizarre compared to most games nowadays, but I kinda love that about it, so I'm excited about learning more and becoming deeper to RuneScape.