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Perhaps pyro could have an whole character made just for them

It is a decent way of Animal Crossing Bells earning passive income, earning 1k bells from the glowing spot, and everywhere between 0-60k bells of gain from the tree (based on how far you plant in the first place) every day. It ai not much, but it is honest work.

That's how it's always been quarantine seems to have given people unrealistic expectations. I'll typically play 10 minutes each day or merely completely skip it then perform for a few hours on the weekend to find bugs or alter up some things in my island. People putting stuff like 500 hours into it and whining about the lack of content amaze me.

When it first came out, a number of my buddies racked up 200 hours of playtime in the first few weeks and had these crazy elaborate islands. I had to quit taking a look at their posts about it because it made me feel so bad about my own! Now they've largely all burnt out on the match, however, while I am still plugging along with a couple of minutes per day.

Not gont lie, that's literally what the game is to me - I log in for approximately 20-30 minutes a day just after I wake up. I may log in for 5-10 minutes in the evenings to check turnip prices or talk to villagers which weren't alert in the afternoon. But that is it.

It's funny, because you reach"the end" of the game much sooner than every other AC game I've playedwith.

I felt that this game moved too quickly.

When progress is dependent on cash, AC is going to get faster and quicker since netplay becomes more integral to the sport. I really feel like they could move away from the stalk market in the next installment; or not allow them to be brought on board the train/plane/boat

The mercs but as animal crossing villagers!

Perhaps pyro could have an whole character made just for them, because all personality types are gendered. Maybe they could be a game changer and introduce a villager have a buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Bells two sub personalities