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A small Elf will ask you three questions to RuneScape

Hollow-Heals 84 energy over 28 seconds-70 construction-These beds will sometimes collapse, however if they do, then you fall into RuneScape gold them for a brief time, and you can get certain"under the mattress" items. Dream-Heals 96 energy over 29 seconds-75 construction-This Bed lets you go into a dream world temporarily, letting you cut more Fantasy trees and allowing you to locate Fantasy Runes (Used in Dream Magic, explained later).

Pillows-Normal pillow-Collect 15 feathers and use them with a pillow case (bought from any general store), and use a needle and thread to complete it off! Gives you 5 extra recovered energy over sleep time! Gives you 14 extra recovered energy over time!

Dramen pillow-Collect 15 Dramen leaves and use them with a pillow case (purchased from any general shop ), and use a needle and thread to complete it off! Gives you 27 extra recovered energy over time! Gives you 35 additional recovered energy over time! To start this event, head to Draynor village in Neds home. There you will see old fashioned jolly Santa yelling as pool of tears (Seriously, there'll be a pool of tears. You need to jump to get to Ned.) . Talk to Santa to get a conversation starting the event!

In your way to Falador, you'll get abducted in the gates that the second you input (If you teleport, you will teleport here instead). A small Elf will ask you three questions to find out if they ought to let you move or not. The true evaluation is to get the questions wrong, or else they'll keep you and you are going to need to test over again. They'll ask questions such as"Is Varrock west or east of Barbarian Village?" Or"What quest does Sir Amik Varze first send people " . These questions are simple, so it will be tough to find em wrong!

Goblin Diplomacy Quest. And She'll Respond Saying Its a Secret That If I Gave To You Would Rupture My Enterprise. So You Must SomeHow Get Awareness Of She Did This SomeHow Else. You Try And Make The Dyes With Her Couldron And All The Ingredients Used In The Goblin Diplomacy Quest. It Goes To A Cutscene Of Your Couldron Xploding And You With A Book Fly Into Your Face. U browse the book letting you look for OSRS buy gold the location where coats a hung(wardrobe) as you search is a mysterious voice requests you the password. You dont know so that you... say nothing...