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Michael Biehn Fans Message Board

Welcome to the Michael Biehn Fans message board. This forum is open to all MB fans to express their opinions, hopes and dreams for the best underrated actor around. Please observe the basic netiquette quidelines and everyone will be happy.

Michael Biehn Fans Message Board
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Exchange the player for pennies per dollar

Exchange the player for pennies per dollar to get out of the salary cap. The temporary relief will not be long-lasting as it is followed by a new season of youngsters.

2K Sports must address the problem of contract terms for young players' value. I am in favor of adding conditions to the expectations of contract mechanism. Young players should be prepared to be well-treated by the team.

Insane and distracting advertising of products 2K Sports earn a lot through sponsorship agreements with companies such as Gatorade or Beats. In a way the enjoyment of the sport is enhanced by the presence of actual companies. The advertisements have become extremely irritating over the last few years.

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