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It is the same when you left-click to withdraw items

This is how it works This is how it works: I'm trying to withdraw 1k nature ranes therefore I right-click, and then move my mouse downwards until I locate the place in which withdraw-1000 appears. However, I somehow end in withdrawing the item below it (soul runes in this instance) that I do not have more than 1k of. This causes me to withdraw the entire stack, wasting time necessary to transfer the soul rune stack and reposition it back to where it was. This is what happens when I try withdraw-all-but-1 coins. I will instead withdraw all of the items below it. This is something that was only discovered recently.

It is the same when you left-click to withdraw items. When you click on an item, your mouse moves to the next one. But the first click registers when the mouse moves. You can then remove the item that your mouse has touched.

This is particularly evident when you use mousekeys to withdraw items. To make it easier to switch spellbooks, I have my Astral and Cosmic runes in a single line. I've tried it several times I've tried to remove said runes, and usually end up with three astral and 0 cosmic, or 3 law.

The most significant effect of this update's is that it creates overloads. It is a challenge to describe in writing. You'll probably find that clicking quickly could cause you to remove substances from the areas you clicked on first.

When you doubleclick with the Mousekeys, sometimes the moment you move your mouse pointer after pressing the + button you will withdraw one of the items you originally clicked on and one of the items the mouse's pointer is placed on. This can be quite irritating to create large numbers of overloads as you must take into account lag, or reduce the speed of your clicks or click in such that you take into account the lag (involves shifting your the mouse around after clicking).

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