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Welcome to the Michael Biehn Fans message board. This forum is open to all MB fans to express their opinions, hopes and dreams for the best underrated actor around. Please observe the basic netiquette quidelines and everyone will be happy.

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The game that is the most watched in NBA history was Game 6 of the 1998 NBA Finals

It should also be noted that, like other VC problems in the NBA 2K series, it's possible that using these techniques with a clear intention could result in your account being exiled NBA 2K MT. Even though 2K has been less heavy-handed in imposing these types of fines recently.

Be aware that you're taking an opportunity to risk using any unapproved method of obtaining VC. In this regard, we are not responsible for any disciplinary action that may result by leveraging these flaws. With our bases covered, let's focus on the good stuff.

Just after the launch of NBA 2K22 players discovered they could gain easy VC by dropping out of the next-gen version of the game just as their first game at the Brickley's Gym was getting close to ending. That's still technically possible in the most recent update for 2K22 However, there's an added wrinkle to the game. In order to actually get your VC as well as badges progressing from the game, you must win the game every time.

Open up your MyCareer. Particularly on a brand new profile that's been through all the basic tutorials, and head to Brickley's Gym located on your City map. Enter the building, and begin your first game by talking about the NPC inside. After your badge progress will be loaded at the end the match, quit out and quit the game.

Insert yourself back into the game quickly travel, and immediately speed it up using the appropriate bumper. If the glitch has been fixed right, it's as though you have never played the game and you'll get to keep the badges or VC you earned from your previous victory. You can continue playing in your very first round Cheap 2K22 MT, continue to win and enjoy the rewards.