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Set pieces have long been dull in FIFA over the years - MMOexp

Kudos to EA for introducing an entirely new shooting option with a special feature of the ability to aim manually FIFA 23 Coins. It's also great that it's possible to disable the corny zoom-in that will play when the power shot is triggered. Overall, it's an excellent feature to shoot with.

Set pieces have long been dull in FIFA over the years. Although free kicks are uncommon for me When you do get one they are much more exciting. Furthermore penalties have been reduced for the better. In addition, corners haven't simply copied the same design as set pieces but are equipped with a great new camera view.

The circle that surrounds the ballPress shoot when the circle is the smallest to ensure maximum accuracy. Hold down R1/RB or L1/LB in the same time that you shoot to take a fine or chip shot

Use the left stick control the shot before the ball is struck The size and velocity at which the circle moves is dependent upon the penalty kick taker's score as well as the timing and nature in the case of the spot-kick -and kicks at the end of the game have a greater amount of pressure.

Repeat shooting to activate Timed Finishing for an extra accuracy boostBy judging the point on the circle where you'll be making contact, you can control the shot's type and the spin, if there is one is applied. It's a basic idea but one that's hard enough to make free kicks and set pieces that are balanced.

The circle of stability around the ball Press play when the circular area is at its lowest for maximum precision. Hold down R1/RB/L1/LB at the same time as shoot for a precision or chip shot. Use an left-hand stick in order to control the shots before the ball is hit Corner shots still use the same set of plays linked to the D-pad cheap *** 23 Coins, so you have the option of using a variety as defensive and offensive situations.