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World of Warcraft Classic launch

Waiting in line in the starting zones may sound like a hassle However, some seem to be taking it in stride. "All the people waiting patiently in the queue to get rid of the boss from #WowClassic. That's the politest thing I've ever witnessed in gaming, never," wrote Twitter user @Farore13.

The lines that are long appear to be affecting multiple WoW Classic servers, so there is no escape from the waiting. However, your mileage will undoubtedly vary, and wait times are bound to reduce with time when players are spread out across Azeroth. In the end, WoW Classic was only just released just hours ago, which means the possibility of a massive influx of players within small areas can be anticipated.

A stunning video posted on Reddit will show you the way hundreds of players join simultaneously. It's truly incredible to look at.

World of Warcraft Classic launch! The sheer amount of people is quite something! From the r/wow

It's not a brand novel idea for players of online games to be waiting in lines in game. You may recall that the on launch day for the original The Division, people waited in line for computers.

WoW Classic, as its name suggests is a remake of WoW, the original MMO from 2004 , but with some functional changes. It's free for existing subscribers of WoW. For moreinformation, look up P2Pah's list of all the details you should be aware of about WoW Classic.

If you want to know more about WoTLK Classic Gold, please visit