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hi reesa let me say i just respect what you wrote me, the reason i wrote this thread in this way, because when you say it getting down to the end of the line, in some ways it feels that way for real, because michael biehn is 46 years old! that means he has around 4 years left before it is tragiclly over, because of that, things need to happen now, things for biehn need to happen like they never happen before and that is why i dont want michael biehn to lose the real chance he deserves to shine on the a list, so this is why i want to know someone, that hasnt yet, but will step up to the plate and tell us what happened with the preview of adv. inc and also the promotion for it there! because this is important to the future of biehn, and yeah i watch mutant x that has been the best show to watch on the weekend since it has been on, but ya know what? since it has been shown only in repeats, they have been shown also at new time of 4pm on saturday and since this is what happen for mutant x i repeats, maybe adv. inc wont do bad at that time either on the wb channel 11, but i think that it should get better time, but not at 7 but like at 8 or 9 or the ten oclock slot because those are the prime hourse to watch tv at night and if adv. inc can get one of these it can not only get high ratings for a saturday night but also lead to real films after adv. inc for biehn and but i dont understand why michael biehn wasnt there when it is his show, but i guess if is still filming it, then i guess he cant be both places at once, but i think beihn should be at the next promotion for it if it is in new york city or L.A. because then michael biehn would get the real exposure and i think that biehn should himself more out in the open in public in new york city and L.A. because once you are seen in one of those places, then you have it made and i should know because like i said i am new blood director of new york city itself of 23! and i think that biehns adv. inc will get a high time showing for this because if adv inc turns out to be the best new tv series outthere, then why would they put on a 4 pm time slot that people who work on saturday wouldnt see? and that is why i think gale will make the false powers that arent to be to see the biehn light because the time for biehn to shine to be on the a list to get this done in the 4 years through his new adventure is now yeah and that is all mr. Reese!

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I've biehn trying to find someone out there in that big web world who witnessed and could report on the preview that was supposedly promoted at the SD Comic Con but without any luck. MB was not at the event from what I understand. He was in Toronto filming the new series.

I'm still waiting to hear from the WB station here in Boston as to when they will broadcast the show. All I got was it would air probably on a Saturday at 4 PM. They also replay the syndicated shows at midnight on Sundays. At least Mutant X and Andromeda got a 7 PM slot on Saturdays if that is any indication. I'm hoping producer Gale Ann Hurd's involvment may swing the powers that be to give it a better time slot, and hopefully some good promotion. It's getting down to the line if they expect to get enough interest.


Excuse me, Mr. Reese! What's all this 4 more years and it's tragically over crap?! The man will be turning 50 in 4 years, not 80! There are tons and tons of actors out there who are still going strong over the age of 50. And another thing, I'm starting to notice the MB is starting to get a little more popular lately. I know that Clockstoppers didn't do nearly as awesome at the box office as we'd all hoped but I'm sure there are many people who did still go see it, enjoy it, and enjoyed MB's performance. Also, T3 is coming out next summer and even though MB is supposably not in it I think it will still make him a little more well known. How this is possible is I've noticed that when a sequel comes out that people flock to the video store to rent or buy the oringinal to either see where it all came from for first time viewers, or to refresh their memory of the events which took place to lead up to this point. In a way I'm glad MB's not in T3 (although I will greatly miss him there) because there is a big chance they're gonna screw it up anyways. With a big and widely popular series, such as The Terminator series, having different writers and a different director (no James Cameron for this one sadly) could spell disaster! One prime example of this happening is the Batman series, the first two were awesome! However when they got rid of Tim Burton directing and the origenal screenplay writers for the third and forth one they really REALLY screwed up the series! I have a bad feeling that's what they'll do to T3. To my surprise they might not but I'm still thinking it is a good chance. Well MB may not be on the top of The A List but I'm sure he will have more and more new fans wanting to see his work. Anyway's this fan thinks that MB will be doing just fine after he turns 50. He might not be in a big blockbuster smash as a lead role (sniff) (I'm not saying I wouldn't love to see him there, cuz I would) however, hopefully more roles in an ansamble cast will come his way. We all know those movies are fun and very entertaining.

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hi reesa let me say i just respect what you wrote me, the reason i wrote this thread in this way, because when you say it getting down to the end of the line, in some ways it feels that way for real, because michael biehn is 46 years old! that means he has around 4 years left before it is tragiclly over, because of that, things need to happen now, things for biehn need to happen like they never happen before and that is why i dont want michael biehn to lose the real chance he deserves to shine on the a list, so this is why i want to know someone, that hasnt yet, but will step up to the plate and tell us what happened with the preview of adv. inc and also the promotion for it there! because this is important to the future of biehn, and yeah i watch mutant x that has been the best show to watch on the weekend since it has been on, but ya know what? since it has been shown only in repeats, they have been shown also at new time of 4pm on saturday and since this is what happen for mutant x i repeats, maybe adv. inc wont do bad at that time either on the wb channel 11, but i think that it should get better time, but not at 7 but like at 8 or 9 or the ten oclock slot because those are the prime hourse to watch tv at night and if adv. inc can get one of these it can not only get high ratings for a saturday night but also lead to real films after adv. inc for biehn and but i dont understand why michael biehn wasnt there when it is his show, but i guess if is still filming it, then i guess he cant be both places at once, but i think beihn should be at the next promotion for it if it is in new york city or L.A. because then michael biehn would get the real exposure and i think that biehn should himself more out in the open in public in new york city and L.A. because once you are seen in one of those places, then you have it made and i should know because like i said i am new blood director of new york city itself of 23! and i think that biehns adv. inc will get a high time showing for this because if adv inc turns out to be the best new tv series outthere, then why would they put on a 4 pm time slot that people who work on saturday wouldnt see? and that is why i think gale will make the false powers that arent to be to see the biehn light because the time for biehn to shine to be on the a list to get this done in the 4 years through his new adventure is now yeah and that is all mr. Reese!

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Replying to:

I've biehn trying to find someone out there in that big web world who witnessed and could report on the preview that was supposedly promoted at the SD Comic Con but without any luck. MB was not at the event from what I understand. He was in Toronto filming the new series.

I'm still waiting to hear from the WB station here in Boston as to when they will broadcast the show. All I got was it would air probably on a Saturday at 4 PM. They also replay the syndicated shows at midnight on Sundays. At least Mutant X and Andromeda got a 7 PM slot on Saturdays if that is any indication. I'm hoping producer Gale Ann Hurd's involvment may swing the powers that be to give it a better time slot, and hopefully some good promotion. It's getting down to the line if they expect to get enough interest.