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Episode 13 sub for all those who have purchased it from me....

ok for some strange unknown reason, i can't get ep 13 sub into vcd format-however, i have managed to put it on a cd in mpg format that will play on your computers only-no dvd players. i have sent that disc to all those who ordered that ep from me. I WILL resend that episode out on VCD once i figure out what the (insert any word here) is going on. **it did burn on vcd format only the entire ep was upside down! don't believe me, i'll post a clip a little later on** if you have any questions/concerns please, please email me and i'll explain it to you. oh and kousagi, since you still haven't recieved it yet i sent out another package. you know how slow/disorganized some post offices are. it probably got stuck in a machine. Hahahahha....

Re: Episode 13 sub for all those who have purchased it from me....

Thats kinda funny. The upside down and the eating in the machine. I'll send my payment for my next order tomorrow.

I feel bad about the price change. I mean how are you supposed to send a cd for a dollar? Its not possible is it? About $.59 for an envelope, $.05 for a cd, $.25 for a case, and about $.88 for postage.

Re: Episode 13 sub for all those who have purchased it from me....

Teeeeheeee.... Actually i don't charge anyone for s&h only because of my little secret. i can't say why. i am only charging for the episode itself. i can't charge more than $3 a disc because its not fair if you look at it from the people i have downloaded from. (they don't want anyone to sell PGSM more than $3 a disc) and i don't mind because a lot of people have donated money with their order so ^_^ it all works out in the end.