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Rapture thoughts


I think it is important, as dates come and go, to back up in my thinking to the level of interpretive presumptions.

As a result of doing this over time I have come to the following conclusions. I put these before you for consideration and discussion.

God, through the Lord Jesus Christ is bringing about a kingdom that will have two aspects for a period of time. One will be an earth-based kingdom ruled by remnant Israel (including Old Testament saints like David and Daniel) and the other will be a heavenly/celestial places kingdom ruled by the body of Christ.

I believe that as a member of the body of Christ, with a new/immortal body, I will be able to go back and forth from the celestial spaces/dimensions to the earthly spaces/dimensions, similar to what Jesus did after his resurrection. We will interface with remnant Israel during the Millenium.

At this time, the evil one and his minions occupy the celestial places we will eventually take over. He is to be kicked out of those places in the near future, in part because there is no more room for him per Revelation 12:8. Why? Because at that point we will have taken our place. It is my opinion that the number of people making up the body of Christ will match the number of fallen angels.

Satan has his own verson of this two fold aspect of God's kingdom. Yet because he will be cast to the earth to stay, he will bring both about on an earthly level. He knows this will happen and so he has the structures already in place.

The nations of the world have already been divided into ten economic regions by the UN and there will be an Antichrist figure over these. This compares to God's celestial kingdom.

There is also a ten nation confederation that is centered in the middle east and will have an Antichrist figure "the Assyrian" leading a group of muslim based nations against Israel. This is Satan's version of God's earth-based kingdom.

It is my opinion that Ron Reese has his focus on the "world wide" aspect of what Satan is up to, and a gentleman, Pete Fisher at Prophecy and Beyond, has his focus on the Middle East aspect. Both are correct, though on the surface they appear to disagree due to emphasis.

It is my opinion that our current President may possibly have his focus on leading the "economic region" that includes the United States though I think it is Prince William who will ultimately embody the Evil One. A good site to read in this regard is www.grailcode.net There is a lot of information on this site and so it takes some time to come up.

It is essential that one rightly divide the word of truth when it comes to the subject of prophecy. Paul is the apostle to the gentiles. The disciples are the apostles to the circumcision. It is important to keep this in mind as one reads passages in the Gospels, Acts, Hebrews, and Revelation, for example, verses books such as Paul's last letters (prison epistles): Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. Paul was taught by Jesus over time and it is these three epistles where Paul explains the comprehensive revelation to the body of Christ (the nations).

So that I am not misunderstood, I believe that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for teaching . . . However, this does not mean that each and every verse applies directly to me as a member of the body of Christ.

Concerning the use of calendars I have some thoughts but these are not clear to me. I am going to risk just writing them down. If God reinforces to you just one small aspect of what I am saying, great, and throw the rest away. He is our only teacher.

The alignment of the eclipses on major festival days (such as in 2014/2015 reinforces to me that the use of the aviv barley to determine the beginning of the year, and the sighting of the crescent to start the month, that these are valid. It is also my understanding that barley, once it is ripe, does not take a long time before the grain will start to fall off of the stalk, if one waits too long.

However, the timing above, I think, relates to Israel. Why? Because it relates to the land. Israel's focus is to be an earth based kingdom.

With respect to the body of Christ, and our destiny being the celestial places, it is the sun and stars that take precedent verses the barley crop.

Because of the precession of the equinoxes over the course of 1000's of years, there can be a two month difference between the use of barley verses the use of the sun and stars. We have to wait "longer" because we are of an eon/age of grace.

Hence, the argument that takes place between which method is correct becomes a non-argument, because both are correct.

Another, unrelated thought. I think that the time of Jacob's trouble ends at mid-trib, at which time the remnant will be protected in a temporary setting outside of the present boundaries of Israel. The 70th week of Daniel will continue to the end of what we refer to as the tribulation because during that protected time God will still be working in those people, preparing them for the Messiah's return. However, they get shelter from the coming wrath judgements (not to say the first three and a half years was easy).

During the first three and a half years the two witnesses will be proclaiming God's message to the nation of Israel, with the 144,000 sent throughout the world. At the midpoint, this ministry ends because the Day of the LORD begins with God's wrath being poured out upon the nations.

John will be proclaiming during the last three and a half years. This is one reason why Jesus told Peter that it was none of Peter's business if He wanted John to remain until He came back. I am not saying John is still alive now, but he will be present when Jesus comes back. John's proclamation to the nations of the world is mentioned in Revelation 10:11.

It appears to me that the books of I, II and III John will have relevance to those who survive the tribulation whereas I and II Peter will have relevance to those who will likely be martyred during the tribulation. This is echoed in how these apostles each ended their earth lifetimes originally.

My hope is that what I write may serve as a catalyst for us to remain teachable before the Father, and open to the idea that He may teach us a little something from each other, even those who seem to disagree with us on the surface of what is being presented. Let the RITA "Sons of Thunder" be quick to listen, slow to speak, and even slower in becoming angry.

Still watching because it seems like I cannot do otherwise,


Email: douglashenney@gmail.com

Re: Rapture thoughts

Hi Douglas,

What you have written is truly inspiring. It is true that the last 2,000 Years has been about the Lord preparing a Body of men and women who are going to rule this earthly kingdom from His Heavenly Kingdom.

This is why the Lord said

"My Kingdom is not of this World. If my Kingdom were of this World, my servants would fight..." (John 18:36)

We are kings now!

When we receive our glorified bodies we will have servants that are going to fight in the End of the Age battle! They are going to dismantle piece by piece the spiritual kingdom of the Devil.

This is the war that will last for 3 1/2 Years - the 1st part of the Great Tribulation.

Once the Devil is thrown out of the spiritual realm.

He will go after the Tribulation saints. The battle will begin with the killing of the two Witnesses. This will back fire on the Devil, for they will be raised up from the dead and ascend into heaven in glorified bodies!

This will inspire Tribulation saints all over the World to lay down their lives for Jesus Christ.

For they will understand that in giving up their mortal bodies they will also receive glorified bodies in 2017.

These saints will be added to those who will reign this earthly kingdom from the Lord's Heavenly Kingdom for a 1,000 Years.

It's important that we understand the Devil knows that the higher he can advance in the spirit realm, the greater the control he has on this earthly realm.

That is why we, the saints, are going to take his place.

We are going to destroy his spiritual base from which he is able to rule over the hearts and minds of all mankind, filling them with hatred, wickedness, violence and lawlessness.

For we, in our glorified bodies, are going to radiate love, joy, peace and sincerity, into the hearts and minds of all men on earth, through the Kingdom we rule over in Heaven.

This is our destiny.

This our our purpose, and it will be accomplished without fail.

"Do you not know that the saints will judge the world?...Do you not know that we shall judge (fallen)angels?" (1Cor.6:2,3)

We, believe it or not, have been given the responsibility of Judging ourselves.

If we fail to do this we will not be in a position to judge others.

Make no mistake folks, many are failing to do this and will be left behind to be judged by the Lord, through those who go up in the rapture!

"For if we would judge ourselves, we would NOT be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned (****ed) with the World." (1Cor.11:32)

Once again Douglas, great article!

Do remain blessed.

Re: Rapture thoughts

Great Article..
i think its a great view of the big picture of Gods Plan
seems like as we all get closer to that Day..that we are being given revelation on how things will transpire and why/how it works.


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