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Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!!!!!

Dean Braxton

“In Heaven!: Experiencing the Throne of God”

Medical records show that Dean Braxton experienced cardiac arrest for one hour and forty-five minutes. He died and found himself transported into the Throne Room of God. Dean saw family members, angels assigned to us, prayers in heaven, and more. Today he is called the "Miracle Man" having been supernaturally healed of twenty-nine conditions.

Website: www.braxtoninternational.org/

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Jesse Duplantis

This video is a tes­ti­mo­ny of Jesse's OBE he had when he went to heav­en to met Je­sus.

Website: www.jdm.org/

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Anna Rountree

While staying at a mountain cabin, Anna Rountree was caught up in a tremendous vision of Heaven. While there, she was taught by angels & met Jesus himself. Anna Rountree provides us with a stunning vision of what heaven is like & discusses the correlation between events today & what she saw in the spirit realm.

Audio Sample Reading from “The Priestly Bride ”

Audio Sample Reading from “The Heavens Opened”

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Victoria Hanna-Rene Nasworthy

“6 Big, Big, Big Angels”

Watch this video about a 4 year old's trip to heaven. "6 Big Big Big Angels" Ever wondered about miscarried, dead or aborted babies? Do they "cease" to exist? Do they remember their families? Do they harbour unforgiveness? Don't Despair! None are lost. Philosophical debates on pro-choice/pro-life melt away when you see this! Filmed at Sid Roth's Studio, Sept 2006. Parts 1&2.

Look at a picture she drew of God's Throne.

Website: www.6bigangels.com/

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Oden Hetrick

“The Testimony of Oden Hetrick: Inside the Holy City”

An interview with Rev. Oden Hetrick who visited Heaven many times. It unveils amazing details of Heaven: The Holy City, The Tree of Life, The River of Life, Mansions, Chambers, The Throne of God, The Sea of Glass, Companionship & Intimacy and much more.

Views of Heaven from Straight On & Above as Oden Hetrick saw & his daughter Lois drew them:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Website: www.odenhetrick.com

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Kerry, thanks for sharing this inspiring thread . . as much as we can take in, I believe, Holy Spirit is showing for His children watching, rich blessings, the beauty of Heaven, His prepared Place!!!

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

David Pawson

“Dark Diamonds”

If you take a precious stone and you cut a very thin slice and shine pure light through it, one of two things will happen. It will lose all of its color and look like a piece of coal or, it will change from its present color, red, blue or green, into all the colors of the rainbow and the most fabulous patterns you have every seen. The scientific term for those that lose everything is 'isotropic' and the scientific term that gave ALL the colors and wonderful patterns is 'anisotropic'.

There are 12 stones which will be used as the material for the New Jerusalem and everyone of them is anistropic. Now some of you ladies are going to be disappointed here - diamonds are isotropic. Don't take them with you to glory - they have no color, no brilliance. The ruby - it has no color in pure light. Garnets - no color.

Website: www.davidpawson.com/

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Bill Wiese

“23 Minutes in Hell”

Bill was given a 23 minute tour of Hell with Jesus Christ, and tells about the absolute unspeakable misery that lost souls have to endure. You've never heard anything like this before.

Bill Wiese saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, and experienced the putrid and rotting stench, deafening screams of agony, terrorizing demons, and finally, the strong hand of God lifting him out of the pit. "Tell them I am coming very, very soon!" It took him 1 year just to settle down. Since this life-changing ordeal, he has spent the last seven years studying the Scriptures to find answers and has listed more than 150 Bible verses referencing hell.

(This video is fully referenced with 100+ onscreen scriptures and pictures of all topics and verses mentioned.)

Everyone is curious about the afterlife, and now Wiese shares his insights to commonly asked questions such as: * Is hell a literal burning place? * Where is hell? * Do you have a body in hell? * Are there Degrees of punishment in hell? * Are there children in hell? * Can Demons torment people in hell? * Can "good" people go to hell? "Even if you don’t believe my story, I hope you will believe the Scriptures and avoid hell just the same."

From Robert Brownell... SpiritLessons.com: Every Christian must read this. Yes Jesus still reveals Himself to people, and is giving people a final warning. Of all the preaching about Hell that I've heard, finally one of first hand experience. It goes so far beyond what I though hell was like. The phrase we use "seperation from God" just doesn't do justice to the absolute terror of Hell. Once you read it, you'll understand why Jesus died for us. The Lord has revealed to me, and to many others that this testimony is valid, and I've heard many testimonies of people's lives being changed after hearing the MP3 version of this online. My best friend called me up after a year of backsliding, and repented in tears for what he did, after he heard this testimony along with Mary K. Baxter's. It will wake up the Lukewarm, convict the Backslidden, warn the wicked, motivate the timid to share, & put a fear of God into all that hear.

Now get out there and let's win this war!

Website: www.soulchoiceministries.org/

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Ian McCormack

“The Story of Ian McCormack”

Ian McCormack lives in New Zealand. He died in hospital in Mauritius at a young age following poisonous stings from box jelly fish. He was dead for 15 minutes. He experienced both Hell and Heaven.

Website: aglimpseofeternity.org/

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Mickey Robinson

“Falling To Heaven”

After surviving severe burns... resulting from an airplane crash while skydiving, Mickey Robinson had a "Death's Door" experience and spiritual rebirth that radically changed his life. During the long period of time required to recover, he not only received several miraculous healings, but also struggled with finding his purpose in life. For the past 25 years, Mickey has had a public ministry speaking in churches and to various groups of people. He shares the reality of God's power to change people's lives. The story of his testimony imparts hope and encouragement for any person to be an overcomer.

Website: www.mickeyrobinson.com/

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Don Piper

“90 Minutes in Heaven”

As he is driving home from a minister's conference, Baptist minister Don Piper collides with a semi-truck that crosses into his lane. He is pronounced dead at the scene. For the next 90 minutes, Piper experiences heaven where he is greeted by those who had influenced him spiritually. He hears beautiful music and feels true peace. Back on earth, a passing minister who had also been at the conference is led to pray for Don even though he knows the man is dead. Piper miraculously comes back to life and the bliss of heaven is replaced by a long and painful recovery. For years Piper kept his heavenly experience to himself. Finally, however, friends and family convinced him to share his remarkable story.

90 Minutes in Heaven offers a glimpse into a very real dimension of eternity. It encourages those recovering from serious injuries and those dealing with the loss of a loved one. The experience dramatically changed Piper's life, and it will change yours too.

Website: www.donpiperministries.com/

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Mary Katherine Baxter

Mary Katherine Baxter was chosen by God to let the world know of the REALITY of Hell.

Jesus Christ appeared to Mary Baxter on 40 consecutive nights and took Mary K. Baxter on a tour of Hell and Heaven.

She walked with Jesus, through the horrors of Hell and talked with many people.

Jesus showed her what happens to souls when they die and what happens to the unbelievers and Servants of God who do not obey their calling.

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Website: www.odenhetrick.com

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Dr. Gary Wood

Died, Saw Heaven, and Came Back To Life.

Dr Gary Wood died in a horrible car accident and went to Heaven. His sister prayed for him and he was raised from the dead. In these interview files, Gary talks about meeting his best friend who had died years earlier and about the glories of Heaven.

Website: www.garywood-ministries.org/

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Henry Gruver

Website: joyfulsoundministries.com/

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Mary Katherine Baxter

“A Divine Revelation of Heaven”

Mary Baxter was shown the Glories of Heaven. These breathtaking glimpses of Heaven will turn your heart toward the beauty and joy that await every believer in Christ.

Audio Clip of “A Divine Revelation of Heaven”

“A Divine Revelation of Hell”

Mary Baxter was chosen by God to let the world know of the REALITY of Hell. For 30 consecutive nights Jesus took Mary on a tour of the horrors of Hell, & talked with many people there. Jesus showed her what happens to souls when they die & what happens to unbelievers & Servants of God who don't obey their calling.

Audio Clip of “A Divine Revelation of Hell”

Website: joyfulsoundministries.com/

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Curtis “Earthquake” Kelley

In this powerful story, pastor and former heavyweight boxer Curtis "Earthquake" Kelley shares an extraordinary testimony of his salvation and deliverance from voodoo and sorcery. You will hear of his near-death experiences--first, after dying from a drug overdose as a teenager and entering hell, then years later, after dying of a brain aneurysm and entering Paradise. Bishop Kelley answers questions such as: Are heaven and hell real? What happens when you die? What message does God have for the church today? How do you recognize the schemes of the enemy? And how do you live in the victory that Jesus purchased for you at the cross? This testimony will help you gain valuable knowledge to live victoriously and to know with certainty where you will spend eternity.

Website: www.earthquakekelleyministries.org/

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Rebecca Springer

In the 1890s, in an out-of-body death-and-revive experience, Rebecca Springer saw missionaries in Heaven.


Rebecca Springer at the beginning of the nineteen hundreds recorded the following experiences when she got to visit Heaven.


"....And so we talked until twilight fell. Often the question has been asked whether there was night there. Emphatically no! What we call day was full of glorious radiance, a roseate golden light which was everywhere. There is no language known to mortals that can describe this marvelous glory. It flooded the sky. After a period much longer than our longest earthly day, this glory mellowed and softened until it became a glowing twilight full of peace. The children ceased their playing beneath the trees, the little birds nestled among the vines, and all who had been busy in various ways throughout the day sought rest and quiet. But there was no darkness, no dusky shadows--only a restful softening of the glory.

Visiting the lake and a view of the Heavenly City

"...I caught my breath, then stopped abruptly and covered my face with my hands to shield my eyes from the glorified scene. I looked upon it as one but half awakened. Before us spread a lake as smooth as glass, but flooded with golden glory caught from the very heavens that made it look like a sea of molten gold. The blossom and fruit-bearing trees grew to its very border. Far, far away across its shining waters arose the domes and spires of what seemed to be a mighty city. Many people were resting upon its flowery banks, and on the surface of the water were boats of wonderful structure, filled with happy souls and propelled by unseen powers.

Above we saw a band of singing cherubs, floating high overhead. "Glory and honor!" sang the child voices. "Dominion and power!" caught up and answered the voices of the multitudes below, "be unto Him who sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb forever!"

We stood upon the margin of the lake; my cheeks were tear-bedewed, and my eyes were dim with emotion. I felt weak as a little child, but, oh, what rapture, what joy unspeakable filled and overmastered me! Was I dreaming? Or was it indeed but another phase of the immortal life?

As we watched, groups of children played around in joyous freedom and there were happy shouts of laughter that echoed over the lake. No fear of harm or danger; no dread of ill, or anxiety lest a mishap occur--security and joy and peace! "This is a blessed life," I said as we stood watching the sports of the happy children.

In the Heavenly City, but without Churches

I was roused from my thoughts by the boat's touching the marble terrace, and found my brother already standing and waiting to assist me to the shore. Passing up a slight upward slope, we found ourselves in a broad street that led into the center of the city. The streets I found were all very broad and smooth, and paved with marble and precious stones of every kind. Though they were thronged with people intent on various duties, not an atom of debris, nor even dust, was visible anywhere. There seemed to be vast business houses of many kinds, though I saw nothing resembling our large mercantile establishments. There were many colleges and schools; many book and music stores and publishing houses; several large manufactories where, I learned, were spun the fine silken threads of manifold colors which were so extensively used in the weaving of the draperies I have already mentioned. There were art rooms, picture galleries, libraries, many lecture halls and vast auditoriums.

But I saw no churches of any kind. At first this somewhat confused me, until I remembered that there are no creeds in Heaven, but that all worship together in harmony and love--the children of one and the same loving Father. "Ah," I thought, "what a pity that that fact, if no other in the great economy of Heaven, could not be proclaimed to the inhabitants of Earth! How it would do away with the petty contentions, jealousies and rivalries of the church militant! No creeds in Heaven! No controverted points of doctrine! No charges of heresy brought by one professed Christian against another. No building up of one denomination upon the ruins or downfall of a different sect! But one great universal brotherhood whose head is Christ, and whose cornerstone is love."

I thought of the day we had listened in the great auditorium at home to the divine address of our beloved Master; of the bowed heads and uplifted voices of that vast multitude as every voice joined in the glorious anthem, "Crown Him Lord of all," and I could have wept to think of the faces that must some day be bowed in shame when they remember how often they have in mortal life said to a brother Christian, "Stand aside; I am holier than thou!"

We found no dwelling houses anywhere in the midst of the city, until we came to the suburbs. Here they stood in great magnificence and splendor. But one pleasing fact was that every home had its large yard, full of trees and flowers and pleasant walks; indeed, it was everywhere, outside of the business center of the town, like one vast park dotted with lovely houses.

Heavenly Secrets not to be disclosed!

There was much that charmed, much that surprised me in this great city, OF WHICH I MAY NOT FULLY SPEAK, but which I can never forget.

We found in one place a very large park, with walks, drives, fountains, miniature lakes and shaded seats, but no dwellings nor buildings of any kind, except an immense circular open temple capable of seating many hundred; and where, my brother told me, a seraph choir assembled at a certain hour daily to render the oratorios written by the great musical composers of Earth and Heaven. It had just departed, and the crowd who had enjoyed its divine music yet lingered as though loath to leave a spot so hallowed.


Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

This is absolutely a great thread. I mark this thread for future use: listening to all of them if I have time . But I believed we will all surprise of the actual heaven once we are there. I couldn't wait to go there as soon as possible!!!

Yahshua comes and let Your grace and mercy covers me and take me to Your place to stay with You forever.

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Jennifer Perez

“Hell Is Real — I Went There”

This precious testimony is of a 15 year old girl who was raised in a Christian home. She later backslid in her walk, found herself overdosing on drugs, dying, and being sent to Hell. Fortunately, she was given a second chance and mission to go back and warn the lost, backslidden, and lukewarm with an urgent message.

“Hell Is Real — I Went There”

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Howard Storm

The NDE of an Arts Professor

The astounding story of Arts Professor Howard Storm who had a near-death encounter while still an atheist. He relates his story of being dragged to the brink of hell by evil spirits & calling out to Jesus to save him. The video takes us through his experience and the answers he received during the NDE about the future of the USA(00:24mins) & the World(00:34), about heaven(00:39), and about other Worlds(00:49).

The Nature of Heaven

Howard Storm during his NDE asks what Heaven is like. This is the answer he received.

The Nature of Jesus Christ

Howard Storm during his NDE asks who Jesus was and this is the answer he received.

The Future of the World

During His Near Death Experience Howard Storm is shown the future of the world.

The Future of the United States

During his NDE Howard Storm discoveres the future of the United States.

Other Life in the Universe

Howard Storm during his NDE askes what Life is in the Universe. He explains the answer he received.

“My Decent Into Hell”

Interview with former atheist, professor and chairman of the art department at the Northern Kentucky University. Howard Storm died and found himself in HELL, conversed with Jesus who answered Storm's difficult questions. Today Howard Storm is a Senior Pastor of Covington United Church of Christ.

Website: www.howardstorm.com/

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Dr Maurice Rawlings

“To Hell and Back”

This video hosted by Dr. Maurice Rawlings, a noted cardiologist, investigates life after death and his experiences with patients that actually saw 'the other side!

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Dr. George Ritchie

“My Life After Dying”

At the age of twenty, George Ritchie died in an army hospital. Nine minutes later, he returned to life. What happened to him during those nine minutes was so compelling it changed his life forever. This is one of the most startling and hopeful descriptions of the realm beyond ever written.

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Sue Peterson

“I Was In Heaven”

Sue Peterson, after dedicating her life completely to the lordship of Jesus Christ, left her body and was given the privilege of seeing the great mansions of heaven. She speaks about the great importance of speaking in tongues and describes the fact that there are various mansions already established like the Mansion of the Patriarchs and the Mansion of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.

Audio Message — “I Was In Heaven”

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Henry Gruver

“Six Hours In Heaven”

Listen to Audio Stream

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

This thread keeps on inspiring . . take a look @ this Kerry, and all sent to me by my friend Shelley . . YES!!!!

Six to eight believers share the same thing they saw in Heaven

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Dr. Richard Eby

Revelation of Heaven

“I Went To Hell”

In 1977 Jesus appeared to him at Lazarus' tomb in Israel and said he had more to show him -- that He wanted to show him what hell was like, so that he would go and tell others about it all. (He described Jesus' eyes as blazing "with laser-like brilliance of love, power and righteousness.") -- The description of hell was horrifying -- total terror, and one moment seemed like an eternity. With insane laughter, a thousand screaming, spider-sized demons mocked and taunted him with obscenities for believing their lies instead of God's truths. There was a pervasive, filthy stench. Deafening decibels of heavy metal voodoo sounds filled the place with a thousand, frenzied rock and roll bodies in epileptic-type seizures at the music. I could go on, but enough of that description. Jesus said that He was showing him all this so that he would go back and tell others. Jesus said to him: "You are to go tell them! Tell them! Tell them! I have brought you here to reveal to you my commission... I am returning soon to receive my Body of believers, and I want you to tell people about those things I showed you in heaven and hell. I want you to show them the choice they must make between Me... and Satan. I will return for you and my Body of believers before you can complete this commission. I am returning soon!"

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Thanks, Kerry, for posting these great videos! I'm looking forward to hearing them.

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Roberts Liardon

“I Was In Heaven”

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Michele Perry

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Beautiful and inspiring thank you TN Dove for posting I am sharing on my facebook and blog! Praise the Lord, our redemption draws near! Look up!

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

I can only imagine the time this has taken to compile. Thank you for loving us so much that you spent such time putting this together. What a witness of what we will experience one way or another. Powerful " Choose ye now whom ye will serve." There's no time to delay. Do it today if you haven't already. Reach out to someone needing these testimonies. Time is running out.

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

A big thank you brother Kerry for this wonderful thread that you have compiled! Grace and Peace to you, until we meet in heaven. Bro, Neal

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Danny Steyne

An encounter with an angel leads to spiritual breakthroughs for Danny Steyne.

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Jennifer Toledo

This is a great and inspiring testimony of this young girl who goes to an African village by herself and sees God move in very real ways!

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Angel Caught On Tape

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

2 Angels are Taking Away the Soul of the Dead Child

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Angel on the Highway in Israel

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!


A Hezbollah fighter became a Christian.

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Richard Sig­mund

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

whoo hoo Thank you Dove!

Email: Becky98823@yahoo.com

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

TN Dove,

I know you must have posted these in urgency for your vision back in was it 1977? That Jesus is coming in 2010!!!!!

Praise God for you!

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

TN Dove,

Praise God for you posting Anna Rountree! She is my new mentor! If I was here on earth and grew to be her age, I would want to be like her!! I am so thankful for this!! I will cherish this! I am going to walk in this way.

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Nikki, Anna Roundtree is one of the first saints I want to meet after the Snatch. I sure understand how you feel about Anna.

Talk about being blessed by the anointing of the Holy Ghost!!!! She's been blessed richly because of her surrendered heart and love for Jesus . . no doubt the Holy Spirit's given her visions meant to share, I believe, for the church in waiting.

Outside the Bible Anna's visions she shares of the Bride of Christ leaves me breathless.

a close walk with Jesus, like Anna Roundtree's is a gift so, so beautiful, I think.

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Nikki & Donna - I'm SO GLAD you were blessed by Anna!!! When I found those interviews of her, I was so happy. It was like finding a special treat. She doesn't give interviews normally, as she doesn't seek attention for herself - especially TV interviews.

Her book, The Priestly Bride is AMAZING, Nikki. You can read it here. It's out of print, but so changed my life this past year.

Yes, I'll be in line to meet Anna, as well! Along with so many of these folks that have encouraged me as to what we have in store for us.

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

TN Dove

Her book, The Priestly Bride is AMAZING, Nikki. You can read it here. It's out of print, but so changed my life this past year.

Also her book, The Heavens Opened

I was so blessed by her book, The Priestly Bride that I had to find the other one...

Thanks for all the links to these amazing testimonies. I have watch many of them before, but some like Anna I had not seen. What a blessing! Thanks so VERY much!

Email: jasonjcox@comcast.net

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Re: Supernatural Visits to Heaven & Hell - these will bless you & open your eyes to what is coming!!

Angelica Testimony: MICHEAL JACKSON, SELENA and KIDS in HELL !!!


Re: Angelica Testimony: MICHEAL JACKSON, SELENA and KIDS in HELL !!!

Re: Angelica Testimony: MICHEAL JACKSON, SELENA and KIDS in HELL !!!
Re: Angelica Testimony: MICHEAL JACKSON, SELENA and KIDS in HELL !!!

Thanks for the video - I just finished reading this book Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo (father) and Colton (the son). It's very, very good and worth reading. Written very well and although it does go into a lot of medical issues when Colton was sick, well more than half the book is after he recovers and about what he saw in heaven.
The father is a methodist minister and they seem like a very sincere and honest family.

One of the most fascinating points I thought in the book was "what does Jesus look like"? Colton's family would always ask him if Jesus looked like the pictures they would see in various places - but he always said no - it's not right. UNTIL - his dad showed him a picture of Jesus that Akiane Kramarik (young girl from Idaho(?) that has visions of heaven as well) painted and he stared at it for a long time and said "that one's right".
picture that "was right" http://www.artakiane.com/creating_painting.html

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