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Rapture Before December 21, 2010

Check this out.

2010 is a WHOPPER! And is more the REAL 2012. The alignments of December 21, 2012 is nowhere near the power of December 21, 2010

More and more astrologers say this year is the one. They were 2 years off !!!!!!

It will happen at WORLD POINT 0 degrees Cancer, and have an effect the world over, it will also conjunct Hades.


On 21st December 2010 coincides with a total lunar eclipse. This is the only lunar eclipse that will occur over this period of 36 years or so during which the winter solstice sunrise is directly aligned to the Galactic Centre. The Mayans, among other cultures, have identified this dark rift in the Milky Way galaxy (between Sagittarius & Scorpio) as the cosmic source of all creation (and destruction) and they have specifically tied their mythological and calendrical traditions to its winter solstice alignment. It is the place to which the Mayan shamans have always ventured on their visionary journeys in order to gain wisdom and understanding. On Winter Solstice this year, thanks to the lunar eclipse, and for the only time during this period of solar alignment, the Moon, Earth, Solstice Sun and Galactic Centre will all be in perfect alignment.

So far everywhere I have been reading online everyone is saying it is what the 2012 should look like!!! BUT 12-21-2010 that looks like it instead...

All the astrologers say 2010 is a heck of a lot more crazy than 2012. Yeah its a countdown all right

Also, this somehow adds up with the 2012 Movie, "We didn’t get the Date right", the Movie is about the 2012 Theme but is taking place in 2010 or 2011 as I remember right from the movie.

Of course they can be off. There are astrologers desperate to find stunning alignments in 2012 but cant. All the whoppers are in 2010.

Also of interest…

On December 21st 2010, the Solstice occurs on the same day as a Total Lunar Eclipse which takes place (astrologically) within 2 degrees of the Galactic Centre. That's a pretty big coincidence considering that an alignment with this area is central to the 2012 'belief'. Furthermore the total phase of the eclipse will last for the mystical number of 72 minutes. It will be visible over the America's and particularly the west coast of America, Central America and South America - home to the Maya.

No spectacular alignments in December 2012, It is most definitely two years off. I don't know about global doom, but at the Tropic of Cancer that runs through the town of Todo Santos in Baja California, the moon will be at zenith (straight up) during total eclipse. This is a once in a thousand year event.

As I have said before, from the astrological/astronomical point of view there really is nothing particularly notable about the much talked about 2012 date. What has come to light however is that THIS years December 21st Solstice is fairly remarkable - definitely from the astrological point of view, but also from an astronomical one. Perhaps the scholars who pinned the start of the Mayan Calendar date to 3114BC (relatively recently) are 2 years out!?

In Psalm 110, he sits at his Fathers right hand. His Scepter extends to Zion, which is tied to Orion and the Great Pyramid. The Lunar Eclipse rises Blood red over Orion’s raised sword on December 21, 2010.

I should state that, even though the odds are that the Mayan Calendar is off, it is probably not off by a significant amount of years. Since it was recalibrated using the Christian Calendar, which only turned out to be off by about 2-4 years, then the most that the Mayan Calendar will be in error is one of their 20 years cycles.

Now, get this.

If they chose the wrong eclipse they could be off in two ways. As stated above, if they are too soon, then we would have to wait that 20 years from 2012 AD for the end of their 13th Baktun placing the start of the new cycle circa 2032 AD - in this regards Sitchin was wrong for he stated that their calendar was cyclical and, therefore, would not end at this time however, though their calendar is cyclical, it is based on major epochs and one of which will end - this time by Earthquake and/or Pole shift - at the end of the 13th Baktun.

Now, to continue, if, however, they are too late, it is not going to be an error of 18 years - or we certainly would have known by now - but by the two year difference between the Saros Cycle and their 20 year cycle.

In other words, if they chose the Dark Side of the Eclipse, so to speak, the end of the 13th Baktun would actually occur December 21, 2010 AD.

Now, to continue, I was thinking about this:

When you look at the Magnetosphere it is getting consistently worse. Now, however, why would the Winter Solstice be an important date?

Well, its because we have at least two holes in the Ozone which reflects the two holes that we probably have in the Magnetosphere which allows increasingly more cosmic rays in which deteriorates the Magnetic Field even more.

When the Winter Solstice comes around that hole will be directly in front of the Sun and we will have no "shields" for the earth as one Scientist describes it.

Thus, you can expect the condition to worsen drastically between now and December 21, 2010 AD.

The Pole Shift itself could occur anytime between now and then.

Further, when NASA originally calculated the Solar Maximum they chose a date between 2010 - 2011 and not the 2012 date.

The Solar reversal that some are talking about follows this same basic Solar Cycle of 11 years (which can fluctuate between 9-14 years) and the last one apparently occurred in 2001 however, we have already started a new Solar Cycle in December of 2008 or possibly August of 2009 and NASA tells you it takes about a year to work its way to the Heliosphere which, then, means the Sun should be flipping out, literally, any day now.

Rapture anyone?

Email: tito.musicroom@gmail.com

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010


Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

Interesting thought Robert Rose!!!

which one more compelling 122112 ignoring 20 or just 122121 ignoring 00 since we now 0 means nothing, I prefer the last one 122121 that according to your premise, it is Dec 21, 2010.

Excellent Catch!!!

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

When the Star Wormwood inter-align and inter-react with our Sun upon crossing (passover) I believe this would create an electro-magnetic pulse (explosion) that speeds up our earth. This is the Day when lightning shines from the east and unto the west (Rapture as twinkling of an eye)
This event will cause the earth 's day to be shortened by rotating faster one full round so that God would Rapture the whole world's Waiting Bride even for those living in opposite face of earth(in night).

since the earth rotates in a circle and humans who are on earth can only relatively see heaven move instead.
This event will be seen from the humans on earth as if the heavens is moving. Note that John in revelation described the 6th seal as heaven departed like a scroll, or like a fig tree shaken by a mighty wind.

Yes we are near this Blessed Event.

Email: mikettc2002@yahoo.com.sg

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

An interesting thought Mike, I like it very much!!!

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

Thanks very much and hope to see and hug all RITA people

Email: mikettc2002@yahoo.com.sg

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

This may seem very random...but I beleive I received a date from the Lord last week. I woke up and immediately recorded it. I have no idea what it means...if anything...but when I saw this post...I thought I'd share it anyway. December 21, 1998

If anyone can make heads or tails of this?

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

Hey Robert, I agree with you bro, 12-21-2012 means nothing to me and is not a rapture sign because that would put the tribulation to start in the fall of 2013, which is way too late!

God Speed,

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

One thing to note is that almost all of ancient civilazations had prophets and calenders all which pointed toward 2012 as the year when their "GOD" (sungod, Satan, AntiChrist) would return to the earth to rule. The freemasons even believe this.

Listen to Tom Horn on: www.theedgeam.com and find out exactly which civilizations believed this, and what their prophets said.

All this may be true, but I know the rapture comes first and for that I am greatful. I cannot wait! It's going to be exciting to finaly meet our maker.

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

Very interesting Robert.

Email: amy@trackingbibleprophecy.org

Website: www.trackingbibleprophecy.org

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010




I had a vision on 12/21/05 as I was traveling through the hills of Mississippi and the sun was coming up. At the end of the vision, I saw "EAGLES" feathers ALL OVER THE SKY as if a HUGE explosion had occurred to an "EAGLE" (possibly a nation which uses "EAGLES" as their trademark).

When I sent this out to a friend in NC, he wrote me back that my vision was exactly "7" years prior to the Mayan Calendar "doom" date of 12/21/12.

As I wrote this morning, I was awakened by "5" knocks and the clock was at 4:58 or 4:59 (just before 5:00). Maybe your post lines up with these "5" years between my vision and 12/21/10!!!

I'm going to put my vision in the dream section as was posted on Five Doves back then.




Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

Some research has shown the actual Mayan end date to be Oct. 28,2011 (not Dec. 2012)

scroll to page three . . .
Timeline to Nisan 2011 Window... year begins in the Spring

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

Thank you for this info! I have always believed that this is the year trib begins. I also believe that all the seals are broken before trib begins. Rev 6:12 speaks of a solar and blood moon eclipse.(the sixth seal) This set of eclipses only happens this year and not again until 2015 so I believe that there will be a polar shift soon!

Email: nawiisaa@yahoo.com

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

Hopefully the rapture happens today or tomorrow as some have proposed.

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

From your lips to God's ears! Let's get out of here, tomorrow works for me (before I go to work that works even better!)...

Email: gknight333@gmail.com

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

If possible when I sleep I wake up in different place, in Heaven or in the way of gathering in the air and I will be very surprised when that exactly what happened.

come my beloved one Yahshua, for glory only for You forever ...

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

me too gimel, amen.

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

I call dibs on that one!

before school would be better, while im getting ready for it so that I'm awake and see everything while it happens! even moreso if my dream proves to be a literal event.

Email: dragoonerzerg@gmail.com

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

I call dibs on that one!

before school would be better, while im getting ready for it so that I'm awake and see everything while it happens! even moreso if my dream proves to be a literal event.

I'm on the east coast, so if it's around 6:30 am PST that means it will be around 9:30 am my time. Since I work mids I'll hopefully be sleeping by then. Oh to be awoken to the heavenly trumpet sound!

Email: amy@trackingbibleprophecy.org

Website: www.trackingbibleprophecy.org

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

i have late start school schedule tomorrow. that means my school starts later in the morning than normal. more sleep yay!!

recently, at around 6:40am when i brush my teeth just like my dream, its been too dark to not use the bathroom light (light not used in dream, morning was bright enough)

but tomorrow morning, i start getting ready for school around 7:50-8am and class starts 8:40am...

so the morning light should be just the same as what i saw in my dream, man this is amazing...

Email: dragoonerzerg@gmail.com

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

i have late start school schedule tomorrow. that means my school starts later in the morning than normal. more sleep yay!!

recently, at around 6:40am when i brush my teeth just like my dream, its been too dark to not use the bathroom light (light not used in dream, morning was bright enough)

but tomorrow morning, i start getting ready for school around 7:50-8am and class starts 8:40am...

so the morning light should be just the same as what i saw in my dream, man this is amazing...

I better be really sawing logs by then.

Email: amy@trackingbibleprophecy.org

Website: www.trackingbibleprophecy.org

Re: Rapture Before December 21, 2010

After a year and a half of intense watching I surely hope today is the day,hope to see you all shortly.....

Thanks Gooner .......... !!!!!!!!!!

i have late start school schedule tomorrow. that means my school starts later in the morning than normal. more sleep yay!!

recently, at around 6:40am when i brush my teeth just like my dream, its been too dark to not use the bathroom light (light not used in dream, morning was bright enough)

but tomorrow morning, i start getting ready for school around 7:50-8am and class starts 8:40am...

so the morning light should be just the same as what i saw in my dream, man this is amazing...

Wow, thanks for your update!!

If it were correct, it means I may look forward to a near-midnight Rapture at my side here.

And if my side here were to be 12am of Wed Dec 8, then Jerusalem would be 6pm, Tue Dec 7, 2010.

Lord, please come...

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