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Jesus Crucified in 781AUC which is 43AD

PONTIUS PILATE's DIARIES discovered recently
PROVED the followings:-
1) JESUS was as INNOCENT as the new day

"Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews,
and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all." John18:38

Roman year DCCLXXXi AUC is 781AUC,
see http://translation.babylon.com/english/to-english/Dcclxxxi_(roman_numerals)/

see Pilate's diaries...

LET's RECALL...or rather recalculate...

a) Roman Empire initially used lunar(moon) calendar (355days per year)
to calculate the year AUC (or a.u.c.) from the founding of the City (Rome)...
so year 1 is 1 AUC.

see below astracted from...http://www.crystalinks.com/calendarome.html

Early Roman Calendars
According to tradition, the Roman ruler Numa Pompilius added January and
February to the calendar. This made the Roman year 355 days long.

b) Julius Caesar reformed the Roman Calendar to Julian(solar or sun) calendar (365.25days per year) in 709 AUC.
This does not confirm that Julius Caesar would force/change the numbering of AUC years
because it would mean a sudden change of 355days to 365.25days per year... this
would create many errors,

so 355day per year dating for AUC would still be used till 525 AD(Anno Domini).

c) That's the reason why in 525 AD (Anno Domini), Dionysius Exiguus, was tasked by
Roman Emperor, to start using the Julian (365.25day per year) Calendar for dating.
Dionysius therefore invented the "Year of the Lord" 1 AD (Anno Domini) in 1278 AUC
and used Julian Calendar for numbering the years. That year was 525 AD.

In 525AD(1278 A.U.C.), Dionysius devised the modern day
365.25day AD (Anno Domini) Calendar from 355day Roman
Calendar see below astracted from...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini
The AD Anno Domini dating system was devised in 525 by Dionysius Exiguus, who
used it to compute the date of the Christian Easter festival, and to identify the several
Easters in his Easter table, but did not use it to date any historical event.

d) Dionysius NEVER use AUC to determe Jesus' born year.
He used 525 AD Julian Calendar years of 365.25days to determine
the year Christ was born (or maybe conceived)

Christ is concieved /born on 1AD...Dionysius never used the AUC year equivalent
because he was tasked to devise a new dating system to avoid using 355day calendar.
AUC - AD is like Apple - Orange
... we need to convert correctly before doing any maths calculation

e) Many assumed Jesus was born in
1278 AUC - 525 AD = 753 AUC (WRONG!!!)
Many mistakenly quoted that Jesus was born in 753 AUC.

Many jumped to conclusion that 753 AUC is 1 AD which is Mathematically WRONG!!!

f) According to Dionysius' calculations, Jesus should be born in
1278 AUC - " 525 x 365.25 divided by 355 days"
= 1278 AUC - 540 AUC
= 738 AUC

g) So 1 AD is 738 AUC

h) "King Herod the Great" died in 750 AUC and this should not be 4 BC which is
Mathematically WRONG!!!

i) "King Herod the Great" died from the number of years before Dionysius' time,
1278 AUC (is 525 AD)

1278 AUC - 750 AUC = 528 AUC years of 355 days
= conversion to AD is 528 x 355 divided by 365.25
= 513 AD years of 365.25 days

so "King Herod the Great "died in around
525 AD - 513 AD
= 12 AD

j) Jesus went to the temple at age 12yrs old (see Luke 2:42).
This Year is at least 1 AD + 12 = 13 AD which is the Year after "
Herod the Great" passed away. This explains why no account was mentioned
of Jesus for period from the time they fled into Egypt till the age he entered the

k) So if Jesus Christ was conceived on (Christmas) at the end of year end of 1 AD,
then when Jesus was 6 months old, it would be already in the next year, 2 AD,

l) So Jesus started His Ministry at 30 years of age in
= 1 or 2 AD + 30
= 32 AD

m) Jesus could have spent 7years in Galilee (Syria) before preaching to Israel,
see Matthew4:23,24:"And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues,
and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease
among the people. And his fame went throughout all Syria: ..."
= 32 AD + 7
= 39 AD

n) then He started for at least 3 or 4 years of Ministry,
see Luke13:7-9:"Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years (3years)
I come seeking fruit on this fig tree(Israel), and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?
And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also(1year more for the HolySpirit?),
till I shall dig about it, and dung it: and if it bear fruit, well:
and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down."
= 39 AD + 4
= 43 AD

so could Jesus died in = 43 AD?

o) From Pilate's diary account he crucified Jesus, the year was DCCLXXXi AUC
convert into 781AUC using website:
since 1278AUC is 525AD, to convert into AD, 781 AUC, that year is
525AD - (1278-781) AUC x 354.5days/365.24219
= 525AD - 482.38 AD
= 43AD

p) In the Book of Hosea, it was mentioned to the Israelites that,
Hosea 6:2: "After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up,
and we shall live in his sight."

q) God's 1 day is 1000 years!
2Peter3:8,9:" ...that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

r) God's 1 day is also 1 year!
Ezekiel 4:6:"...I have appointed thee each day for a year."

s) therefore, the possible interpretation of Hosea 6:2:-
"After two days(thousand years) will he revive(resurrect) us(Israel): in the
third day(year after great tribulation) he will raise(Rapture) us(Israel) up..."

t) God's Prophetic Year is 360day since creation, before the Great Flood and even
till now. In the beginning, the Earth has NO (summer,winter)seasons,
just Evening & Mornings... then after the Great Flood, there was seasons...
so Earth was tilted. see 1st book of Bible.
After Flood... "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat,
and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." Genesis8:22

u) God changes not. "I am the LORD, I change not." Malachi 3:6

v) so God's 2000years is 2000 PropheticYears x 360 days
=720,000 days
= 1971(Julian Years of 365.24219days) + 107.6 days

w) The Rapture Year set for ISRAEL is anytime after 2000years
after Jesus was rejected by ISRAEL and died in 43AD.

ISRAEL's Rapture Year is 43 AD + 1971 AD + 107 days(difference)
= 2014 AD
which is halfway of 7year-tribulation-period.(WEEK)

"And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week
he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations
he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation..." Daniel9:27

"And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that
maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days (1290days)."
Daniel 12:11

"But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them (ISRAELITES)
that be in Judaea flee to the mountains... For in those days shall be affliction,
such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time,
neither shall be." Mark13:14-19

x) The Rapture Year set for CHURCH is different from ISRAEL.
The Rapture Event marks the start of the week which is imminent & a Surprise
for Mankind.
Our Rapture is anytime in 3.5years (est. 1290days) before Abomination set up.

CHRISTIAN RAPTURE is 2014 AD - 3.5 years
= 2010 AD

y) Pls see my table of Rapture possibilities based on new evidences.
The tolerance is +/- 1or2 days.

z) JUST SHARING and Hoping to be Raptured Soon.

pls download document from:-

Rapture anytime from dec2010...


Email: mikettc2002@yahoo.com.sg

Website: www.simplesite/7churches

Re: Jesus Crucified in 781AUC which is 43AD

Not sure, especially re: Pilate's writings?? The text says SUPPOSE, as in what if, the WAX? diaries were found...

I believe all of the incorrect calendar theories regarding the Gregorian calendar are trumped by the successive "7" anniversaries and the Av 1 tetrad.

In the end, though, I agree 2010(ish)!

Website: spiritual

Re: Jesus Crucified in 781AUC which is 43AD

written in wax is really what makes it more credible.

Why would any archaelogist who dug out the findings change their discovery?
Only modern people use pen or pencils...so is it possible that Pilate really use wax to write his diaries...it sure becomes possible right?
He has engraved his name in the stone. But writing on wooden boards in wax is more reasonable for ease or convenience right?

The strange thing is that there is roman years written in roman forms...
it would be more strange if he wrote as 781AUC right?

And why would anyone use 781AUC?
There is no logic if most people thought that Jesus died in 33AD right? since people assumed Christ was born in 753AUC...
it would contradict that Christ died
781 - 753 = 28 years old...

And it was also found that the name for Jerusalem was changed to Aelia Capitolina before Christ's 1st coming times.

Also...Roman Capitol was Caesarea Maritima, (Caesarea), about 60 kilometres north of Tel Aviv, Israel) and not Jerusalem.

He mentioned Aprilis instead of April(modern term)

These makes it more authentic right?

Email: mikettc2002@yahoo.com.sg

Website: www.simplesite/7churches

Re: Jesus Crucified in 781AUC which is 43AD

Hard to imagine diaries being written in wax.

Wax tablets (shallow boxes with a waxed inner surface, and a lid for protection) were a common device in the ancient world. The "wax tables of the heart" was a common metaphor for memory in texts on mnemonics. But as I understand it, wax tablets were used for temporary writings and wiped for reuse later on. One would think that a diary would be written on something a little more permanent.

Re: Jesus Crucified in 781AUC which is 43AD

Hi Mark,

Pilate was a clever politician. He made friends with Herod during Christ' judgement. He used BarJesus as scapegoat...

I wonder if Pilate as governor was trying with wax so that he could destroy/erase his diaries easily in the event of any incidence such as "wars" or "riots" which could have broken up in his (Foreign Land)territory. Right?

Email: mikettc2002@yahoo.com.sg

Website: www.simplesite.com/7churches

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