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VIDEOS .......... Planet "Wormwood" ... Pole Shift ... Disasters ............. Earth + Solar Changes

Disclaimer: These videos may take some time to finish watching. They contain heavy material. Please be patient to complete the viewing of all the following videos. Some videos may or may not resonate with your personal perspective. I only ask that you watch them with an open mind, but with careful discernment, of course. Kindly know that some of you may or may not agree with these videos. Thanks for your understanding. For now, just enjoy watching.

Re: VIDEOS .......... Planet "Wormwood" ... Pole Shift ... Disasters ............. Earth + Solar Cha

Grace, thank you for putting this up. What amazed me was this one:

Accelerating of Pole shift! Now it shifted 40 miles a year! 40 miles, wow, and it kept accelerating, that means it will be thousand miles a year in just a few months because the shifting was used to be just centimeters a year, how come it became 40 miles!!! We saw already the fact, Tampa airport, it was on all the news .... I believe there is a planet X and is coming.
The news is hidden because the only way people can save only by thrusting the Lord Yahshua nothing else and we know the world is under the darkness and they hid the fact for their own agenda, and we know it the agenda of the AC.
Time is really at hand and coming faster than we think.
I heard from a source that Israel will apply new security code implanted in its citizens so that no one can trade without it and this is serios because it has been discussed lately for the purpose of indicating the aliens and terrorists!!

Our time is really almost up .... be ready for more sudden news ... but don't be panic .. we are all save in Yahweh's hand Our Beloved One Yahshua.

Email: gimelisrael@yahoo.com

Re: VIDEOS .......... Planet "Wormwood" ... Pole Shift ... Disasters ............. Earth + Solar Cha

The whole part:

However, I don't think it is 2012, it will be sooner, could be 2011 with all strange things happening all around us today.

Email: gimelisrael@yahoo.com

Re: VIDEOS .......... Planet "Wormwood" ... Pole Shift ... Disasters ............. Earth + Solar Cha

I also believe it will be sooner than the world thinks.

Thanks for sharing your video in reply.

Science is making more and more discoveries these recent years.

Re: VIDEOS .......... Planet "Wormwood" ... Pole Shift ... Disasters ............. Earth + Solar Cha

Wow Grace, those were very informative! It makes perfect sense that what we are seeing going on in the world with these unusual weather patterns and natural disasters is only the beginning of the magnetic pull that Planet X is having.

I'm with you - I don't think it's going to take very long for it all to happen. It's going to be faster than the world thinks and they won't be prepared!

Re: VIDEOS .......... Planet "Wormwood" ... Pole Shift ... Disasters ............. Earth + Solar Cha

Well, that nearly two hour movie was one heck of a movie and theory, maybe this Planet X "Wormwood" is actually real, if so, these affects, earthquakes, weather changes should be exponentially increasing until the day it passes earth and cause the things they were reading from scripture. I was riveted to this video last night. It would have been more impressive if they did it a very high production value to it, instead of a semi-one.

I hope we are not here, which means something would have to happen this year or we will I assume have Planet X run by in 2012, toward that infamous date. They are saying 90% of American or for that matter people that lived on coastal areas will be gone! It does make you think and an explanation for the dead birds, Methane gas released because of the "magnetic affects" of an ever increasing Planet X in our solar system, but if this were real, why hasn't anyone said anything. So according to them X entered our system in 2003, I hope I remember that correctly, so now it's Year 8 at the end of its trek, if anything, this year we should be seeing super crazy stuff if what they say is happening because of this planet.

Re: VIDEOS .......... Planet "Wormwood" ... Pole Shift ... Disasters ............. Earth + Solar Cha

I believe this. One is my mother said in 1998 two things when she had a gift of writing prophecy inspired by the Holy Spirit: When you see a Civil War Come to Mexico and it starts affecting the USA, the rapture is close. And when the Earth starts a pole shift, that Wormwood is coming.

The ancient hieroglyphics in Egypt show this rogue planet and they also have a ton of drawings of spaceships. So I think that the Nephillim and Wormwood are tied together somehow.

Re: VIDEOS .......... Planet "Wormwood" ... Pole Shift ... Disasters ............. Earth + Solar Cha

Wow, Nikki... Thanks for sharing yours!!

I watched on YouTube once, regarding this Planet "X" being magnetic in nature ------ and it has a deep iron core, if I did remember correctly. So it is metallic in nature too.

Maybe that planet will cause more disasters, as it comes nearer into our view from earth. It may be the one that is disrupting our magnetic fields all along. I don't know.

Mike also said that metallic stuffs had a bitter taste! Wormwood also makes the water taste bitter, as mentioned in the book of Revelation.

Sorry, forgot which video. So many videos in my search results, when I keyed in "pole shift 2011" on YouTube that fateful night here at my side.

But, due to my need for sleep, I only managed to post 6 videos here at the top of the thread.

Re: VIDEOS .......... Planet "Wormwood" ... Pole Shift ... Disasters ............. Earth + Solar Cha

Since all of crazy things happening right now and become more intense, with no logical explanation from government, I would like to believe the explanation of the existence of planet X or strange thing in the outer space. The closer planet X, the more intense it will be and more weird.
This film was made before the mass of dead birds/fish, before the strange weather in Australia, in Europe and in America. now adding these all phenomenons they just add more prove of the existence of something, could be planet X and wormwood? And according to many other sources, these close encounter to the earth is approaching.

Could it be some governments have known about this and used this fact to hide their wick acts such as printing money as many as possible because at the time of destruction there will be no countries survive, no debt counted all just erased so why not printing money as many as possible and act recklessly? I am afraid that is the possible reason to hide it. Of course this is my version of conspiracy theory

Re: VIDEOS .......... Planet "Wormwood" ... Pole Shift ... Disasters ............. Earth + Solar Cha

His words are ever true:

Unless these days be cut short, no flesh shall survive.

Come Lord Yeshua, Rapture your own, Then Return, Save the Remnant, And our Planet. In Yeshua's name, Amen.

Baruch Ha Shem Adoni.

Email: joshua8661@yahoo.com

Re: VIDEOS .......... Planet "Wormwood" ... Pole Shift ... Disasters ............. Earth + Solar Cha

I wonder too how this affects people. There've been some bizare behaviors recently and increase in violence in places where that hasn't been a problem before--at least not to the degree now appearing. Everyone seems to be in such a hurry, more anxious, impatient, not as patient or helping others. There's a mood or attitude that is hard to explain but noticeable for the worse rather than the better that seems more selfish , self-centered and self-centered. Don't get in their way or else... hm-m-m.

I like your disclaimer Grace! No, folks won't all see this news the same way. You covered that well.

Re: VIDEOS .......... Planet "Wormwood" ... Pole Shift ... Disasters ............. Earth + Solar Cha

I thought this was interesting:
Scaler Technology possibly over Arkansas that day that the birds started dropping...

Mystery deepens: Radar captures mysterious turbulence over Beebe, Ark. as doomed birds take flight


Email: farrier_sam@yahoo.com

Re: VIDEOS .......... Planet "Wormwood" ... Pole Shift ... Disasters ............. Earth + Solar Cha

I read in a few articles that Planet X is probably a "giant magnet" up there in the galaxy. It is bigger than the Earth, and with a much heavier mass.

Like the earth, it also has a north pole and a south pole.

Even at a distance still considered "far away" by many, it is already able to cause magnetic disturbances to our magnetic fields.

I don't know how true. But I guess only time will tell, when more things are revealed to us in the time to come. I will post a few online articles on RITA soon, for your review.

Do not worry. God protects His own.

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