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It's coming ~~~


← Barack Obama is heading for a humiliating defeat over Syria
BREAKING NEWS: A Chinese landing craft with 1,000 marines heading for Syria~

Re: It's coming ~~~


Re: It's coming ~~~

The plot thickens.

Re: It's coming ~~~

As it thickens, it reminds me of being in the haunted house at
Disney World, and the narrator/host says, "There's no turning
back now!" Oh, my what a creepy feeling that gave!
Thank the Lord we don't have to be creeped out because Jesus
is coming to the rescue! Praise the Lord!

Re: It's coming ~~~

Looking rather serious over there...

You know, today I've been thinking about all of this, about whether we go or don't go..(into Syria) It seems that the pResident's dithering and blustering has accomplished an important consequence .. and that is the outcome of drawing all of the Chess pieces into final positions. Pretty soon, we'll hear the Lord say, "Checkmate!".

Re: It's coming ~~~

I believe that Israel is preparing to strike regardless of America.

Re: It's coming ~~~

Good analogy, Vicki ~~~I don't see HOW any human being thinks this world is satisfying . . the path to destruction is obviously getting wider on earth, sweeping unrepentant souls into an eternity they prefer without Jesus ~ . .

Re: It's coming ~~~

The momentum keeps building and has reached the point of being unstoppable. Something like a burning very short fuse on a powder keg. Hang on, our redemption draweth nigh!

Email: wjloman@sbcglobal.net

Re: It's coming ~~~

Chris N., I think you are absolutely right.

Website: Check out this video on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QopzID7EltI&feature=youtube_gdata_player Sent from my iPhone

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