I see that there are many pro and cons for a RH rapture. Many also believe in a rapture in the spring. I think both sides have very good arguments, so therefore I hedging its bets and is positive to all.
I had a post about a spring rapture a few weeks ago, but because of all the moving back and forth between the old and new RITA I can not remember where I posted it. That time my post was not well received, perhaps because it was so far ahead and people think / want / hope that it must happen now.
It was about a rapture in the spring based on the individual's dreams and visions. 3 people had visions that WWW3 started simultaneously with the blooming of the cherry trees. This fit well with this peace negotiations that has a time frame of nine months (the length of the pregnancy) so it will last until spring.
On the other hand, we have many good argument for a RH rapture. We have among others Charity's dream of 5,6,7 Bang and Jesus.
We also have a threat of war hanging over us.
In summary, one can safely say that I am now totally confused.
I was thinking last night that if the rapture has not happened during RH we might have another possibility.
I guess that Obama probably will not strike against Syria until after the Congress meeting September 9. So the strike will be at the earliest September 10.
In Charity's dream she heard 5,6,7 and a sharp bang and simultaneously with the bang she watched the door on Noah's ark being closed.
In the Bible we read that Noah with his family and all the animals went in the ark and waited for 7 days before the rain came. Can RH be a 7 day warning for the rapture?
Wishful thinking you may say, but nobody knows for sure anyway.
I have been truly hoping for a RH rapture but I am also confused as to how recent events tie in with a RH rapture.
If we are truly raptured this weekend, before a strike on Syria happens, how would that affect the military, the world. Would they still realistically be able to continue with the strike with so much chaos in the world? Would the rapture happen next week, just as the strike begins? It seems little doubt to me that we are at the point where we should be expecting Isaiah 17 and Psalms 83 to be fulfilled any moment but I am having trouble putting together a scenario that makes sense. It will be interesting to watch how God has this planned out.
There are already talks springing about a Spring rapture? This very high watch period hasn't even quite begun yet. Who can say for sure what the Lord has planned? I can't, and maybe this won't be it at all, but I'm still looking forward to the possibility. Everything seems lined up and we have been so encouraged lately.
Wasn't the whole point of this high watch day what people see as hints in Scripture and the meanings behind this day and the fact that the Spring feasts had already been fulfilled at the First Coming? I don't think it will be a 7 day warning, but again, I don't know what will happen, either. I've seen people claiming it has to be on a certain Feast day, others that it can happen anytime, myself included, because the truth is we can't know for sure what His plan is, unless He Himself tells us.
It's tempting to look forward to certain days, I'm probably first in line on that, but let's just see what happens. If this is not it, it will be some other time, Feast day or not, depending on the will of the Lord, and we'll just have to continue waiting until then, and be thankful that at least we have Him to carry us through.
Frère Jacques, frère Jacques,
Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?
Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines!
Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.
Translated (roughly to)
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,
Brother John? Brother John?
Morning bells are ringing! Morning bells are ringing!
Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.
I think that is what servant was referring to.
If you were just being facetious, then it's my bad. Hope this will help if you were being serious.
I thought I had said something completely unrelated and Servant was asking if I had been getting enough sleep due to it, or maybe because it's kind of early where you are.
That song didn't even cross my mind. I hadn't heard it in ages, and whenever I did it was usually in French, so it probably wouldn't ring a bell even if I had heard it last week.
Good one, though! But I came up with my username without any specific meaning about it. I saw you guys here calling one another "brother" or "sister" sometimes, so I figured why not go ahead and invite myself into the family?
I have been looking at the Torah calendar website Scottie refers to and they have the resurrection of the righteous happening next year in Sept. But their Age of Messiah to the Age of life calendar leaves no room for the7 year tribulation period and they think the wedding of the Lamb is in 2015, if I am understanding it correctly. So, hmm...I am just a confused as some of you.
Wanted to add one more thing, if I did not know about feast days I would still be looking up. With all the animal die-offs, moral decay, threats of war, etc. I also believe that the rapture is not at anytime but it has an appointed time as well, God is so precise why would the one event that sends the world reeling not have an appointed time? I will admit that the RH feast has a lot of rapture parallels.
Since I started watching two years ago, my stance has softened a little bit. I no longer think it's wrong to speculate as long as you don't get too dogmatic about it. So might as well enjoy watching this RH.
With all the differing time zones it will be a different time & day, so no one does know the day or hour. That's a given. In Eccles. we are told that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. We are under it, so there must be a day on God's calendar to gather His people.
We are commanded to watch, and those who don't will find themself surprised as when a thief comes.
My head is spinning with brother John today. It's after dark in Jerusalem now and doesn't turn midnight (the 8th) for another 3hrs 11min. Maybe its not "the midnight cry" or maybe the "midnight cry" is between the 8th-9th, or maybe its a different day. I'm just not gonna give up on Yom Teruah yet.
I'm going to take a nap. Maybe I'll wake up in heaven or at least dream about it.
One of the interesting features this year of the High Holy Days is that observed Rosh Hashanah was three-ish days prior to biblical Rosh Hashanah which means the observed Yom Kippur will be about a week after the true Yom Teruah. So we might get our seven day warning while the rabbinical Jews get their ten Days of Awe. Considering that on "goal" of the Rapture (really, of God's interaction with the Church which will nowhere be as dramatic as this singular event) is to provoke Israel to Jealousy, then a Rapture on Yom Kippur would be appropriate. It's the day that Israel thinks God closes the door to heaven, closes the Books of our lifes, and our fates (whether we live or die) are sealed for another year.
This year's observed Yom Kippur might not be the biblically correct Mo'ed from our perspective, but these end days are all about the redemption of Israel once we're gone. It works for me at least.
Disciple....Isaiah 17 talks about the nations roaring against the Syria and Isreal but talks about an event that stops these nations in their tracks. And THEN there is a night of terror and by morning Damascus (and others) are no more. While I do not believe RH is the right feast I could see the event that puts a stop to the US, EU, and Russia (who have higher Christian populations) as being the rapture.
Mom of 2
Scottie mentions he doesn't agree with everything on torahcalendar and I would agree. I appreciate the calendar but their overlay of events leaves out a full seven year tribulation from what I've seen.
Jerusalem Sundown is around 7pm tomorrow whichs put EST at noon. Theres a neat app for mobiles called Time Machine that allows you to view/imput several timezones...it's been helpful for me.
I'm still looking for noon tomorrow though I have considered Shavuot as well. It has some great connections to the trumpet sound in Exodus and the Stories of Ruth and Rahab I believe point towards Spring. I keep thinking about the calm before the storm and am not opposed to thinking there is a gap between the Rapture and the First Bloodmoon. Also, If it's customary for the groom to arrive unexpectently and then take a year off before going to war...then it could be tomorrow all the while giving the world some time too recoup, Syria and then Gog and Magog, and then a peace treaty. It may take a little time for all that to come together...after we're gone!