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Waiting for Confirmation of the Sighting of the New Moon in Israel...

Does anybody know where this information is published??

Re: Waiting for Confirmation of the Sighting of the New Moon in Israel...

Does anybody know where this information is published??

Been confirmed

Nehemia Gordon ‏@ngordon4 10m

Yoel Halevi sighted the new moon from Israel at 6:59pm. Yom Teruah Sameach!

Email: jonathan@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: Waiting for Confirmation of the Sighting of the New Moon in Israel...

WooHoo!!!!!! Feast of Trumpets! Bring it on...

Re: Waiting for Confirmation of the Sighting of the New Moon in Israel...

I've been watching in Stellarium Jerusalem and the live Kotel cam. It's dark now and the moon has disappeared below the horizon. Most Jews celebrated earlier this week and won't really rely on the moon sighting like we've discussed here. I still look forward to seeing what the next 23+ hours hold. It is after all the Lord's Trumpet and not mans. A loud voice as the sound of a trumpet...

Email: tony.slabaugh@gmail.com

Re: Waiting for Confirmation of the Sighting of the New Moon in Israel...

Just to add to the speculation, Torah calendar just changed their calendar to Tishri 1, well a little while ago.

Re: Waiting for Confirmation of the Sighting of the New Moon in Israel...

Its been sighted.


Happy "official" new year.

Re: Waiting for Confirmation of the Sighting of the New Moon in Israel...

Re: Waiting for Confirmation of the Sighting of the New Moon in Israel...

I dont think I will be able to sleep tonight as Im so excited!

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