in Scripture shows us the many attributes of GOD .
Most interesting is The Book of The Revelation , Chapters 1-3 .
Christ is addressing the Seven Churches concerning His considerations of each .
It is blatantly noticeable that The Lord fulfills His own Word here in these passages of scripture . " God is not a man that He can lie . "
HE does not over-compliment these churches , His, in any stretch of the imagination .
HE tells them each their strengths and their weaknesses , and how they may improve their walks with Him
Most interesting is His address to The Church of Philadelphia. He is speaking to the church that represents one of the last churches on earth before The Rapture , in fact the last church with The Laodicean Church .
HE tells them they have not denied His Name , they have kept the word of His patience . HE tells them He will keep them from the trial hour on earth . HE tells them there is an Open Door before them that no man can shut .
HE tells them the truth , but He does not shower , even this church , with flowery compliments and abundant praise of their performance on earth .
In this , we see The Lord's attribute of absolute truthfulness in all things and His restraint in over-say . The Lord never over-states anything .
He says just enough , what is entirely adequate .
We learn from this that The Lord knows the state of men and RESERVES
GLORY FOR HIMSELF ALONE , Being God Almighty .
We , as Believers , know that God The Father loves us completely , but we also know this : We are dust revived by His Spirit , in His Mercy for mankind through Christ's work at The Cross .
This attribute of God shows us GOD KNOWS HIMSELF , He does not deny His Own Glory , He does not deny His Diety with actions or words . It is not possible for Him . Likewise , He is careful that we understand as His Church , no matter what we do here for Him , we will never make even close to the Sacrifice He made .
We are satisfied in our walk with Him if we know that the credit He gives us is more than enough .
God's attributes are perfect . We can trust His evaluations of us in Light of His Word .
Hee-ha ....I know what you mean . (big smile )
One of the best "getting to the point fast and making it stick " preachers is
Dr. Billy Graham .
He hit the point head on and ended with a strong " Accept Christ Tonight!" as his finish , bless him everyday .
He knows what to say to bring in the lost.
Blessings as you watch , bb