Prayers today for Pastor JD's church would not be remiss. Apparently for the past nine years or so they have been leasing church facilities from a Seventh Day Adventist Church [who don't need the facility on Sundays ;)] and they are coming up for a vote on whether or not to continue the lease tonight. Perhaps some of Pastor JD's areas of expertise have been a concern for the SDA. Prayers of support that God make His perfect will manifest in this situation would not be remiss.
Apparently the current lease is through next June, so it may not really matter in the long run. But it might.
thank you for letting us know about this prayers are going up for Pastor JD and the congregation. Hopefully if God wills, rapture will be before the time is up!
Thanks for letting us know about that, TX Thom. Everything according to God's perfect will and HIS timing. He and his congregation and staff will be in my prayers. He has been such a blessing to many. May the Lord's pefect Will be done.