I dont understand and will not.This all seems like censorship to me.Basically its ok for people to post O is AC and give false dates for the rapture but its not ok to post a deliverance service because a mod has a feeling or belief in something other than.I understand that the mod whomever it was has an opinion but to completely censor my post. wow.It happens If you had grown up like me where i personally witnessed similar situation when i was in my early teen years.an unsaved girl was brought to our church literally under influence of demons she kicked and pushed against entrance yelling dont take us in to the church it took 5 guys bring her in she was delivered but it took an hour or so after service ended I have never seen or heard a female scream like that.people need to watch.You need understand why its very urgent to outreach to the lost.But i see you dont want that responsibility you would rather be desensitized to the reality of this world and live a comfortable life not knowing. its really sad this no attack.just a rant clearing my head as i am shy beyond this internet i dont talk much but i need to clear my thoughts.Nobody understands i have a heavy burden on me.Win the lost at every cost.Expend all resources available to reach them.We are cutting it way too close on CHRIST return not too.I cannot in good conscience deal with censorship at this critical point in human history looking down events on the horizon in the Middle East and people think its ok and say amen to censorship only thing that require censorship is racism, vulgar language,sexual askew language and maybe if someone was promoting another religion on here besides Christianity
Hi Sky,
I can understand what you are saying but at the same time, we don't know how seeing a video such as that could trigger someone. I have actually been delivered from at least three demons and it was pretty scary for the people that saw it. I know that we have the choice to watch the video or not, but I don't disagree with the mods making the decision to remove the video. We have to be careful as someone could innocently watch that video and open themselves up to oppression.
Most of the people here are very familiar with spiritual warfare, and have been deep in the trenches when it comes to deliverence... (ask a member named stepola)
We do appreciate what you are trying to make people aware of. Please do not take it personally when something like this happens. It is a bit of censorship but it is for the safety of members who are sensitive. I hope that you will continue to post with us! :)
First, matters such as this should be addressed through an email to us and not through regular posts. You may write us at: themods@raptureintheair.com
Second, it is not "okay" to name anyone as the antichrist. We have told people repeatedly not to indulge in that. It is our purpose here to lift up Jesus, and not waste time trying to identify someone who will not be revealed until after we are gone. General discussions related to what the Bible tells us are permitted, but not "pinning the tail on the antichrist."
Third, while there is some speculating allowed about possible times when people think the Lord might come, we don't wish for anyone to declare a time when He must come. These things are removed if a mod catches them.
This is a moderated forum. Unfortunately, the rules are not accessible on this temporary site, but most people here are well aware of them. If the mods believe a post is not in agreement with our purposes, it will be taken down. The post was discussed and we agreed it was inappropriate for this forum, for a variety of reasons.
Please continue to post; just bear in mind that sometimes there is a need to take something down. It's happened to all of us, including the moderators.