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that's all the devil can do is copy, never create ~~


"Do you know about the Orion Correlation Theory?......it states that the Three Pyramids in Giza Egypt align with the 3 belt stars in the Constellation of Orion the Hunter..

.. Ask yourself, why would someone align these structures to mimic the Heavens with this "Triple Star" arrangement? Then, Have a look at the similarities between the Three Great Pyramids, The three Belt Stars of Orion's Belt and the New World Trade Center Complex from above! (WTC1 memorial, WTC2 memorial, and the new One World Trade Center....still under construction). . . "


Re: that's all the devil can do is copy, never create ~~

I have always seen that three stars occasinally like in winter times. I always think it is beautiful stars like it makes me think of trinity like father, jesus and holy spirit.

Something new about orion belt as I don't interested in astrology but the stars are so beatiuful as God is displaying those universal how God is beautiful. He always inpsired me a lot with those in universal and other things in earth

Re: that's all the devil can do is copy, never create ~~

yes, so true Donna.
satan is only a big counterfeiter,
am sure he's a big fan of cloning.

we get the honour of being made in His image and likeness.
with the free will to choose eternity with our maker.
no wonder the devil hates us, and is trying to drag as many back into hell with him as he can.
pity he's such a smooth operator, and people are so easily fooled by his lies.

it's only when by grace, we've been redeemed, that we can even recognize the true from the false.
i'm beginning to see how pointless it is to 'debate' with someone still operating out of their fleshy man.
they will never be able to discern the truth of the bible.
and that Jesus is the christ, son of the living God.

as jesus told peter, that knowledge is a gift which is given by God Himself.

when kids grow up never having known anything but counterfeit, how can they know the Truth ? sad.

Email: christinamolloy@hotmail.com

Re: that's all the devil can do is copy, never create ~~

Yes, satan is a "poser"...an imposter. Even with the so called "miracles of Fatima", up to God's own creation of the stars, etc.
I think like Fm12 does about that. I see and wonder at the beautiful creations God has made. I do the same thing. When I see stars in threes, I think of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Nice try, satan but the Lord knows those who are His and will not let us be fooled.

Re: that's all the devil can do is copy, never create ~~

Thank you for your replies, dear sisters ~~

it's only when by grace, we've been redeemed, that we can even recognize the true from the false.
I'm beginning to see how pointless it is to 'debate' with someone still operating out of their fleshy man.

great lesson, sis ~ ~ it is God Who does the saving, and we are called to simply water the seeds as witnesses speaking Christ's amazing Grace He secured for the believer done at the Cross . .

Re: that's all the devil can do is copy, never create ~~

Yes Shiloh Satan robs just like a theif in the night. It don't matter who he robs as long as it benefits him.

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