I have had dreams throughout my life that let me know when something of importance was going to happen. I always knew when a dream was one of "those dreams" because of the intensity and vividness of the dream.
I had one of "those dreams" last night. There are 2 things that are unique about that:
1. I haven't had one of those dreams for 5 years.
2. I haven't been able to sleep hardly any at all lately.
I dreamed I was with some friends at what seemed to be some type of Learning Adventure Park that was made to look rather tropical, with palm trees, lush green foliage, jungle animals (in cages made like their natural habitats that just blended in with the rest of the surroundings), and there were families walking around, some with popcorn, some children had colorful helium-filled balloons tied to their wrists or strollers, the balloons bobbing along in the air. It was a bright, sunny, beautiful day, and everyone was happy and having a good time together.
My friends and I were in what I can only describe as a rounded cable car with windows all around it, but it was on the ground. You could drive it along a path that wound around & through the park, but you could stop anywhere you wanted to for as long as you wanted to. You could also leave your belongings in it if you wanted to go look at something or do something.
Everything felt perfectly safe.
One of my friends and I were in the car, just resting and talking, when very suddenly this black cloud covered half of the entire sky and was moving forward so that it would eventually be covering ALL of the sky.
There were 3 offshoots coming from the cloud trailing black, thick smoke that looked exactly like what we had thought was a cloud. The offshoots coming from the cloud looked like jet trails, but we couldn't see any jets.
There were no unusual sounds or smells that came with it.
Everyone was looking around and asking others if they knew what was going on. I saw a park attendant stop running long enough to answer a man with a child in a stroller who was asking him what was going on. He told the man that something had happened in Europe and that was where the cloud was coming from. I know we were in the United States, I just don't know WHERE in the United States.
I don't know why, but I told my friend to lie down in the floor of the car so they wouldn't see us. (I don't know who "they" were supposed to be.)
That was the end of the dream.
I don't know WHAT is going to happen, but I DO know, without a doubt, that something BIG is going to happen.
Interpretation anyone?
*mod approved
Website: Check out this video on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QopzID7EltI&feature=youtube_gdata_player Sent from my iPhone
What I think it might mean: The first part reminds me of "when they shall say 'peace and safety',then sudden destruction shall come upon them. For many people, life is just a safari. Where you are is only made to look like a jungle; the animals are behind bars, and everyone is enjoying themselves. They're having adventures, learning about things they've never actually witnessed, and there really is no present danger in view.
All that is about to change suddenly in the dream, as the billowing clouds fill the skies. Even if we think we're safe in the U.S., what erupts will have an effect here. I don't really know what the 3 offshoots signify, maybe (wild guess) three countries are involved, maybe 3 incidents?
Could the clouds be symbolic instead of literal? Possibly. At the least, it would indicate that happy, carefree days might soon turn dark.
Land based cable cars makes me think of San Francisco, since that is where I rode one. Forty years ago. I'm not sure they have them any more. With all the stuff going on in the middle east, I'm not sure how to interpret this dream. Except we now are hated by both sides in Egypt, and both al-queda and iran have threatened to hit us with terrorist attacks because, perhaps, of syria. We really haven't been making friends at all, have we. It must be Bush's fault.
Since this is believed to be a prophetic dream, how about if the cloud offshoots are some of those "horns" that are always appearing in prophetic dreams and visions in the Bible? I believe that would make them nations or armies -- and presumably of Europe. (And if not Europe, perhaps whoever was ... taking over Europe? waging war on Europe?
[Despite having spent much of my childhood in San Fran suburbs, I didn't ride a cable car till I attended a convention there in 1993 (without my parents, who always thought we had something better to do than waste time riding cable cars -- and I was like a little kid on that trip.) So they were still there 20 years ago, TX Thom -- and I believe they still are.]
It reminds me of a video I saw on youtube the other day. A woman in UK and her mother had both prophetic dreams. One of them dreamed that something has happened there,so they run to the train station. There were lots of soldiers who ushered the people into the trains. They had to leave the city. If I do not remember wrong the soldiers wore gas masks.
Could also be a 3 day warning. The big cloud is the event in Europe and when that happens, the US has 3 days before it strikes them (the 3 tails) and why you are hiding from "them" after the 3 tails appear.
Interpretation I don't have that gift and don't comment on dreams for that reason but woke up this morning after reading your dream last night and that is what I was thinking of this morning.
Thank you, RUA! I never thought of that, but it certainly ties in doesn't it?
Dear Angel Wings Sis,
Thank you for what you said. You'll never know, until we get Home, how much your encouragement means to me!
Love You,
Patti : )
Dear Shiloh Sis,
Thanks! I'll watch it.
To be honest, the three days of total darkness scares me.
I hope that isn't true, unless there's the possibility of the darkness preventing more mass destruction or something like that (and without the darker powers of this earth trying to deceive us that they're family members or friends)! That sure would make anyone who's just almost at the threshold of making a decision for Christ run as fast as they could (spiritually) to Jesus!!
I know, I'd be under my bed praying, LOL!
Hi Patty Your dream really freaked me out. I had the same dream about a week ago.In the dream there were three of us and we were waiting at what looked to be a bus stop. There was nothing around us and a small street car picked us up and the driver was in a hurry to leave. Behind us the sky and clouds were pitch black without any light. I could see in the distance three swirling black clouds that looked like tornadoes following us and elephants also running behind the street car.
After reading this 2 Corinthians 13:1 came to mind, "By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established." Is this a verse about prophecies or am I mistaken? Cause if it is, then it's interesting you both had the same dream!
15 One witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offense they may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. Deuteronomy 19:15
This is the verse that Paul is quoting here:
This will be my third visit to you. “Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1
Can it be used for a dream or a prophecy? I'd be careful about applying that too liberally. I appreciate the dream, but the verses cited are referring to verifiable facts. With a dream, it's interesting if others have similar ones, as it might indicate something in the spiritual atmosphere. Then again, it could be generated by common things we've been exposed to. The only way to be really sure if it was prophetic is after the fact. That is, unless you're like someone in the Bible who was called to prophesy.
None of this is meant to disparage the dream Patti had. I found it very interesting myself! I believe a number of people are sensing something violent is coming. I still think that the verses about having two or more witnesses is not a universal guarantee of a future event taking place. It's more to do with looking back at what has already happened and coming to an agreement. So if the dream does happen, then we can bear witness that we read it here first.
Though I do not know what, when, where, or how...I do believe something bad is coming as I have been getting a lot of dreams, visions, words, etc. And, I've been getting confirmations as well. None of what I've seen/heard/etc needs to be shared here as I believe the Lord is prepping ME for what is to come (as in, I believe He is preparing me for a "mission" or task) and I don't want anyone scared.
All we can do, whether things are good or bad before the rapture is to turn to Him and pray.
Your dream is very interesting but I'm not getting any kind of interpretation at this time but I'll let you know if anything pops up.
I had another dream about a year ago. I know it was day time but the sky and the clouds were black.I was in a work truck and I remember someone in the truck said we are under attack.I've been having these dreams since 1993