The wedding is just right before the second coming!
As I was reading Revelation 19, something caught my attention. The wedding comes right after the Mystery Babylon meets its end, and after the bowls have been emptied.
"Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready."
By this time, the seal martyrs and the trumpet martyrs will have arrived in heaven, not bodily but their souls. (Revelation 7:9, Revelation 15:2)
So it looks like these guests (the martyrs) are the ones invited to witness the wedding and take part in the marriage supper of the Lamb.
This means that we won't be wed right away after the rapture. The early stages of the tribulation was the "getting to know" part, where the bride circles the Groom to get to know Him better.
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
I agree with that, Sammy... because the bride is not mentioned again until Revelation 19, as you stated. There's a lot of people that get the "Ten Bridesmaids" (as referred to in some versions) or the Ten Virgins as if they are the church. I believe they are the tribulation saints.
Won't it be so wonderful to have that time with our Lord and getting to know Him even better?
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
I agree Sammy, I noticed that myself some time ago. Yes Shiloh it will be wonderful getting to know our bridegroom while we wait for the wedding feast.
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
It makes sense. Christ's Bride is for a purpose, so that the first who trusted in Christ might be for the praise of His Glory (Ephesians 1:12). If no one is at our Wedding, who would be glorifying the Lamb? The OT saints? Yes, but *also* the martyred/dead Trib Saints, so they can see and know just how special the Age of Grace was, to be part of the group that was the "first to trust in Christ".
It's not for jealousy, it's not a "neener-neener" moment that we are Christ's Bride, everyone has their place in Heaven, the Bride just has a *closer* place.
This is why I don't believe every saint who dies has the "same" relationship with Yeshua. We'll all eventually be glorified and living forever with Him, but Christ wouldn't make a "big deal" out of His Bride if ALL were eventually going to be married to Him as well.
You get married ONCE. So, too, does God. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is not for all believers. It is for His Bride only. A specific group of believers.
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
. . . And Jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables and said: “The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son, and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding…
Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding.’” Matthew 22:1
That sounds like the church, gathered as the Bride saved for spiritual intimacy with the Heavenly Groom~ ~~Saving Grace!!
Christ, the Bridegroom, has chosen His church to be His bride ~~ as Paul spoke in Ephes. 5:25 "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church... "
. . . in biblical times when the bride and groom were separated until the wedding, so is the Bride of Christ separate from her Bridegroom during the church age.
oh, church, by faith we are ordained in this Grace of betrothal that's lasted 2,000 years (2 days in God's view) ~~ we eagerly await the fullness of Christ's promise to unite us with the Bridegroom in Heaven~~ rapture here we come
Remembering how The O.T. saints waited for their Messiah and Savior, in those days not given revelation the mystery of the Church in Christ Jesus~
blessed hope instills the church with matrimonial assurance that she is the Bride of Christ ~~ . . the O.T. saints knew not, the mystery of the church ~~ God kept hidden this Age of Grace and marriage of Christ meant for His church ~~
~~oh, church, as Christ's Bride, we're not destined to experience God's wrath, ~~ the Heavenly Groom will have already appeared and captured His Bride to Heaven ~~~ as only the Heavenly Groom promises to do (for His Bride) He will be her Heavenly Bridegroom ~~
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
I knew that traditional Jewish weddings involved a wedding celebration of 7 days which I thought represented the seven years of Daniel's 70th week. But it is also customary for the Bride to walk around the Groom seven times. Here's a link to a rabbi discussing why this is:
From this source, for fair use for educational and discussion purposes:
"In Passionate Judaism Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss writes, “[Rabbi Avrohom Pam] explained that a bride walks around her groom to demonstrate that from that moment on, he has become the center of her universe.”
Indeed Yeshua will be the center of our universe.
And seven revolutions around the center of our solar system (the Sun) takes seven years. I think this fits better.
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
"You get married ONCE. So, too, does God. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is not for all believers. It is for His Bride only. A specific group of believers."
You are speaking of the whole church itself, right?..and not just certain ones in the church who are believers.
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
I meant to say only the believers during the Age of Grace are Yeshua's Bride, not the OT Saints, Trib Saints, or Millennial Saints. :) I could be wrong, but in a casual reading of the Bride theme, it seems to me only the believers from the cross to the crown are His Beloved Bride. The others are guests at the wedding.
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
how I understand it, too ~~ the church is a called out Gentile Bride full of Grace and Mercy. Separate from the law, the church was a mystery, hidden in God's Heart til Jesus came . .
The Son calling Himself the Bride Groom, ~~ Israel, as the world sees, is a nation still separate and distinct, . . makes sense the understanding of the ages throughout His Story ~~~ Israel to this day obviously is still blind, til God awakens His chosen on earth to their Messiah and His Kingly reign ~~~ @ His 2nd coming to earth, praise God we will be married to the Prince of Peace returning WITH Him ~~ I'm thinking The O.T. saints are guests at the Wedding ~~
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
Heaven is Absolute Perfection . When we put on incorruption , casting corruption away , we are renewed in body , mind , spirit in perfection , as The Church .
I am afraid , I do not believe in Heaven , some are 'closer' , or that would be anything but Heaven . It would be like earth , "playing favorites ", an earthly situation , a contest . I do not believe God has His 'closers' or that He loves some more than others or favors others more , which is impossible for His Nature . Where is Heaven in that ? ...only for some , the ones who know they are the "closers".
This has only been taught in The Kingdom the last ten years . I believe it is error . Saved is saved , as in Christ is In Christ . Eternal Life is Eternal Life in all it's perfection .
As long as we see that way , we do not know His Nature , as The Thief on The Cross was only saved for just hours . Was he not a "closer" ?
I love you Sis , but The God I know would never do that . I love Him all the more for it .
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
I can see the argument that God doesn't have "favorites"... but that may explain why a full third of the angels rebelled. God is the potter, and makes some for noble use, and others for less. Its our pride that often determines if this is 'fair' or not. I'm convinced there will be plenty for everyone, but I do think the Bride is special, just as the apostles are also 'special'. We can all be special, just not all for the same reasons.
1Pe 1:12 To them it was revealed that not to themselves, but to us, they ministered the things which are now reported to you by those who have preached the gospel to you in the Holy Spirit sent from Heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.
1Pe 2:9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for possession, so that you might speak of the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
Indeed, God doesn't play favorites, as He loves me JUST AS MUCH as He loved King David and the Apostle Paul. However, all three of us have different "jobs", if you will, one a king, one an Apostle, and myself, a housewife. That's all I was suggesting with the Bride.
Even Christ, within the Apostles, had three "close" friends - James, John, & Peter. Were they any more loved than the others? No. But they had different ministries than the others. My point was that not all of our "jobs" shall be the same in Heaven, from the OT saints, to the Bride, to the Trib saints, to the Millennial saints.
Yes, we will all have access to the same amazing, awesome, wonderful God, and we shall all be loved according to His nature. That cannot be denied. However, I do think we'll still in some sense be the "Body of Christ", each having a job, different than our neighbor. We even know within the Bride Herself she'll have differing responsibilities according to the Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25:14-30, Luke 19:12-28).
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
uh huh ...accept that noone wants to be , as I pointed out above , in the not so close groups . Would you Bekka, Sis ?
As far as "different jobs" you want a less important job to do for God in Heaven ? ...makes you think , doesn't it ? Your stance only works if you are in THE group, THE job you want to be in , actually , otherwise it doesn't . I am against spiritual elitism in any shape or form sounds like a version of that to me .
When The Roll is called up yonder I'll be there!
When the Roll is called up yonder we will be there !.
Good enough for me .
~~~~~~and we must remember that even our crowns are cast back to His Feet ....we don't keep them in our mansions on a golden shelf where we can see them everyday ....
JESUS ...not the job we do , should be enough
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
The Church is the Bride of Christ. Not because we decided that, but because the Bible tells us that. And the Bible doesn't call anyone else the Bride of Christ.
So the Church has its special niche, and the Jews have a different special niche, and I'm sure the same is true of the Trib Saints and the Millennial Saints (it's just that we don't know the details). [And by the way, where do the pre-Abrahamic Covenant believers fit in? What about Jews who converted during the Church Age? What about Messianic Jews who don't consider themselves "Christians"? Can you belong to more than one group?]
As for jobs in Heaven: it's a looooong Eternity, and I'm sure we'll all have many different jobs, probably suited more to our personalities and capabilities than anything else. Unique jobs, overlapping jobs, whatever.
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
Perian, here is an article from the Berean Bible Society that uses Scripture to explain that Israel is the Lambs wife and the church is the body of Chrisy.
But it also seems that if God could take a rib from Adams side and make Adam a wife that He could do the same
for Yeshua, the second Adam and from His Body make
Him a bride." target="_blank">
But it also seems that if God could take a rib from Adams side and make Adam a wife that He could do the same
for Yeshua, the second Adam and from His Body make
Him a bride." target="_blank">
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
Just pointing out that the angels have different jobs. We know Michael and Gabriel are very special angels and I think, the highest of angels. I think there may be some type of tier, but who cares? As long as I am there, I will do whatever HE wants. I seriously do NOT think we will care.
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
This thing about spiritual elite-ism, I believe will not be part of our glorified state. It will be gone....Here, we get all caught up in the pecking order and it offends our sensitivities, making us feel inferior to those above us so to speak. But not so in heaven. We will all be unified in our love and devotion to our Saviour God, and that will be all that matters.
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
Scripture seems to support equal access with varying rewards.
I am sure we will all have different responsibilities. Some having a
more personal relationship than others? Not so sure on that.
Re: The wedding is just right before the second coming!
Beloved of Christ , The transformation at The Rapture (renewed body -mind-soul ) that we put on at the "change" , as we are swept away to Heaven : Paul speaks to this in the Book of Thessalonians .
It is the Entering into The Final Rest of Christ , a part of our Inheritance in Him .
That "state" you are in then and will stay in for all time , is so perfect a state that it cannot be improved on in any fashion or form , and it has NO earthly characteristics , or it is not heavenly .
~~~~when you think something Christ knows instantly , it will be that way for you ...when He thinks something , you will know instantly.
~~~~If we try to evaluate Heaven using earthly values , we will always "miss the mark ". Heaven is Spiritual Perfection , earth gone forever , it's systems with it , it's values with it , it's words of explanation with it .
bb, love in Him