Can Christians Be Spiritually Deceived, and How Can They Avoid it?
I ran across this article and thought it was very timely since we are living in the last days. I am reminded of the book of Jude, which I just read again a few nights ago and how we, the body of Christ, must always be on guard. It is not legnthy. God Bless.
Can Christians Be Spiritually Deceived, and How Can They Avoid it?
Re: Can Christians Be Spiritually Deceived, and How Can They Avoid it?
Great article, Shiloh. I am inclined with the answer, "Yes." For a few reasons.
First, if one isn't well-versed in the Word of God, they can be deceived into believing something it doesn't actually say, or deceived into believing a twisted verse in Scripture is truth. In other words, they're not Bereans, to search out the truth of the Scriptures for themselves.
Second, they believe extra-Biblical revelation above and beyond the Word of God itself. If a modern "prophet" gives a word, they believe it shall come to pass, whether or not it contradicts God's Word.
Third, they do not have a solid prayer life, and therefore don't know God from personal interaction with Him. The Holy Spirit reveals God's character, and it is through healthy prayer we know His voice and become discerning to deceiving spirits. Which leads me to my next point:
Fourth, they believe every supernatural event is of God. This is where Satan has a heyday. Our battle is not against flesh and blood. Satan is a very powerful supernatural being, who knows his Bible backwards and forwards, and who parades around as an angel of light. All too often Christians are deceived, believing that glitter and glory clouds are from God, when in reality, if you really know God and His Word, is that how He moves? Was there glitter and glory clouds in the first century? It's all a "show" meant to "deceive", to get the children of God away from faith and more into carnality and seeking signs.
All four of those reasons are BIG red flags for me that the children of God can be deceived. We need to KNOW God, KNOW His Word, KNOW His promises, and KNOW not everything supernatural comes from Him. We have an adversary, too, you know. That's why all the spirits need to be TESTED!
Re: Can Christians Be Spiritually Deceived, and How Can They Avoid it?
Standing O's to both Shiloh and Becka! Full armor of God every single day, Christians! Every. Single. Day.
Thank you for this topic, Shiloh! And Becka, as always your wisdom shines through. What a gift you have been given! Praise God! And I will just say, "Ditto!"
Re: Can Christians Be Spiritually Deceived, and How Can They Avoid it?
Excellent Article Shiloh, am in total agreement on this. Thank you for posting it is very timely.
Becka Becks, Well said, deception is invading our churches and like you said, we have to turn to scripture to see as the bereans did if these things are so. Being Anchored in the Word is our protection from deceit.
2 Timothy 4: 3-5
3. I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
Re: Can Christians Be Spiritually Deceived, and How Can They Avoid it?
I once heard an excellent observation years ago that both the liturgical type churches and the charismatic type churches had something in common, even though on the surface they seem quite different. What they share is that both tend to place their own experiences above the Word of God. Whether it is human traditions or personal emotions, those who drift from the faith start out by minimizing what is written in scripture and elevating their own interpretations of what is acceptable to God.
Re: Can Christians Be Spiritually Deceived, and How Can They Avoid it?
Excellent ! Yes indeed , they can be deceived . The old serpent is always on the move , always trying to lead people astray with exxtra-this or exxtra- that . When The Word warns in The Book of Revelation chapter 22 ...."do not add to or take from the words of this prophecy "......
we should be satisfied with what The Lord has revealed now , bb