Are you feeling any better today? RitaMay posted a scripture on her post about Iran that spoke to me. I immediately thought of you and how this scripture, at this time, was for you and me.
We are going to walk and not grow weary sis!
Hi Rieom,
Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness in reaching out to me today.
By the grace of God and the prayers of the dear Saints here on RITAN I am a little better than yesterday.
I know that you go through the same pain that I do because of our medical condition but only God can relieve this agony of pain we go through day in and day out. It was a very dark day for me yesterday physically and I am only 49 years young.
I cried out to the Lord to please give me the strength that I needed to continue serving Him and his will for me in my life. Thankfully, to the Lord and the fervent prayers I am better today, still weak but better than yesterday and I know that I will regain my strength even more as each day passes. I truly enjoy fellowshipping here with you and others and this gives me a purpose each and every day. My faith in the Lord and his mercies and love for me give me hope and the strength to face another day..
I know that I and several brothers and sisters of mine feel weak and weary as I have been and my prayers are with you Rieom for what you have to endure and the others in their fight to get to the finish line.
I did see the beautiful Scripture Bible Verses from my dear sister Rita May and they spoke to my spirit so loudly and gave me wisdom and strength. You were so right, these were perfect scriptures for us Rieom and God answered our prayers through Rita May with those comforting scriptures. Thank you my dear sister Rita May you are a blessing to us here at RITAN. Love you so much!
Rieom, somehow, I feel I have a deep connection with you because of what we both are going through physically and it is comforting to know that we are able to fellowship together here and raise each other up in prayer. I will continue to pray for you also that the Lord strengthen you and your burdens be light.
I send you a great big Hug your way my dear Rieom and thank you again for your caring and thoughtful heart to reach out to me today.
God bless you always,
Dear Rieom,
During my afternoon prayer time, the Lord led me to this special bible verse scripture that you and I can take comfort in during our physical trials that we are currently facing as well as my other dear brothers and sisters that are facing the same things.
Yesterday, in my distress I called out to God in the Highest and He answered me and opened my eyes today with this scripture and the others that were shared by my dear sister Rita May.
I am going to try to take my eyes off of my present condition and focus on God's glory and faithful promises.
Even though I am suffering greatly for God's will and plan for my life, I will trust in him with all my heart and remain in joy of that awaits us all in Heaven.
Rieom, I pray that this ministers and strengthen you today my dear friend in Christ.
God bless you,
Here is more encouraging promises of the Lord for us and our other brothers and sisters that are suffering.
God bless you,
Angel Wings and Rieom I'm so glad I decided to read this thread although not addressed to me. I had a devotional that I felt led to share with you. There is a scripture here that Angel wings has in her post I felt it was a confirmation so here is the devotional from Joseph Prince.
Romans 8:16
16The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, Everything produces after its kind. Dogs give birth to puppies, cats give birth to kittens and tigers give birth to tiger cubs. In the same manner, when you are born again, you are born of God. You are a child of the Most High God. He is your Father and He doesn’t see you in the flesh. He sees you in the Spirit. And His Spirit bears witness with your spirit that you are His child.
So when the devil comes to you and says, “Well, your father died of cancer, his father died of cancer and you are going to die of cancer too, just like your father,” just know in your heart that you are like your Father—your Father in heaven! Declare, “I am a child of the Most High God. He doesn’t have cancer, so neither do I!”
My friend, when you are born of God, you are born to win. Because your Daddy God is a winner, you are one too! When you wake up in the morning, say, “I am a winner because God is a winner!”
When you say that you cannot afford to buy something that you need, you have forgotten which family you now belong to. You have been born again into a very rich family—your Father owns every beast in the forest and the cattle on a thousand hills! (Psalm 50:10) You have a Daddy God in heaven who is well able to supply all your needs. (Philippians 4:19) Even if there are areas of lack in your life now, don’t worry. Just ask God for the supply because your heavenly Father loves you and wants to supply your needs.
When someone talks to you about a problem and asks, “What are we going to do about it?” you should say, “Don’t worry. Let’s talk to Daddy God about it. It is not a problem for Him, so it will not be a problem for us.”
Beloved, even when all around you is going under, your Daddy God is still the same heavenly Father who kept Noah’s world afloat, his loved ones safe and sound, and his possessions intact. Your world will never go under because you are God’s beloved child!
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And. Psalm 107: 19-21
Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble; He saved them out of their distresses. 20He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions. 21Let them give thanks to the LORD for His loving kindness, And for His wonders to the sons of men!…
Oh.. my dear sis Rita May,
I am so glad you read Rieom's post and that you were able to share with us this special word devotional from Joseph Prince. I loved it!! It was such a powerful and uplifting message for me and the scriptures were a blessing as well.
Psalm 107 touched my heart, as well and the picture of the puppy is so adorable.
Rita May, I cannot wait till Rieom gets to read your post!
Thank you so much sis for your caring heart of compassion for the hurting and weary in the body of Christ.
Many blessings your way,
You are Special!
AngelWings and Rita May: Both of your posts blew me away. I read them all, shut down the computer, went outside (in the dark) and had a mini-time with the Lord where I felt he said "this too shall pass".
Thank you both for your scriptures that are so comforting.
I have lived with this for 18 years now (I am 57) and find some days harder than others.
I plan on writing all of this scripture and the inspirational pictures and sayings to refer to when things are tough.
Somehow I was praying for you AngelWings and yet through Rita May's and your posting and encouragement, I have been blessed.
Thank you both....
Rieom and Angel Wings dear Sisters I can't wait to meet you in Glory. Till then
I am praying for you both.