Very blessed to have family in this site. I am so thankful for all of u.
Anyways, this evening, I decided to read His words while I was eating my supper alone while my kids and my husband eat and watch tv together.
Anyways, I read in psalm 71:20-21 you have allowed me to suffer much hardship, but you will restore me to life again and lift me up from the depths of the earth.
It makes me wondering is that rapture message? Because when I read that and I felt that God is trying to tell me that He is coming very soon and take us home very soon.
Oh Lord I am long for this moment. Come quickly Lord. Please show me this is confirmation.
I sometimes will feel like you do but in a weird way :) when I hear the song I'll stand by you I always think of the promise that god gave :) oh others I can think of too.