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'Iranian president: Holocaust is "condemnable"'

'Iranian president: Holocaust is "condemnable"'

"The taking of a human life is contemptible, it makes no difference whether that life is Jewish, Christian or Muslim. For us it is the same."

"Fair Use For Educational or Discussion Purposes"

Am I missing something here? Isn't this man a Muslim?
Or is this another one of those "you say it but you don't really mean it" type of news?

Re: 'Iranian president: Holocaust is "condemnable"'

I don't believe him for a minute. He wants to buy time to pursue their nuclear bombs.

Re: 'Iranian president: Holocaust is "condemnable"'

I agree with Prime Minister Netanyahu's summation of the Iranian leader.

He said something like; Ahmadinejad was a wolf in wolf's clothing but Rouhani is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Re: 'Iranian president: Holocaust is "condemnable"'

I thought something was off here. But he just got so serious while saying it that it almost seemed completely sincere.

Re: 'Iranian president: Holocaust is "condemnable"'

David Hocking (an outstanding prophesy teacher) of Calvary Church listened to this new Iranian prez in an interview on TV. . Hocking wasn't so sure he wasn't sincere, yet did caution, with these leaders it's hard to tell ~

Re: 'Iranian president: Holocaust is "condemnable"'

Indeed. This world is such a deceitful mess right now everywhere you look. I hope we're out of here soon.

Re: 'Iranian president: Holocaust is "condemnable"'

When the serpent tempted Eve in the Garden, his conversation wasn't brash or forceful either (it wasn't "Hey you rotten wench, eat that fruit). Nope, he had a nice, pleasant conversation with her...very subtle...to make her doubt. Eventually, she believed him rather than God (that's what he wanted all along).

It's how he worked then and it's now how he still works today.

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