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Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

You are going to love this amazing Noah Whale Whopper of a Jaw Dropper insight given to us right out of the book of Revelation!

We are definitely getting close to the times of these Revelation prophecies being fulfilled! It now is all a matter of determining the sequence of events with the information and times provided us in the pages itself!!

What if I were to tell you that we can determine quite easily when the two witnesses in Jerusalem of Revelation 11 will end and start their ministry!!

The scrpiptures give us very obvious clues!!

Lets cut to the chase---when does their ministry end-and when we determine this we will just do some easy backwards tracking!

According to the famous 188th earthquake cycle verse in Revelation 11:13 we see that the two witnesses end their ministry after being killed by the anti-christ or beast on the 1,260th day of their ministry-then they are raised from the dead on a possible first fruits feast three days later!!

We have already determined a prophetic anchor date for the sign in Revelation 12:1-3 as that of a feast of trumpets sign in the heavens taking place in the jubilee year of Jerusalem's history on September 21, 2017!!!

The sixth trumpet judgment ends when the two witnesses are killed!! Then the last seventh trumpet begins soon afterwards!

The most likely end of the 1,260 day ministry of the two witnesses is on April 11, 2017 on the feast of Passover that year!! Then if these trumpet judgments last 5 months apart--we go ahead 5 months and we arrive at September 21, 2017 or thereabouts!!

According to the information given to us in Revelation 11:13 and onward this seventh trumpet judgment has much to do with a Jubilee proclamation from God in the heavens declaring that the land of earth is now His kingdom and that from then until the end of the tribulation it will be executed!!

First comes spiritual proclaimation then 3 and one half years later comes execution!!

During 2017 of Jerusalem's jubilee the rewards to the saints will be given to the believers in heaven at that time--actually the temple is open in this seven trumpet judgment and it always takes place on a feast of atonement!

While this is going on in heaven the feast of trumpet sign on September 21, 2017 will be taking place above earth with the woman clothed with the Sun and the New Moon under her feet!!!

The fact is we see the two witnesses killed on April 11, 2017 and five months later we see the sign in the heavens on September 21, 2017; and up in the temple of heaven on atonement we hear the Jubilee year proclaimed!!!

Now lets do some simple back tracking to find out when the two witnesses begin their ministry from the last day of their ending testimony---on April 11, 2017!!!

Going back 1,260 days from April 11, 2017 we come to----let me hear the drum roll----da-da-da-da!! Here it is----> October 22, 2013!!!

Guess what this date has to do with Noah and the Lord's cryptic words about His coming being like the days of Noah---well on that day we have the old jewish calendar date for Noah's flood on the 17 day of the second month!!

Many of us are wondering if maybe this year of 2013---the feast of trumpets and the other two fall jewish feasts is being delayed by one month and could the real feast of trumpets and the others start on October 5,6, 2013?

Well, to my surprise we have a missing month that is added to the jewish calendar on different calendar years-- and it so happens that a 13th month is added to this jewish year!!

That means there is an extra 30 days added to this jewish year to make up for the difference--not to say that this means the real date of the feast of trumpets is being delayed by one whole month but it seems to be a time element that needs to be inserted before the end of their secular calendar year by next spring Nisan month!!

Now if the true feast of trumpets date is on October 5,6, 2013 then a week or two later is the feast of tabernacles and this would have to be the date on which the two witnesses begin preparing for their 1,260 day ministry!!

In fact, if October 22, 2013 is the feast of tabernacles and if the two withnesses appear and give their first judgment call of the tribulation period---then guess when the first trumpet judgment falls? On January 14, 2014!!

There is a three month gap in the first judgment pronounced by the two witnesses--I had my research papers on the reason for this three month time period--but once January 14, 2014 arrives it will start the first trumpet judgment from Comet Ison's debris tail interacting with earth and possibly causing meteor formed iceballs raining on the earth from the upper Lunticular clouds that are expected to form from the dust particles in Comet Ison's tail!!

This is the only likely explaination for the description in the first trumpet judgment in Revelation 8--the Angel on this atonement day of October 12, 2013 will cast out its altar of Cometary debris towards earth and as Comet Ison swings around towards Scorpio constellation in November 2013- the ARA (Altar constellation) will signify the location of this poured out comet judgment;
Then on November 28, 2013 the Sun will repel the Comet Ison and it will turn away and head out of the solar system-but from space it will look as if the Altar of ARA has drumped its ash and debris of the comet towards the earth-even the Centaur constellation nearby looks like a stick character throwing this altar upside down!!

The two witnesses have to show up soon or their trumpet judgments will be fulfilled without their proclamations leading the charge--its like the Beatles appearing on stage but without Ed Sullivan making the historical announcement to all the TV viewers---tell me the truth-that was a good comparison--right? I thought soo!!

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

Scott... wow.. you just blew my mind with this post O.O... God has certainly given you wisdom!

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

Amazing Scott - I shuuure do hope you're right!

I have a question. Is this fact (the quote below)?

Well, to my surprise we have a missing month that is added to the jewish calendar on different calendar years-- and it so happens that a 13th month is added to this jewish year!!

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

Awesome Scott

I hope you forgive me for being childish.

Here is your drum roll.


Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

Thanks Jacob---I did the whole thing from scratch--I mean I was here at the Library and composed it all from just a few notes that I had written down on scrap paper!!

NoFearButFaith---Year this extra 30 days is fact!! Watch Scottie's latest video on Rita and he explains this added 13th month every two years or so!!
So before the Nisan month in April 2014 there will have been a whole extra month added to the jewish calendar--that is why we have 30 days extra to add to this jewish year!!

Annelis-I sure did enjoy that Buddy Rich and Muppet Animal Drum Battle--I did not know that a muppet could play the drums that well-it was killer!!
My favorite drummer could might well be Ginger Baker of the rock group -Cream!!

But also Ringo Starr of the Beatles-you can't beat his personal style and rythme!!

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!


This study goes right along with Scottie's (EternalRhythmFlow) video and Pastor's Begley video today in which he mentioned October 6th is the 188th day, 8th cycle, for earthquakes. Also, it goes along with Rosh Hashanna being in October (which is a FALL feast), and also with this being the New Year and the fall feasts being fulfilled when Jesus returns. THIS ALL FITS!!!!

No wonder no one knows the day nor the hour: The Jews celebrated RH in September already. They already think this holiday has come and gone. But God is choosing to reveal to His saints that we have not missed the date; it was just delayed. We still won't know the day nor the hour; the new moon has to be confirmed by two witnesses. Wouldn't it be cool if the two witnesses are THE witnesses from Revelation (someone other than me already came up with this speculation...I take no credit; I'm just quoting, but I can't remember who said it).


Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

rbmom, when I read your post it reminded me of Matthew 25, verse 5 in particular

Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But "while the bridegroom was delayed" , they all slumbered and slept.

“And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.

“Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’

“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.

Matthew 25:1-13

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

Looks good! I was actually reading and studying the story of Noah last night and seeing which month the flood began and sure enough it is in October. The funny thing is it started raining where I live just as I was reading about this.

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

Great research Scott. I, too, hope you are right. It sounds right to me. God does seem to be showing you prophetic things.

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In the Air Now

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!


I don't have the technical knowledge, but how difficult would it be to get someone who has to put your video(s) on to a DVD? Someone told me years ago that YouTube videos cannot be 'downloaded,' so are your videos available somewhere else?



Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

TerribleSwiftSword--I am sorry but I am not the Scottie who has the videos!! Some get us confused!! I am Scott and the video master is Scottie!! I sure wish that I could have him do my visuals or my sketches of my own research--but I guess I will have to be very descriptive in my language!!

I did post a hand drawn visual back in March 2013 of the sign of the Son of Man in the Aries constellation--that was a humdinger!!

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

Amazing! I love your research, and your enthusiasm is contagious !! You, brother are putting the spark back in me that was beginning to fizzle again when we missed this RH 2013 date... I also love that your research matches up to Scottie's research because I trust both of you are on to something so big that only watchers will be able to see ahead of time..

I do have a question that I hope you or any other watchers can help me with:

I've been watching Pastor Mark Biltz videos on the signs in the heavens correlating with the Jewish feast days, and in them he states that the appointments that God makes with the Jews are dress rehearsals for the real thing and that God is very precise; so If the Jews showed up for this Rosh Hashanah in September, but RH really isn't until this first week of October, then God's appointment was missed again by the Jews? Pastor Biltz believes that we will be raptured on a Rosh Hashanah, so It's a question in my mind.. I'm hoping that this RH date in October is for Christians due to the rapture, and God will meet the Jews on one of their other appointments.. What do you guys think?

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

Scotty = Genius at work.

It makes a lot of sense.

Anyways with everything lining up down here on planet earth, its only logical that things are lining up up in the heavens.

1. Witness one...things taking place down here on earth, lining up for the final wars, AC rising, collapse of everything, etc.

2 Witness two..things lining up in the heavenly time piece, comets, planet lineups, moon positions and stars.

As per the law...by the mouth of two witnesses shall a thing be established, testified to in the court of law.

Been wondering too if indeed the date for the Fall holy days was off by a month because of needing to add the extra month this year, but oops it got forgot. Would like to hear more elaboration on how you came up with this year as having the extra month, even the cariate corner and ultra orthodox types missed that one. Was it the way the stars are aligned this year, or because of comet ISON? That would be so awesome if indeed its true (hoping it is)..that means that once again man misses the mark, But God is Always on time, his time not ours.

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!


The God didn't "miss" his appointment with the Jews, they missed their appointment with Him, and they won't know that until they connect the dots after we're gone.

It's perfect.

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

Leroy-- More like GENE-less!! Hee! Hee! I am no Genius-in fact these messages hit me like a bolt out of the blue--I tell the Lord that my slate board is blank and as I go on about my business then things and ideas start stirring up inside my spirit and then --presto--here comes a jawdropper-I pretty much have nothing to do with it!! But as to this extra 30 days---it is a natural fact that every two years or more the jews add an extra month to their jewish calendar-they have been doing this for ages!!
It just so happens this year needs a 13th month added to their yearly calendar to mesh with the solar calendar!!!

There is plenty of websites to go to for this added 13th month to the jewish calendar--they call it Adar II !! The fact being that before the next jewish first month of Nisan--there will be an extra 30 days added to their calendar!!

Francine I think you answered your own question--down the line or at the end of the tribulation period--the jewish nation will fulfill the rest of these unfulfilled fall jewish feasts with the Messiah completing them at the final conclusion of this period of gentile history and Daniel's 70th week!!

The church is most likely going to fulfill the spiritual aspect of these three fall feasts during this present year or the next!!
I do believe that the Feast of Tabernacles is the final harvest of the church age! We may have to see it finished first and then maybe the last trumpet will sound!!

Now if the fall spiritual feasts are actually in October of this year of 2013 then it only applies to the Church and whether or not it is this set of final feasts which close out the Church age or not-that will depend on God's appointment time!!! But it can't be much longer because everything is coming down to the final wire!!!

The jews and arabs have only a few months to close a peace and security deal--along with all the other several hundred almost completely fulfilled prophecies which are on the edge of being fulfilled right now!!

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

Here is my understanding about the 13th month, Adar 2: my understanding is that since the Jews went into the diaspora about 70AD and could no longer observe the barley in the land of Israel as the Bible requires - the rabbi Hillel computed a calendar to compensate for this.

Let me digress for a moment- while the equinoxes allow us confirmation that the biblical calendar is on track the method the bible discusses is the observation of the ripe barley as the "reset switch" to some effect to see if we have made it to spring or if we need to add another month to make it to the spring feasts. Abib means "ripe" so if the barley wasn't ripe spring had not yet fully arrived and the month could not be declared "Abib" instead the leap month of the Adar beit (Adar 2) was declared.

Having said that - the barley was declared Abib this year even by the observant Kararite Jews. I speculated earlier this year maybe they were overly ambitious to see ripe barley and maybe jumped the gun. Grumpy Old Christian did an interesting post regarding this that the barley that was observed was grow in a warmer climate of Israel that would be too far to offer as an offering in Jerusalem without modern transportation - so did it count? Or were all the holy days off by a month this year? That certainly adds a new twist to it doesn't it?

So back to old Hillel- while his calculations are brilliant they are based upon the average - my understanding (correct me if the number of years is off someone) is that Hillel's calendar averaged it out to a leap month (Adar 2) being required every 19 years.

Bases upon this there was no leap month required this year (hence the early feasts) but a leap month will be required next year to provide the reset to the calendar - however folks remember this calculation is based upon the AVERAGE it's like trying to calculate out pi to the EXACT decimal- we are all aware of the mathematical formula for pi that we use 3.14- but you can just keep calculating and still keep adding decimal places.

I think it's possible Hillel's calendar is like that, it has worked great for the past 1,943 years but this might just be the year that the glitch has to work itself out - hey no man knows the day or hour, God saved that curve ball for Himself, and this just might be it.

Much evidence is mounting to this effect but having said that, why am I not more pumped up and excited like I usually am when a high watch day comes about? I guess I am just spiritually exhausted - you win God I will stop shaking the box and try to guess what present is in it- I will just wait, but I am getting tired and ready to take a nap until You say it's time.

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

Remnant Navi
..... I guess I am just spiritually exhausted - you win God I will stop shaking the box and try to guess what present is in it- I will just wait, but I am getting tired and ready to take a nap until You say it's time.

Remnant Navi, you made some very good points...but none of which i could comprehend better than the quote above! For months, i too have felt the very same way...but something deep inside me keeps me going as far as following the signs etc....maybe it's just insanity on my part, at this point! lol

Either way, that nap sounds like a really good idea!

Blessings to you! :)

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

Remnant- I guess I have to say along with you and the others--my hands are tied--God I'm soo tired of trying to guess or estimate when you might be coming back-all we can do is assemble the puzzle pieces and get them to fit as best we can and let the Lord put the remaining hidden pieces in their final resting spots!!

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

WOW !!! blessings !!!!

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

This was a great thread to read..... I hope somebody moves it over to the new site. Thanks Scott for all your hard work.... I agree with you all... I'm just too exhausted to get too worked up...but I'm still very hopeful it's this October. I will kinda miss this site, found it when I was a baby born again Christian. Love to you all. Shirley

Re: Want To Know When 2W's Arrive--On Noah Date/ FOT Feast-Watch Backtracking Prophecy!

Shirley I am soo glad and thankful that you found this oasis in the wilderness as a thirsty young sibling in the Lord-we all are thirsting after righteousness and His appearing!!!

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