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Can't use the new site on my iPad

I do the majority of my "surfing" in Safari on my iPad. I was wondering if anybody else was having issues with the new site in Safari. Everytime I attempt to read a post it locks up and causes a Safari to crash..
I know the new site is still under construction and am hoping this gets corrected.


Re: Can't use the new site on my iPad

Hi Dave - I also use safari on my iPhone and the new site has caused my browser to "lock up" a couple of times.

Re: Can't use the new site on my iPad

If Safari is locking up (and internet explorer does the same in my windows xp installations) try Chrome. It works very well.


Email: TxThom@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: Can't use the new site on my iPad

See my new topic "RITA Now has gone mobile"

Email: jonathan@raptureintheairnow.com

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